Too Bad They’re Red – IOTW Report

Too Bad They’re Red


Red Flags   Enthusiastic flag-waver, as long as it’s not AMERICAN!

During her recent vacation to China, Maochelle, er, Michelle, is photographed waving flags.  How very RED of her.  I wonder if she was thinking:  ”All this for a damned flag,”  which she allegedly mouthed to the POTUS awhile back at a 9/11 U.S. flag ceremony?

This is just a continuation of the “apology tour” and an ongoing effort to diminish America in the eyes of the world.  Well, congratulations, Maochelle,  it’s working.



5 Comments on Too Bad They’re Red

  1. Lefties, including Snopes are saying the red flags, aka banners are not communist Chinese flags.
    I replied with a question.
    Why is it you think they use red flags and banners in all of their public performances?

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