Howard Dean: ObamaCare IPAB a Problem – “It’s a Health Care Rationing Body” – IOTW Report

Howard Dean: ObamaCare IPAB a Problem – “It’s a Health Care Rationing Body”

Maggie’s Notebook

The Washington Times writes that Howard Dean and Sarah Palin both identified the ObamaCare IPAB as a “rationing body,” (death panel) at about the same time. No, no, no! Dean’s op-ed was published in the Wall Street Journal on July 28, 2013. Palin began talking about the IPAB and the death panel that it represents in August 2009, before the bill was even passed, according to Wikipedia. I admit I can’t find her first reference to “death panel,” but if Wikipedia says it happened in August 2009, we know that’s when it happened, right? Anyway, we do know she was talking about it years before July 2013.


UPDATE 3-2-14 @ 12:42 am CST: A reader of this story left a link in comments to Palin’s first mention of “death panels” on her Facebook page, dated August 7, 2009. Many thanks to CardiLover!


“One major problem [with Obamacare] is the so-called independent Payment Advisory Board. The IPAB is essentially a health-care rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them.”



6 Comments on Howard Dean: ObamaCare IPAB a Problem – “It’s a Health Care Rationing Body”

  1. The clearest vision of the future is in the eyes of the purest realists.

    Reality unvarnished sucks WAY too much for most people to even try to wrap their heads around it.

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