84 Year-old Dies In Unprovoked Attack, Minding Own Business While White – IOTW Report

84 Year-old Dies In Unprovoked Attack, Minding Own Business While White


An 84-year old man is dead after a horrific daytime attack in San Francisco’s Anza Vista neighborhood. ABC7 News obtained video of the incident that may be disturbing to some viewers.

San Francisco police say their suspect Antoine Watson, 19, attacked the senior along Anza Vista and Fortuna Avenues Thursday morning. It’s not clear Watson’s motivation.

Officers discovered an 84-year-old man lying on the sidewalk, rendered aid and summoned medics to transport the victim to a hospital for life-threatening injuries.

The victim was taken to the hospital for life-threatening injuries and passed away Saturday.


“It’s not clear his motivation.”

It’s not?

It’s Biden country.

ht/ bubba

37 Comments on 84 Year-old Dies In Unprovoked Attack, Minding Own Business While White

  1. There are sites on the web that report on nothing but shit like this. I have noticed that the name Antoine, or any number of various spellings, is the most common name among offenders. (might be a couple more commonalities besides the name)

  2. “HORRIFYING: 84-year old man was assaulted”

    Letting them out of jail to prey on people is not justice. What’s horrifying is letting them out of jail and prison to roam around is horrifying. We live in a dangerous unjust world.

  3. Damned Amish!

    Or maybe some pick-up driving rednecks?

    84’s old enough to know better – ya gotta know when to leave.
    If I was white I wouldn’t go near a city! Any city!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “It’s not clear Watson’s motivation.”

    Probably done to impress a girl, a ho, or a drug dealer…some initiation to impress others.

    Kill it now. I have seen enough of the evidence with my OWN fucking eyes.

  5. Make absolutely no mistake about this: This is EXACTLY why Democrats want to let criminals out of prison. Increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death is the motivation behind everything they stand for.

  6. Antoine has achieved hero status among the other troop of chimps he swings through the trees with.
    There must be a lab somewhere who could use a specimen like this for some of their more ghastly experiments.

  7. Typical nigger. Either attack in groups or attack defenseless people. I’ve said it a million times, if you live anywhere there’s more than a very infrequent sighting, you’re playing Russian Roulette every day.

    At some point you’re not going to draw an empty chamber.

  8. That white 84 man l ook threatening to him?
    Frigging coward thug racist piece of excrement. Try that shit with a big strong young man or someplace where people have guns.
    Gee maybe the Dimms will put him in counseling. 😑

  9. Eponymous – We know nothing about the victim from this report. I’m sure his neighborhood didn’t look like that when he and his family moved in. It’s less than a kilometer from San Fran’s famous Painted Ladies Victorians tourist area. Now that he’s on a fixed income, where’s he going to go to stay safe in HIS neighborhood – and WHY should he?
    Just because someone lives in San Fran (or CA in general) do we think they have fewer rights just because they are in the minority? Easy to be snarky when you’re living around like-minded people in “easy” states.
    Vicha Ratanapakdee – Thai senior. Doubtful a libtard.

  10. Just after the attack, the attacker’s body language was as if he had just scored a touchdown. We have lots of wretched people in our midst.

    Maybe he’s a drugged out member of the 49-ers.

  11. This baboon is too crude and primitive to ever evolve to actually feel guilt about this murder. He’ll be smiling and smirking at the victims family all during the trial.

  12. I’ve been to that neighborhood more times than I can remember.
    Haven’t been there recently, San Fransisco is long off my list, but it was a nice place, nice people, just another, middle class, urban, neighborhood. Sad what has happened to the city. But, elections have consequences.

    Keep you hear on a swivel.

  13. If the (D)irtbag rulers WANTED to increase divisiveness thru racism, what could they possibly do that’d be more effective than the encouragement they already give blacks? I’m sure this pattern of behavior will work out great for blacks in the long run.

  14. This is the work of ugly old man dick sucker (and former SF DA) kamala harris, and former SF DA – and current LA DA – George Gascon.

    The target is now LA. The police budget has been slashed by the idiot mayor and psycho city counsel. With gascon as DA, the stake is being driven through LA’s heart.

  15. They willingly stepped into the democrat con that leaves all who eagerly accept the handouts permanently trapped for generations. One of the side effects of doing so is producing armies of feral animals like this one.


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