9th Circuit “Boldly Goes” Against Dr. Seuss – Star Trek Mash-Up Parody – IOTW Report

9th Circuit “Boldly Goes” Against Dr. Seuss – Star Trek Mash-Up Parody

Courthouse News

Dr. Seuss Enterprises sued publisher ComicMix in 2016 over the crowd-sourced Star Trek mash-up “Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go,” written by Star Trek episodes writer David Gerrold.

The children’s book publisher claimed the mash-up competed with the Seuss classic in the graduation gift market.

Seuss’ children’s book — with its message of accomplishing individual success in the face of adversity — is often given to graduates embarking on their careers. It shoots to The New York Times’ bestsellers list every spring during graduation season.

A Ninth Circuit panel found Friday that the lower court was incorrect to find in favor of ComicMix in the copyright dispute.

The work was not fair use permissible under copyright laws, U.S. Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown wrote in the 34-page order, remanding the copyright case to U.S. District Judge Janis Sammartino for disposition.

“‘Boldly’ is a mashup that borrows liberally — graphically and otherwise — from ‘Go!’ and other works by Dr. Seuss, and that uses Captain Kirk and his spaceship Enterprise to tell readers that ‘life is an adventure but it will be tough.’ The creators thought their Star Trek primer would be ‘pretty well protected by parody,’ but acknowledged that ‘people in black robes’ may disagree. Indeed, we do,” McKeown, a Bill Clinton appointee, wrote. More

10 Comments on 9th Circuit “Boldly Goes” Against Dr. Seuss – Star Trek Mash-Up Parody

  1. This sounds like it’s more about money than first amendment issues. These judges allow murderers like the one who killed Kate Steinly to go free while they consternate on who gets the credit and ultimately money from a parody being sold to adults of a childrens book. A pathetic waste of time. Oh and BTW none of these judges are perfect in moral clarity as they throw their power around and abuse their own subordinates in ways that are rarely brought to any reckoning. But lets get Jeffrey Toobin for his hands on opinion of this crap, shall we?

  2. @TR

    Good to see that people remember Kate Steinle.

    Conservatives, us and Trump remember her but the Left and California conveniently forget their lost daughters. The family wanted to sue ICE even though San Fran disregarded a retainer.

    13 year Old Marrisa Shen was murdered in Vancouver Canada by a Syrian “Refugee” IBRAHIM ALI on Apr 2017 within months of entering Canuckistan.
    Horrific story & Turdeau ignores even her immigrant family because it does not suit the narrative. Chinese people do not get as many diversity points as goat fuck rapists.

    Both innocent victims of failed government policies.

  3. Then there is John Roberts, the most disgusting example of how low of a life-form a judge can be. The warped Ruth Ginsberg and the dummy Sotomayor never hid their true agendas.

  4. Levin was talking about how bad the judiciary in this country is now.
    So right.
    They won’t even look at evidence in a matter that is a constitutional crisis. Family courts have been postponed, causing problems and heartache. People have been stuck in limbo who could be innocent of criminal charges.
    This is cool though.


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