8,000+ Nursing Home Residents and 49 Criminals Died in PA. Guess Which Group Democrats Care About – IOTW Report

8,000+ Nursing Home Residents and 49 Criminals Died in PA. Guess Which Group Democrats Care About

FrontPageMag: One of the most important and least discussed coronavirus subjects in this election was the decision by Democrat governors to infect huge numbers of nursing home residents by forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients.

Governor Wolf in Pennsylvania and his health expert, Richard ‘Rachel’ Levine, were one of the worst offenders.

But before New York and New Jersey had even made their move, Governor Tom Wolf’s grandma-killing administration had ordered Pennsylvania nursing homes to accept “readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital” in order to “alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care settings” including “patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.”

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40 Comments on 8,000+ Nursing Home Residents and 49 Criminals Died in PA. Guess Which Group Democrats Care About

  1. An idiot governor and a mentally ill “health expert” did the people of Pennsylvania wrong in so many ways and in so many areas. Hopefully the people of their state will rise up and throw off their shackles. Along with the rest of us.

  2. TommyBoy in IN
    DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 3:15 AM
    “Hopefully the people of their state will rise up and throw off their shackles. Along with the rest of us.”

    …see, this us what you call “Culture Lag”.

    This presupposes that “people” actually “vote” for government.

    I believe we have ample proof this is no longer the case.

    If it EVER was.

  3. And since I heard an outdoor show on the radio this morning that sounded resigned to “The incoming Biden administration” forcing NFA tax stamp registration on A R owners, I don’t see us z hoo ting out way out any time soon.

    Or ever.

    You can’t “win” an election.

    Because you were never really even playing…

  4. ….side note, sure am loving this new filter we don’t know the rules for that just throws your comment out if it doesn’t like it with no explanation, forcing misspellings of even famous statements to try to get SOME idea through. Kinda looks like the censorship battle has been lost even here, even now, without even a pretend Biden administration in place…

  5. In my territory there is a hospital with a godawful reputation. They sent a (real, not false positive) COVID+ patient to the nursing home that I have 10 patients at.

    Now half the patients there have it. The administrator and staff fought like hell for almost 9 months to keep it at bay. I’m about to lose half my patients. I’m heading out to see them in a bit here as hospice protocol is for the nurse to see them every day as they are actively dying. Then there’s the patients that die not on service because the families are in denial…

    And a third of the staff are testing positive. Some are asymptomatic, some are symptomatic. Those that are symptomatic, if they so choose, can continue to work in the red zone isolation wings.

    They do. They are. They will not NOT continue to fight like hell.

    You cannot walk through this facility without weeping.

  6. @SNS – “….side note, sure am loving this new filter we don’t know the rules for that just throws your comment out if it doesn’t like it with no explanation…”

    I had a similar experience last week, but just chalked up to a computer glitch. It was a thread about the bizarre “nativity scene” at the Vatican. I was trying to quote and then paste the link to a CurchMilitant article about it.

    Nothing appeared when I clicked the “Post Comment” button. I tried the exact same quotes and link a second time, and again, NOTHING.

    I only get on the site seriously over the weekends anymore, so your comment this morning is the first that I have heard of as there being a censorship issue. Have others experienced this too?

  7. The Commie Democrat Party is the party of death whether you are elderly or in
    or outside of the womb. These demonrats are mentally frickin’ ill and deranged. 🤬

    Christmas time is supposed to be about Jesus, family and friends but they try to ruin it with death, taxes, lockdowns and interference in our lives. 😢

    Continue to pray for our country and that President Trump remains our President, because our wonderful nation has seen enough turmoil and sadness, hoping that 2021 will be better. 🕊️❤️🙏

  8. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 6:03 AM
    “In my territory there is a hospital with a godawful reputation.”

    …only ONE?

    One of the BIGGEST disillusionments in my life is what happened to “health care” in just the few short years since “Obama” was allowed to remake it in his image. I don’t know how much is government control, how much is a new generation traned in very liberal ways at very liberal schools to accept very liberal things (cutting off children’s penises is a pretty good example, this would have been UNIMAGINABLE in my day), how much is insurance companies being the parsinimous bastards that they are, how much is hospital profiteering (COVID pays hansomely, I understand), how much is COVID knee jerk, and how much is just plain human entropy, but from my view as someone who’s had CLOSE contact with hospitals his entire adult life, they have very much degeneratred from the houses of hope and healing that I remember in my youth to bastions of fear and mistrust where the “healing” is sometimes Orwellian with the “doctors” recommending infanticide, child mutilation, and just letting the old die whether they want want to or not.

    I also have had a close association with elderly care, starting all the way back in my 13th year when my grandmother was brought from a different state by my father to live where we could see her, be with her, and monitor the 24 hour care she needed at that point, which my working parents could not provide and my siblings and I were too young and irresponsible to help out with.

    Even then, though I won’t say some didn’t try, nursing homes were pretty uncaring places. We cycled through three of them to find one that wouldn’t leave her to marinate in her own urine, refuse to change her sheets for long stretches, or leave her to get bedsores becauase walking her was just too much work. YOu had to watch them like HAWKS or they’d get pretty neglegent.

    This only seemed to increase when I got older, and started responding as a medic to nursing facilities and assisted living centers.

    I’m not sure what criteria they used to decide who could be a resident in an assisted living facility or a manager at an assisted living facility, but mostly we had issues with those because people were trying to manage things in their lives like cooking that they were past their “sell by” date to manage, so we had LOTS of stove fires, chest pains FROM fear of stove fires, tons of midnight runs for chest pains and SOB, and always with a very frightened keeper who would do little more than point us at the apartment in question and run away. If this person had ANY medical training, I never saw any sign of it. Medication lists (VERY long with the elderly) were lost, doctor names were mixed, special needs were not related, often they didn’t know if the person was a diabetic or not. True, it was a little before computerized record keeping was that common, but it was pretty ordinary to keep these things on a clipboard attached to a patient’s bed, and for some reason they seemed to have problems doing even that.

    Nursing homes always had some earnest types who did their best for patients, but these tended to be overshadowed by clock watchers who were only there because they couldn’t keep up in a hospital or never got accepted by a hospital in the first place, doctors who would spend maybe 5 minutes a week with his patients and be not great at answering a 2 AM phone call, leaving the nursing staff paralyzed in an emergency, and just plain human burnout. I can’t fault people in THIS situation, honestly. MOST nursing hope patients are pretty witless and feeble to begin with, most will die pretty soon, and it’s REALLY, REALLY hard to go to work every day and have your heart ripped out because you cared too much and loved people too much to see them die in front of you and, in some cases, there’s nothing you can do, and in other cases, you are STOPPED from doing what you can do by doctors, insurance, families, what have you. It’s a VERY bad place to be a caring human and you’ll probably kill yourself if you form attachments to your rapidly declining patients, so some of them get hardened and fried just for THAT, as I’m sure you know.

    Then later, closer to now, I’ve watched many relatives decline in die in current facilities and the patterns I saw with my grandmother repeated. I saw this also when I went with my church to give nursing home services (back when that was legal), and you always lost more of the nursing home faithful on every trip just to attrition, but the ones who were there would stay through EvERY service offered in the rec room, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, whatever, and would to the extent their infirmities allowed, raise their hands in praise in every one.

    But even then it was noticable that, if someone had an issue, you had to go GET staff. They may not have had enough, who knows, but the groups were not watched for the most part, and issues were very, very common.

    But now, come forward to the Land of The Fake Flu Fear.

    Democrats have decided to kill the elderly in the most cruel way possible; by cutting them off from friends, from family, by denying them loving human contact in the end of their run, and by inficting them with people they KNOW are ill in the apparent hope that it will hasten their demise, which will happen alone, unloved, unmonitored, without even family to ensure their meds are being taken care of or their sheets are being changed or their freaking catheder collection bag is being emptied.

    They have made it impossible to do what my father did, what I did, what NEEDS to be done, with family looking to ensure their own are properly cared for.

    They WANT them to die.

    Do you know, for all my contact with the medical profession in my squad days, I never encountered a “Hospice Care” situation. Never got a DNR laid on me, although they WERE just getting to be a “Thing” then and we WERE trained for them. Never had someone reject transport to the hospital on the grounds that “they were going to die anyway”.

    And a lot of them WERE “going to die anyway”.

    But they WANTED to fight for life, and were ALLOWED to.

    Because of the shaky legal status of the DNR at the time, the fact that they could look like ANYTHING at the time, that there was ususally no way to verify a doctor’s signature at dickety2 in the morning, and because it was entirely possible that it was being presented by someone who WaNTED them dead, we were ALSO trained to err on the side of life, if there was ANY doubt, and assume that the person wanted to live.

    “Wrongful Life” lawsuits weren’t really a “Thing” then, either.

    Now, you go to a doctors office (where everyone’s dressed like they’re preparing for a moon mission), and you see through your glasses fogged from masked exhalations posters extolling the virtues of hospice care, how you should have an “end of life” discussion with your doctor REAL soon, how it would really just be nice if you’d get the hell off the planet, thank you very much. They stop just short of offering you hemlock. Hospices are on every corner, DNRs are suggested at every hospital admission, and you actually see ADVERTISEMENTS for hospice care.

    This is just sick.

    Not that hospices aren’t necessary and don’t have their place. There ARE people who, clear eyed, elect to NOT have heroic measures taken on their behalf. I’ve been to some of THOSE too, as family, and it’s not happy for ANYONE, but the hospice folks CAN make the experience nicer.


    Other times, they can make it REAL ugly.

    I was at one where it was wife’s family that I didn’t really know that well, and they were basically starving the woman to death, and actually had the nerve to start bringing up that it was a 24 hour room and she wasn’t dying quickly enough. They pestered and heckled and I don’t know WHAT the hell they expected us to do, maybe strangle the lady with our own hands, until her son got yelly on them (he wasn’t super stable, but it was kind of justified in THIS case), so they put him out.

    So he couldn’t even get to watch his own mother die.

    Because she wasn’t dying quickly enough.

    And that’s just where we are in this brave new world of 2020.

    They want you to die, because you’re inconvenient if you’re old.

    And they are starting to do things to make sure you DO.

    And nothing is being done to STOP them.

    There’s a song with the line “Heaven isn’t too far away”.

    …in TODAY’S world, I would say it’s more like HEMLOCK isn’t too far away.

    …and a Harris administration will probably make THAT manditory, too…

  9. stirrin the pot DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 6:47 AM
    “What’s going on here? How do I have 18 TU’s at 5:45 AM (CST), with no comments about my comment, and no one else has hardly any?”

    Dominion Thumbs Up Systems.

  10. stirrin the pot DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 6:29 AM
    “@SNS – “….side note, sure am loving this new filter we don’t know the rules for that just throws your comment out if it doesn’t like it with no explanation…”

    I had a similar experience last week, but just chalked up to a computer glitch. It was a thread about the bizarre “nativity scene” at the Vatican. I was trying to quote and then paste the link to a CurchMilitant article about it.”

    …it doesn’t seem to like certain words, but it also doesn’t like certain links, but will accept others. I had links to the same article from two different places before and it wouldn’t allow one, but would allow the other. I imagine it’s something of an anti-spam effort (which IS a problem), but also there is DEFINTIELY word censorship as if you look at what words I had to misspell above, you will see what it just wouldn’t accept. I’m guessing its an anti-violence thing, not sure because there’s been nothing about the rulez.

    When you see me break a post like that, its because I’m trying to learn the rulez.

    This has been a good place for a long time, but when it doesn’t even seem to like G o d B l e s s, it kind of makes me wonder what direction we’re heading here…

  11. Supernightshade
    DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 7:25 AM
    …no need, STIRRIN, I conceded to get that sweet Chinese yuan and maybe a nice Fanging in the deal…;)

    …see, even THAT is switching votes, guess the Chinese don’t like you, STP…

  12. Ahhhh sooo SNS, you couldn’t see my tongue firmly planted in cheek as I typed that “threat”.

    What was supposed to be snap, kraken, POP, turned out to be snap, kraken, FIZZLE.

    Besides, I see that you actually conceded, so no kraken necessary.

  13. jerry manderin you would not believe the number of pa residents, who don’t know or believe that that is a dude in a dress. how you can look at that freakshow and not shake your head, i don’t know. i don’t know what wolf was thinking when he installed this obviously sick bastard in that position.

  14. …seriously though, another screwed up thing about the nursing homes is that the STATE can load them with COVID cases KNOWINGLY and NOT TELL YOU, but you are denied visits with your loved one because you MIGHT be a carrier, and don’t even THINK of taking them home for Christmas…

    …I know a guy who’s father needs 24 hour care. The old gentleman is so far gone he gets bladder infections if no one tells him he’s supposed to pee. He CAN, he just FORGETS. He’s got a myriad of heath issues and cognitive issues, my friend works, is divorced, and his kids and siblings live in other states, so he did what he had to do. He says he gets phone calls with his father and monthly SUPERVISED no-contact visits, but that’s IT.

    He also thought about bringing him home for the holidays, since its probably his last Christmas, he could have family around then to share the load, and the nursing home said SURE he could take him out, but they’d NEVER take him BACK.

    Covid risk, you see.

    …so the elderly have, in effect, NO rights other than to be warehoused in a State licensed and controlled facility until the Govenment sends infected people to live with them on a whim to hasten their demise, and their family is no longer even able to monitor their condition, the facility, or even hug them before they die.

    Thats the biggest sin of ALL.

    The last time I saw my father alive he was hale and upright, waving to me from the door of the house he raised me in. I was busy with my new wife then and headed to the car, and forgot to hug my parents like I usually do. Time’s awaisting, though, so gotta go, I’ll hug them next time, and off they went.

    The next time I saw my father was in a morgue.

    Heart attack. Killed every adult male on my side of the family. It happens.

    But it shows how precious life is, how we NEED to not miss that hug TODAY, because NO ONE is promised TOMORROW.

    This is DOUBLY so with the elderly and infirm.

    There’s an old Japanese saying that applies here.

    “Be good to your parents.

    While you can”.

    …now, because of Democrat politicians, they want to push us apart, dehumanize and discount the elderly, prevent us from even sharing the simplest expression of love because Science! says they may live a tiny bit longer WITHOUT anything that MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING, while they bring in infections to finish them off through the BACK door, so we can’t even SEE them doing it.

    Democrats are doing this to kill off the population, young and old, that THEY deem worthless.

    And they use a seasonal flu to do it.

    Weep for the elderly, if you will. Weep for those who kill themselves caring FOR them, and ABOUT them.

    …but at some point, we’re going to have to dry our tears, take up the rod, and DO something about it.

    And if we DON’T, it will be US next…

    …they kill “defective” children.

    …they kill “defective” seniors.

    …just a matter of time before they start killing for “defective political beliefs, too…

  15. Do Not Forget:

    1) When the elderly in these homes die it frees up beds for the next cohort so politically it looks like the waiting lists are shorter.
    In 4 years they will claim that they reduced wait times.

    2) When the elderly Die, their assets get hit with estate taxes, property and wealth transfer taxes, etc.

    3) Real live felons roaming the streets keep people scared and in front of their TV’s searching for a government solution.

    The British Tax the Elderly at 50% upon death Before inheritance to direct relatives.

  16. Nursing homes – Concent ration camps.
    I believe most nursing homes now require residents to sign over all there possessions to stay there. House, car, accounts, to make sure the bill is paid. So what if you die a little early, you don’t get a refund.
    Also, seniors haven’t been indoctrinated in the ways of social ism. So they need to go, before they can corrupt the younger generation.
    So anybody that spent their whole life saving for retirement, that money is sucked up by the nursing home.
    The average cost for a nursing home now is around $6500 a month if you have money. If not, it is your Social Security less $50 per month.

  17. Have been very suspicious that COVID was being used to kill off older people who would not want the drastic changes of liberals and the great reset. Removes a lot of resistance quickly.

  18. “WE HAVE NO VOTE.”
    Sure you do – same vote the founding fathers had.
    Like Franklin said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
    What are you willing to sacrifice to keep it?
    Nice home, cushy job, freedom?
    If these fuckers get their way, all that will be gone.
    It won’t just be pantifa at your door.
    When it comes to put up or shut up, what are YOU, yourself, going to do?
    I’m sure President Trump sees an unsure future for himself & his family just because he chose to fight back-how can we do any less than follow that example?
    Are you prepared for what is coming?

  19. @stirrin – My comments here don’t post when I refer to bags of d**ks and d**kless men and c**t bulldog le**ian wh**es and in general what the left would call homophobic even though I’m not afraid of homos. Usually when the post is particularly profane.

  20. Iron Man
    DECEMBER 19, 2020 AT 10:00 AM

    …all good points, but every form of communication is monitored, every conversation recorded, and FBI agent sent to any hint of patriotism. We can’t just run out into the streets crying havoc, because if we rise one by one, we’ll be cut down one by one, and the police have already chosen sides and its not ours. We need a sparticus but any such would not be able to communicate, but if the pot doesn’t boil over all at once, you’ll never even HEAR about The Great Patriots Uprising on the Democrat media…

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