Krauthammer: ‘If Fences Don’t Work, Why Is There One Around the White House?’ – IOTW Report

Krauthammer: ‘If Fences Don’t Work, Why Is There One Around the White House?’

Breitbart TV

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor,” Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer gave his solution to the crisis at the southern United States border: a fence.

He argued that securing the border with a fence is a proven method and he pointed to other places where it has worked, including at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C.

“Alright, here’s what I’ve been on for years,” Krauthammer said. “You start with a fence. It’s very simple. People say, ‘Oh, fences don’t work. You make a ladder.’ Well, then you build two fences, triple strand fences. San Diego did that in the mid 90’s and within a decade, the illegal immigration rate at that point was reduced by 90 percent and people ended up going through other places like Arizona.”



13 Comments on Krauthammer: ‘If Fences Don’t Work, Why Is There One Around the White House?’

  1. Fences only keep honest people out.

    However, Krauthammer makes a good, straightforward point.

    The only time this country will do anything to protect the border will be when the US citizenry tries to escape the wrath coming.

  2. And Pro-amnesty Facebook creator Zuckerberg just bought all the surrounding property of his home to control who lives near him.
    Can’t make this stuff up.

  3. the major difference between the fence in front of the white house and the one that separates the U.S. from Mexico is the white house has armed secret service officers who are allowed to shoot.. unlike our boarder guards who have been neutered by this administration. what we really need is the Texas cheerleader Kendall Jones armed with a .50 M107 Barrett sniper rifle.

  4. After five years with the Border Patrol the good doctor sounds clever and gets it part right. The issue isn’t the fence but what is on the other side of the fence. In San Diego, USBP Agents patrol the fence and in essence, defy anyone to come over the top because they will be caught. Same for the WH–does anyone think they won’t be apprehended if they crawled over the fence at the WH? You need the other part of the “fence” and that is law enforcement there to take them into custody, otherwise they just walk off.

  5. If this were a problem susceptible to political rationality rather than political treachery I would say that the President and Congress should take every illegal alien apprehended and tell the governments of the countries they’ve come from that the United States is working for regime change in their countries and the people that come here illegally are being trained as freedom fighters to go back to their countries of origin to fight to make those countries like America.

    They want to live in America? Their countries of birth should be like America.

    That would solve a lot of problems and not just this political bullshit of using illegal aliens for cynical political gain.

    We need regime change in those countries those people come from. A real president would fight to make the world more like America for humanitarian reasons and for our own national defense. Dammit.

  6. It’s going according to the plan for the upcoming crisis in which government is the only solution for the children and our safety don’t ya know.
    You don’t need no stinking constitution, this is too important.

  7. Put one fence at the exact site of the border. Four foot steel poles with a single wire running between them connected to the pole tops. A simple sign says, “United States border. Enter at your own risk.” It is ONLY in English.

    100m behind that, so the fence is safely in U.S. territory, you build a fence that is sloped about 60 degrees…on both sides so it looks like a pyramid. You make it out of bright shiny steel so it heats up well in the desert sun. It will burn through practically all layers of clothing. For added protection, have water sprinklers pop out of the apex and spray water onto the fence when the system senses someone is trying to climb over. By the time the water reaches them, it will be boiling.

    For nighttime protection, you put blades all over it in a random fashion, that angle their point toward the top. Do this on both sides. They’re too sharp to grab or to wrap a rope around. If anyone climbs the fence and slips, they get impaled on the blades. By the time the next noon hits, they’ll be spit roasted.

    500m behind this fence is a second much taller standard fence with towers and mirrors reflecting the sunlight into the space between the fences. If you like, you can sprinkle it with Bouncing Betties.

    In the space between the first fence and the border, you plant shaped charges facing downward so if any tunneling is discovered, you blow a few of the charges and collapse the tunnel.

    If any meh-hee-KAH-no survives all of that, have them met by an immigration officer with a citizenship decree and a representative of the US Olympic Committee because they’d be sure to bring home a gold in any obstacle event.

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