9 out of 10 turnstile jumpers in NYC are black or Hispanic – IOTW Report

9 out of 10 turnstile jumpers in NYC are black or Hispanic

NYC bean counters have decided to not criminalize turnstile jumping because it’s sort of embarrassing that nearly all the turnstile jumpers are the left’s voter base. They also don’t want to accidentally snare one of those illegals this country cannot do without – you know, the people who are “least likely to commit a crime.”

Before the left is done there will be 0% crime rate amongst illegals, because everything will be decriminalized for these “salt-of-the-earth” non-citizens.

My white privilege is looking pretty weak. Can I turn it in and have minority privilege instead?



17 Comments on 9 out of 10 turnstile jumpers in NYC are black or Hispanic

  1. Since We’re Minorities in NYC , We Demand You Lower The Turnstyle’s so That We Can Jump Them as Well ! We’re White and Cant Jump , So We’re Suing !!!
    New York You Already owe Me Irish Reparations !!!

  2. Its actually part of a larger plan being implemented in classic incremental nudge fashion. They want only limos and busses in NYC. Slaves will take mass transit, no middle income shmucks that enjoy driving their regular non-limo cars will be allowed. The Bloombergs of the world dont want traffic obstructing them in their playground. Global warming scheme and centralized pooulation in large urban areas is a stated goal of theirs. Limited to zero free movement of citizens is another control mechanism and if they control the only means of it for 90% of the people, they succeeded.

    They want the NYC subway (not the commuter railroads btw which bring in big $$$) and busses free for everyone. They want middle class and upper middle income tax slaves to pay the freight through income and property tax increases. Win-Win for them since they reward the 3rd world dogs and Hipster scum and punish the hated private property owners and privileged middle class even more.

    In order to get it done they are constructing chaos in the transit system. Mass failures resulting in unbearable delays and overcrowding, purposely cancelling trains, allowing crime and homeless to reign terror. At the same time the white dummies are watching the so called negro, and the 3rd thru 9th worlders jump on and ride for free… just breezing through the gates unmolested. It wont be long before the white dipshits join in and decide they aren’t paying either. That includes the 60k a year junior bankers and lawyers too.

    Then they claim they have no choice, the only solution to straigten out the system is to remove the turnstiles and let everyone ride for free. The tax slaves will pay and the politicians will raise the taxes every year and steal even more from the drowing middle class. The goal is to.drive them out of state and to take over even the suburbs. If you are dumb enough to stay they laugh at you and say okay, stay, we will just rape you even harder.


  3. Mike Brown is an American Hero,

    You hit your head on the nail.

    NOTHING happens in a vacuum. There are NO COINCIDENCES (in politics) and there are no PARADOXES. There are NO “UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES.”
    There is only BullShit, MoreShit, and HorseShit.
    (or should that be “There are only …”?)

    izlamo delenda est …

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