9th Circuit Court Rules Trump Admin Stripping Funding From Abortion Clinics Is Constitutional – IOTW Report

9th Circuit Court Rules Trump Admin Stripping Funding From Abortion Clinics Is Constitutional

Daily Caller: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that the Trump administration can continue stripping federal funding from clinics that offer abortions.

The court upheld the Trump administration’s June 2019 declaration that taxpayer-funded clinics must stop referring women for abortions or be stripped of their Title X funding.

Judge Sandra Ikuta wrote Monday’s majority opinion, stating that “there is no ‘gag’ on [nondirective] abortion counseling.” read more

21 Comments on 9th Circuit Court Rules Trump Admin Stripping Funding From Abortion Clinics Is Constitutional

  1. Joe Wilson smiles.

    Remember when Obama lied in a SotU address that federal funds weren’t used by Planned Parenthood to fund abortion?

    Then what was this case about?

    Oh, that’s right. Planned Parenthood maintained separate bank accounts. One for contraception and breast exams and another for babykilling. And never co-mingled those accounts.

  2. …It’s a start.

    Now start charging abortion ‘doctors’ with murder. Execute them after conviction by piercing their skulls without anaesthesia, evacuating the cranial contents, and pulling their limbs off. Sell what’s left for parts, proceeds to adoption organizations.

    Sauce for the goose…

  3. …while you’re at it, charge “transgender’ ‘doctors’ with grievous bodily harm, medical battery, and murder for every “trans” suicide.

    Death by exsanguination. Pull THEIR penises off and watch them bleed out on live TV.

    Time to stop playing with these vermin. Harm a child and die, in a way that mirrors the harm you inflicted. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    Luke 17:2

    It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

  4. …can’t think of a severe enough punishment for pedophiles, though. The ones who could rape them probably need to die WITH them. Anyone else got and ideas?

    …straight-up death’s too merciful.

    Make them suffer.

  5. Of course it’s constitutional. example:

    Some libtard walks into a car dealership, tests drives a bunch of cars and decides on one she likes, settles all the payments and drives off the lot. 10,000 miles and 9 months later she brings it back to the dealership and demands the dealership refund her money because she doesn’t like the color any more. The dealership refunds her money up to what the used car is worth and the taxpayer picks up the difference. Because it’s a woman’s right to choose not only once but also ex post facto.

  6. There’s no Constitutional authority for a great many outrages funded by the Feds.
    But that doesn’t stop it.
    Cash for Clunkers?
    Climate Change?
    Trains to No-Where?
    Welfare for Illegal Alien Invaders?
    Nationalized (socialized) Medicine?

    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. …how about this for public, court-ordered executions of pedophiles:

    First, use a parlytic so they are helpless, but aware, and able to see, hear, and feel.

    Like their victims.

    Then, use goat banding methods for scrotal castration. Don’t be nice about it.

    And put an extra one on the penis, so IT dies, too.

    …don’t stop there, though. When you chemically, or even physically, castrate a pervert, they are STILL a pervert, and rape is more about power than sex anyway, so this just makes them mad and causes them to use objects like bottles, broomsticks, even baby toys to rape with.

    Can’t have that.

    Start breaking fingers.

    Use a nut cracker on the joints first. 3 per finger, 2 per thumb. Don’t forget the knuckles.

    One at a time.


    He can still make a fist, though. Disarticulate both shoulders. Don’t be shy about nerve damage. You won’t be reducing the dislocations later anyway, leave ’em dangling.

    Now on to the legs. Yes, they can use feet for rape, too.

    Can’t have that.

    Use the medieval “broken on a wheel” method here. Use iron bars to beat their feet, tibias, and fibulas to powdered jelly. Do NOT do the femurs, though, they can die from loss of blood that way, and it’s too soon for that.

    Revive as necessary. Don’t want ’em missing anything.

    Then, with the lower limbs basically loose sacks of bony meat, tie them to their seats with their own flesh. And I say “seats”, because lying down is too good for them. This way, if they start to sleep later or relax in any way, it gives them fresh agony by pulling on their own mangled, but still closed, skin.

    Bolt the chair down, too, so it can’t topple to allow them to knock themselves out or kill themselves.

    Too soon.

    Pedophiles use their lips and tounges in abuse, too.

    Can’t have that.

    Pull those off and out as well.

    Cauterize anything bleeding with a branding iron. Don’t be gentle.

    Set up an IV to keep them alive, then leave after tying their heads down so they can’t look away from their banded crotches. Illuminate as needed. Let the paralytic wear off, as it doesn’t matter any more.

    The struggles will be fun to record.

    It takes between 10 to 50 days depending on the animal for the scrotes to fall off, so you’re gonna have to work a bit to keep them alive. Dialysis may be needed due to the wrecked urethra, but it’s probably easier on you, and cheaper too, to simply install Penrose drains to the kidneys so they pee out their sides, and route them to their crotch to promote festering. Don’t clean up any waste, though, they made life shit for children, now they can die in it.

    There may be some major issues with hypovolemic and septic shock, so have sufficient fluids and antibiotics to stave both off as long as possible.

    The goal is that they live long enough to see their cock and balls rot off, and get to smell it happening.

    Once that’s done, congratulate them on completing their sentence.

    Then release the rats you’ve bern starving for clean-up.

    …lots and lots of rats…

    Record everything. Share with the next pedophile at HIS sentencing, and broadcast highlight reels or time-lapses with commentary to make it entertaining AND informative.

    Repeat as needed.

    And NO religious exemptions.

    …wood chipper for whatever the rats leave, as suggested above by @mickey moussaoui, more for the NEXT guy’s viewing pleasure at this point than actual punishment, but still satisfying.

    …it’s not harsh enough, I know. Best I can think of right now, feel free to improve.

    But it’s NOTHING compared to the justice God’s gonna serve them once the rats are done, so be comforted by THAT…

  8. Of course this is a legally correct decision. It is obvious it is. That is what has the left in a panic. A return to Lex Rex, the return of the Law is the King, not the King is the law. And by King I include the bureaucracy as well as the House and Senate but especially rogue judiciary.

    Still not tired of it!

  10. Anonymous
    FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 12:34 PM

    So much love!”

    I’ve seen what pedophiles do, transported the severly physically and emotionally damaged human wreckage that used to be young children that they caused, not just innocent lives but whole families, talked to the pedos personally during transport in attempts to get them to say something incriminating after LEOS and/or parents started to do the right thing to them, but were constrained by law or other LEOs, and dealt with victim family attempted suicides later.

    So believe me when I say that my recommendation doesn’t even come CLOSE to the payback they deseve.

    Pedos are not shy about it, either. They WILL do it again.

    But their crimes are truly too great for any but the Lord to deal with fully.

    But I sincerely would not mind arranging their trip to His judgement by the most painful route possible, with no remorse whatsoever.

    I can’t even curse them properly. No word is bad enough.

    Perhaps they would not exist if more folks felt the same.

    I could sometimes envy others in their ignorance of this evil.

    It is an ignorace I cannot share.

  11. SNS,

    I’m not saying you’re wrong because you are not wrong. I hear you 100% and I am in agreement. Now that you have written the manual on what to do with the evil incarnate what I am saying is it might be beneficial to let go of the rage. Again, I’m not saying you are wrong I’m just saying, from personal experience, if you don’t let go of the rage it will consume you. And for clarity sake the trauma I went through as a child was different (same mother “childhood trauma” different father “not sexual”) but it left me with rage that would have destroyed my soul had I left it unchecked.

    That being said I’m down with your step by step what to do with pedo and I would even argue that your prescribe methods are neither cruel or unusual when considering the subject of the punishment- one who exploits children for sexual gratification- no punishment for such a perpetrator could be seen as “cruel” and considering how unusual such a crime should be the punishment method matches the severity of the crime. The “unusual” penalty for such a criminal would be “therapy” or X numbers in prison where the perp gets 3 meals a day and a place to sleep with the hope of getting out someday; that is most unusual or at least should be seen as unusual punishment for such a crime. But I digress.

    One can keep their sense of justice and not be consumed by the rage and if you have already reached that zen then please excuse the shout out and just know it was coming from a good place.

    Prior to reading your manual I was content with tying a millstone around their neck and casting them into a body of water but your method actual has some ‘stop and think’ qualities that could positively affect some Pedo who has not crossed the line to not cross the line. Who knows? But as the old saying goes “if it could save the life of at least one child isn’t it worth it?” To which the answer is yes, yes it is. We need to start it, film it and show highlights on the 10:00 clock news and the whole thing for those struggling with child sexual attraction with a strong message of ‘this could be you if you touch a child’.

  12. @Pelopidas…

    Thank you, you are correct, but I’m just ranting, and a little off topic too, but to me abortion is just one more type of child abuse, and ANY harming of a child is anathema to me.

    It would be very difficult too get a doctor to go along with dialysing or installing Penrose drains in a patient being tortured to death to prolong it shows how unlikely this is anyway, but given that “Doctors” today mutilate children for political reasons or just tear them apart for same, maybe not as unlikely as it seems.

    But I am not doing my Lords’ will in saying this, and I know that. This is the human talking.

    God would have us save such a one, even one as deserving of death as this, and I know that. As I said, it’s one of my biggest struggles.

    There’s a movie called “The Shack” that deals with this issue. I’d recommend it for anyone who has similar difficulties as I. It’s got some issues, but I believe it covers the core topic well.


    I know the Lord’s will. I just haven’t prayed enough to live it yet.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

    God Bless,

  13. SNS,

    Ranting is good; having the Lord is even better and for anyone following along and does not know it the Lord is the secret sauce for finding peace and I’ll end it there.


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