81 Million Votes, My A** – IOTW Report

81 Million Votes, My A**


Republican firebrand Kari Lake has released a protest song titled “81 Million Votes, My A**,” which promotes the discredited conspiracy theory that Joe Biden didn’t really win the 2020 presidential election.

The Spotify song credits list the Truth Bombers as performers and Jeffrey Steele as one of the writers. Steele previously wrote hits for country music stars Rascal Flatts and Tim McGraw. Forbes reported some of those involved were also on the team behind “Justice for All,” an anthem performed by inmates imprisoned over their role in the January 6, 2021 storming of Congress. While Lake doesn’t perform directly in the latest song, clips of one of her speeches are interspaced throughout the song, which she promoted via her official Twitter account. More


6 Comments on 81 Million Votes, My A**

  1. The Architect @TheMarcitect

    All of this manufactured drama is leading to one inevitable conclusion.
    They will burn it all down
    before we ever have the chance to bring them to justice.
    Prepare accordingly.

  2. They need just one more (s)election to finish it all….The new Tranny-in-chief will get at least 85-90 million votes and the new theme will be “Changing America’s Orientation to Global Thinking.”

  3. “…discredited conspiracy theory that Joe Biden didn’t really win the 2020 presidential election.”

    Maybe if we ever had a fair hearing in an impartial court of law…

    Maybe if the news media actually did their..


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