9th Circus Wants Full Court Review Of Panel Ruling – IOTW Report

9th Circus Wants Full Court Review Of Panel Ruling

In what looks like the realization that they and the entire left that supports them just took responsibility for risking the nation to future terrorist attacks from unvetted Muslim nations, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is seeking a full court ruling on the finding of the three judge panel that affirmed the injunction against the president’s EO that put a temporarily halt immigration from seven questionable nations.  The full court is also asking the administration to file a brief on where the three judge panel got their ruling wrong.

So far the Justice Department has not responded to the news or the request of the court.


“Hoisted on their own petards,” I believe is how Shakespeare would put it.

35 Comments on 9th Circus Wants Full Court Review Of Panel Ruling

  1. As if any of them ever felt the least bit of remorse, responsibility or embarrassment for any of their disastrous decisions. They just want to give the full court a chance to pile on and mug for the press. I’ll bet the “second thoughts” narrative is not the one playing out on CNN and MSNBC.

  2. Another example of 3d chess vs checkers.
    Unfortunately, some poor soul or souls will pay the price for their politicized ruling. Trump will be 100% justified in bashing them over the heads with it.

  3. This is solid proof (as though there were any doubts) that the three-judge panel’s decision was political and not based on the law and precedents. That’s because the move for an en banc review did not come from the losing party. In fact, I believe the Trump admin has said there are no plans to appeal. It will be very interesting to see how the court machinery handles the absence of any admin lawyers to present their case again either on paper or in person.

  4. Obviously, the full Court wants a chance to prove it’s just as Liberal and unconcerned about upholding the law and the Constitution as the three moonbats that just insured that the Ninth Circuit will be broken up. I hope they do hear it again, because it will delay things and allow the Justice Department to get its legal act together and make the case for Trump’s EO.

  5. The score is 5 judges who have stayed the EO and jeopardized USA safety. So I’m rather doubtful that the full panel has ethical reasons for convening.

    I’m leaning, with the previous posters, that view the real reason is to jump on the liberal Pig pile.

  6. This couldn’t have worked out better for conservative Americans than if it had been orchestrated. Thank you again, God. Amen.

    Everyone in the constellation of the Left is looking more and more of a caricature every single day, now. The 9th Circus must have caught a glimpse of themselves in the Fun House mirror and realized just how extreme they actually are. Denial is a scary thing.

  7. I suspect the other judges just figured out they may have signed their career death warrant with this ruling as it provides the ammunition for congress to break up the 9th.

    Gawd how sweet would that be!

  8. Hoist with his own petar’; and ‘t shall go hard
    Shakespeare was being clever and misspelled petard on purpose, what he meant was more in line with what JMV said.
    Shakespeare was a punny phello.
    12 grade English.

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