94 Year-Old Park Ranger Attacked in Her Home – IOTW Report

94 Year-Old Park Ranger Attacked in Her Home

Police are looking for leads, but their description seems to be strangely absent of some key details.


A brutal assault on a 94-year-old National Park Service ranger, a beloved figure in the Richmond community, has spurred an outpouring of concern by well-wishers from all over the country as police work to find the attacker.

Betty Reid Soskin, who is the oldest park ranger in the national park system and leads tours at the Rosie the Riveter/ WW II Home Front National Historic Park, was attacked Monday night when a man broke into her home, police said. When she tried to grab her cellphone to call for help, the intruder wrestled it away before punching her several times, knocking her to the floor.

The man then dragged her from her bedroom and into the hallway, where he punched her again. Soskin was able to grab the attacker’s groin in self-defense, then crawl away and lock herself in the bathroom. When she came out, she saw that her iPhone, iPad, laptop and jewelry were missing. Also taken was the presidential coin Soskin received in December when she introduced President Obama at the White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

Police are investigating the break-in but have few leads. The suspect is described as a man in his early to mid-20s, with a slender build and 5-feet-8 inches to 5-10 tall.

!snip! more

That’s it?

That’s the description? She saw NOTHING else? Why do I feel like part of her description is not being reported?

17 Comments on 94 Year-Old Park Ranger Attacked in Her Home

  1. She had the height down to plus or minus one inch, she has a better description no doubt.

    And 0bama didn’t say “we will find out who did this and justice will be served.” He just said he would get her a new coin. So probably a moslem, and non-white or they would have knocked each other down to be first to report that little tidbit.

  2. Why wasn’t she armed. Apparently, she’s been buying the Democrat, leftist propaganda – stay defenseless and call for help. In the meantime, she’s almost beaten senseless waiting for help to arrive.

  3. “Also taken was the presidential coin Soskin received in December when she introduced President Obama at the White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony.”

    So nothing of any meaning or worth was taken accept her jewelry.

  4. Remember when the press would mention the criminals race? I guess it is no longer necessary since logically he is not a “European American”. But how did she know he was a “he”?

  5. This just in – Authorities are currently seeking information on the current whereabouts of an individual identified only as a “Mr. Y. Bear” in relation to this case. No further details are available, but Mr. Bear has been described as a “person of interest” in the ongoing investigation.

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