8 Year-Old Girl Doing Bonzo’s Part of Good Times Bad Times – IOTW Report

8 Year-Old Girl Doing Bonzo’s Part of Good Times Bad Times

Impressive. When I was eight I was mastering the use of Silly Putty.

15 Comments on 8 Year-Old Girl Doing Bonzo’s Part of Good Times Bad Times

  1. That was amazing. Makes me want to listen to some Led Zeppelin.

    Speaking of John Bonham, listen to ā€œSince Iā€™ve Been Loving Youā€ under the headphones. Bonzo didnā€™t lube the pedal on the bass drum so it squeak squeak squeaks all the way through. Iā€™m surprised the audio engineer didnā€™t pick up on it.

  2. What a kick-ass girl, I love it. And it’s fun to see an Asian kid rock out on drums for a change rather than play violin or piano. Her coordination is amazing and it’s great to see her having so much fun.

    When Plant’s voice fades at the end, it sounds for a moment like she’s going into Moby Dick before she veers back. Hope to see more of her, something tells me we will.

  3. Regarding Bonzo’s squeaking pedal… it has been erased on some of the re-masters. But why? It’s part of his… and Zeppelin’s… overall non-bullshit approach to their earlier music. If the cracks, pops, and squeaks were edited out of Page’s guitar… there wouldn’t have been a Led Zeppelin.

    And… I’ve never see “Good Times Bad Times” played correctly start to finish before by anyone. The young lady nailed it!!! Kudos!!!


  4. One of benefits of having a Tiger mom. She instills the kind of discipline you need to become the world’s best female 8-year old impersonator of John Bonham

    You just know there were thousands of times when the little girl want to stop rehearsing and go play with her friends outside, and her mother would say, “No! You practice Led Zepellin full hour, or no supper.”


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  1. Robert Plants Reacts To 8 Year-Old Drummer – IOTW Report

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