90 year-old dunce, Lee Grant, says Trump Era is Just Like McCarthyism – IOTW Report

90 year-old dunce, Lee Grant, says Trump Era is Just Like McCarthyism

I was watching the Fugitive on ME TV and Lee Grant was in it. I always found her to be attractive, even though I know she was the most insufferable lefty moron.

I wondered how old she was and what she looked like now.

She’s 90 and looks a little like the Horta in Star Trek, the one that Spock mind melds with. (Why do 90 year-olds get work on their faces?)

In the clip below she says the Trump era is like the McCarthy era.

She’s right!

Conservatives are blacklisted, boycotted, threatened and extorted. Although this delusional fossil thinks the left is being silenced!!! lololoollol


42 Comments on 90 year-old dunce, Lee Grant, says Trump Era is Just Like McCarthyism

  1. Wow! When I glanced at the photo, I thought it was Jocelyn Wildenstein – the lunatic Cat Woman who had tons of plastic surgery. Ms. Grant may not have wrinkles but she looks like a freak.

  2. Her husband Arnold was indeed a Red. She refused to testify and was out of work for awhile.

    McCarthy’s crime wasn’t going too far. It was enough people who knew he was right not letting up after he was neutralized.

  3. The people that infest Hollywood are for the most part sociopathic and care nothing about the country or its people. In their eyes we are petty annoyances and rabble with simpleminded views in regard to this country.

  4. Whenever the absolute WRONG opinion on news, politics, culture, good taste, the Constitution, morals, religion, or anything else of GREAT import is needed… just check with Hollyweird.

    And do the exact OPPOSITE of whatever THEIR opinion is, and all will go WELL.

  5. Huh? Problem is the face don’t match the hair. Can’t stand vain old women who wear overly long locks. Bad when it’s gray but downright weird when dyed. Just looked her up on Wikipedia the other day (I know, I know!) after watching her in an old Columbo episode. She was really bitter about her blacklisting. Looks like she never got over it.

  6. Woke up in the middle of the night, turned on Me TV & saw the same episode! I am old enough to remember HW blacklist. Problem is, there are prbly 4 times as many Communists there now. Communism is the 21 century Black Plague; it’s the one true legacy of the omama reign.

  7. It wasn’t congress that blacklisted, but Hollywood itself. Also, HUAC was the House Un-American Activities Committee, which held hearings in the late 40s and early 50s due to actual communist activity was found in government and entertainment. McCarthy was a SENATOR, who 8 years later simply asked what why weren’t the communists removed from government after HUAC did its work. Dems tarred and feathered him.

  8. Celebrity millionaires embracing socialism.
    Makes your head scratch, don’t it?
    Are they dedicated socialists or just plain stupid?
    Do they not realize that socialism is responsible for some 200 Million murders, worldwide, over the past century? Or do they not care? Do they not understand that Hitler and Mussolini were socialists, as well as Stalin and Mao? Have they forgotten that Hitler was ALLIED with the Soviet Union and the the Soviet Union covered Germany as it re-armed and developed its “Blitzkrieg” doctrine?

    Willful ignorance?

    Does their hatred and jealousy of God preclude their sense?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. #Tim: No, no, it’s just that the wrong people were in charge when socialism was tried in the 20th century. In America, socialism will succeed because OUR socialists are better people! Just ask them!

  10. Typical lefty. Let me demand that all you people out there pay more taxes and help make lazy people comfortable while I go spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on bad plastic surgery.

  11. Whoa! Definitely remember Lee Grant. Can’t believe she’s still alive. Too many face lifts but got to give the old commie credit for being that actve at 90 yrs. old.

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