Mossberg launches line of Duck Commander firearms – IOTW Report

Mossberg launches line of Duck Commander firearms


The superstar, “Duck Dynasty,” Robertson family behind the multimillion-dollar Duck Commander company has partnered with firearm giantMossberg to launch a new line of guns for 2014.

“Mossberg. Built rugged. Proudly American. Just like us,” patriarch Phil Robertson declares in one of the four, outstanding, online advertisements for the new “Duck Commander Series” of firearms.

Duck Commander guns

Mossberg’s website shows the 12 new firearms in the series, all in a camouflage pattern that “bears the Duck Commander logo, of a duck in flight,” which includes, “nine different shotguns, as well as two semi-automatic rifles and a semi-automatic pistol,” CNN Money reported.


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48 Comments on Mossberg launches line of Duck Commander firearms

  1. The Duck Boys should have danced with whom brought them. Benelli (you spelled it wrong to Dude) is a Ferrari, Mossberg’s a Yugo. I own two Super Black Eagles. And I’ve shoved a ton of rounds through them and they’ve never missed a beat. Even with ice Hulls hanging out of the chambers. Their inertia system is bad ass.

    Four .45’s, Tell me about your trench gun.

  2. I don’t watch DD. I tried too but it seemed pretty dumb. People got stuck on a roof and I guy bought a girl a dress. YAWN!

    Ok. I thought the show would be about duck hunting.
    How to practice using skeet. What gun to use and why. Choke or no choke. What duck call works. What duck call sucks.
    And how to and where to hunt. Types of blinds. Clothes
    Well you get the picture.
    Put that show on. I’ll watch it sometimes.
    And I don’t even hunt.

  3. 10 best, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Except for the last couple years my ass is normally parked in a $6,000.00 duck blind through out the season. This is a stupid show. I can hang about 5 minutes. But I’m shocked at the upper crust people around where I live that just love it. And I’ll guarantee you, they don’t hunt.

  4. Since you hunt duck. I have a question. How hard is it to get all the little pellets out of the duck?
    Do people bite into them occasionally?
    One more thing. Does a $6k duck blind guarentee ducks.

  5. 10 best, No, a $6,000.00 duck blind does not GUARANTEE DUCKS. But you stand a better chance then a refuge. Besides that a young mans game. I haven’t had a blind the last couple years because I can’t afford it. We use to average 200 to 300 ducks a year out of our fav blind. Hey, what can I tell you, you gotta love Obamanomics.
    Pellets are easy to find in ducks. You follow the big hole and bloody discolored meat to the pellet. Despite what you might hear, cooked properly, ducks are damn tasty.
    Here’s the deal about the Robertson clan. You experience the world coming alive from the darkness in a duck blind. You appreciate our creator. Nothing like it.

  6. I’ve been hunting before in the early morning hours.
    This is what I heard the first time out as a 15 year old.
    Shut the f*ch up. You can’t talk….period.
    I was not hunting I just went along for something to do.
    If they ever declare Angus Beef cattle open season. I’ll start hunting……maybe.
    I really enjoy BB stories. You remind me of my dad.
    Mr.Outdoors Man.

  7. 10 best, Ya see, Chris here diminishes the sport. I don’t think he’s even ever hunted an easter egg. It’s all about sucking shot at spooky ducks into your set up. It’s about blowing that call and identifying what they want to hear. It’s about your dog being a good enough partner to know he can’t even move his head when you working ducks trying to get them in. It’s about constantly determining how many decoys and how to shift them to make them damn quackers feel comfortable enough to land in your spread instead of the next guys. It’s bad ass and I miss it a lot.

  8. Duck hunting is fcuking awesome!

    Wake up at 4am, meet all the buddies, drive to the launch/field (goose) and set decoys. Have a bit of coffee, check the time.

    Time hits, wings whistle around the blind, it’s a half hour before sunrise and you only see silhouettes. BLAM! SPLASH! BAM! BAM! BAM! SPLASH! BAM! BAM! SPLASH!

    Calls are silent, dead birds in the blind/boat, live birds are on the fields. TIME TO COOK BACON! Or steak and some eggs and more coffee.

    An hour or two of bullshitting, smoking cigrits, telling tales and the birds are off the fields and back on the water. BLAM! SPLASH! BLAM! SPLASH! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! SPLASH! SPLASH!

    Load up an hour or so later and go home.

    Mallard and ESPECIALLY Wood Duck is like filet mignon on a chicken breast! We mostly “breast out” ducks as there’s not much there to spend time plucking. It’s simple to do, just push your thumbs through and pull the breast out.

    Bird shot isn’t as big a problem as you’d think. Someone will inevitably spit out a pellet, chew lightly.

    As for a $6k blind. We mostly hit the rivers around here, so boats are key. We have a pull up blind or hit blinds on the river that are staked off the channel. In one location they do a draw and the winner has to build a blind or renovate the existing one on the staked spot. Mostly blind winners can’t hunt every day of the season and if you claim their blind an hour before sunrise and they aren’t there, they can’t kick you out if they wanted. It’s your blind for the day. Some of these digs are pretty sweet having kitchen areas and warming rooms with 360 degree decks!

  9. Bad Brad, The quote is the last line Phil Robertson utters in the “Happiness” commercial so I guess he is diminishing the sport. I found it quite funny when I heard it as a “in your face” to his detractors. So save your high morality for someone else. However, it does make me happy to bag my limit!

  10. Took me a long time to like my Benelli M1 Super 90 (field, as in bought before all the tacticool) – Great gun, I had problems with the fact the gun is actually curved and the length of pull made for little Italian dudes. But it has always gone BANG and after some adjustments and 17 years, I can hit everything with it!

  11. Megansers and all divers are fishy. Dabblers like mallards or pintail are good.

    Divers and the coots get fed to the coyotes. Though there hasn’t been a season yet I haven’t heard about the cold scaup sammich with onions and shad sauce. lol!

    Brad, teal are good but early in the season here. Not many of them around, but we can kill canada goose like no tomorrow!

  12. old_oaks, Do you have any Specs there? Most sought after goose here. Man they are tastey. We have a ton of Snows. The taste like vanilla ice cream. I don’t even shoot them any more.

  13. Wow… That’s a a great short story. Forgot about decoys.
    And forgot about having a dog or two along.
    See…the DD guys could have had a show on that very subject. Nope. Some dumb ass old man handcuffed and pissing by a pickup truck. The honeymooners already did that one.
    Minus the pissing part.
    Pheasant hunting. Looks like a kick with the dogs chasing out the bird.
    The guys I skeet shoot with pheasant hunt.

  14. 10 best, I used to have a Chesapeake Bay and we’d go out on Wednesdays, just us two. That dog new to look over my shoulder (towards me) and I’d look over the top of him. His ears would go straight up when he had ducks he was watching. Then he’d put his head down when I’d start calling. Cool thing is, that’s all instinct. He picked it up from being in the blind. Stuff like that just makes it special.

  15. while i support the duck guys 101% i do get tired of seeing their faces plastered on everything in every store i go in. i’m from monroe, la. their hometown and still live about 49 mi. from there. my first calls were the commanders. but their faces on everything from pillow cases to underwear a bit much. there’s even a $5 duck commander scratch off lottery ticket . what’s next …. a douche bottle with unc. sy’s face on it…. “get’er clean jack! ” not hating at all, being my synical self. 🙂

  16. Not many white fronted goose around here, a lot of snows though.

    Pheasant hunting is fun, though we’ve let the dogs out around here. Too many coyotes. We find the birds though, over the past 20 years, it seems their numbers are actually increasing.

  17. SEE….
    This is what I’m talking about. What a great show that would make.
    I could read these stories all night. It’s like your right there.
    And that’s what I thought DD would be. Week after week of really great stories about a man and his dog hunting ducks.
    And of course the older people would tell us how they did it back in the day. When they hunted for food. Not so much as a sport. They were hungry and had to feed a family.

  18. I’m with you too Ernest. They’ve lost where they came from. Notice even in their hunting sequences they never have a dog. The only dog I’ve ever seen on that show is Mrs. Whatshernames Terrior. Come on, Any serious duck slayer spend 10 hours a week training his duck dog.

  19. No kids.
    But I do teach Trap and Skeet to young people.
    When I was young I was very good at Skeet. But then I got a job and couldn’t shoot enough to stay good.
    My dad used to say that duck hunting was for adults only.
    He needed to get away from the family and decompress.
    So I never went hunting with him. But he showed me how to shoot.
    He was a gunsmith.

  20. 10 best, I kinda started out the same way with my kids as your father. Until my wife wopped me upside the head and made me realize what I was doing. My excuse is my competitive nature. So I saw the light and did my best to make it a family event. There’s not an opener that goes by that my two son and one daughter don’t say they sure wished we were hunting ducks this year.

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