95K Noncitizens Registered to Vote in Texas, Say State Officials – IOTW Report

95K Noncitizens Registered to Vote in Texas, Say State Officials



The Office of the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) has discovered troubling figures — roughly 95,000 individuals identified as non-U.S. citizens by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) are registered to vote and, 58,000 of those, 61 percent, voted at least once, says Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

“Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice,” said Paxton in a prepared statement released late Friday afternoon. “We’re honored to have partnered with the Texas Secretary of State’s office in the past on voter initiatives and we will spare no effort in assisting with these troubling cases. My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed.”— MORE…

18 Comments on 95K Noncitizens Registered to Vote in Texas, Say State Officials

  1. If they know the figures from official documents, they know who the illegal voters are.

    If they don’t reverse this trending situation then I expect Texas will be turning blue in the next several elections.

  2. How much Identity thefts are they committing?
    Run them out like cattle, in caravans with cowboys chivvying them along. Every nickel they paid into Citizens social security account stays there

  3. I think the number could be 10 times that. When they start looking more closely California had 1.5 million voters removed from all causes death, left the state and illegals and I do not believe they will get them all in either state.

  4. No wonder Beto was surprised he didn’t win. Add on the shenanigans in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and the border counties and it isn’t too far fetched to see why the dems keep saying we are turning blue.

  5. Bad_Brad I said it in the early 90s and I’ll say it again. Somebody in
    Congress, state legislature are getting some cash from drug deals and human trafficking across the border. No way they’re not.

  6. MJA

    I was waiting for the appropriate time to bring up a conversation I heard on FOX and Friends (I think) last week between the hosts and an ex Democrat Senator who claims the Democrats are fighting the wall because Pelosi and Schumer are on the payroll of the Mexican Cartels. When you look at these peoples net worth compared to their annual salaries, it’s ridiculous. They’re obviously getting paid off by someone and not bothering to hide it. I guess that why they spend millions of dollars to get a job that pays $150K a year. The entire system is corrupt.


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