9 Percent. – IOTW Report

9 Percent.

Only 9% of the Entire $268 Billion Budget of the Department of Education Actually Goes to K-12.

22 Comments on 9 Percent.

  1. I watched some idiot fat black lady on TV tell us all, “we must keep the Federal Board Of Education or we will lose all Federal oversight.”

    That’s the point tubby. These Nazis like it at the federal level because they no longer need to contend with Parent Teachers Associations. Imagine the amount of money that could be funneled back to the students.

  2. 9% of $268 billion is…let’s see, multiply by 9, then divide by 100, carry the remainder to another column, look for the calculator function on my cell phone, try to figure out what the 9% of $268 billion function would be and how it works, and…it’s a SHIT TON OF MONEY! And 91% of $268 billion is…probably an even larger SHIT TON OF MONEY!

  3. This has been going on for a VERY LONG TIME. Makes us wonder how much all those “wars” on stuff cost us: The War on Drugs, The War on Poverty, blah, blah, blah.


  4. All the millions left “supposedly” spent on education after the majority of that amount was grifted, American students are still the dumbest, least educated compared to other nations. They can barely read and write – shameful and criminal.

  5. None of it goes to teaching the wee ones.
    That’s not what the Dept. of Education does.
    I’m pretty sure most of it went to salaries, grift, and union support – as well as throwing $Billions at Colleges and Universities.
    There’s a reason that sending your brat off to college is similar to having it lobotomized.

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