Stupid, Evil or Both? – Bumped Because It Is So Much Fun When The People We Are Clowning Show Up To Defend Idiocy – IOTW Report

Stupid, Evil or Both? – Bumped Because It Is So Much Fun When The People We Are Clowning Show Up To Defend Idiocy

Eagle Rising-Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 2.26.05 AM

“Meet a 22-year-old, southern criminology student with a three-year-old child. She calls herself the Femitheist and has a blog, YouTube channel, and is writing a book all about the ‘importance’ of reducing the male population to roughly 1-10% in order to achieve world peace and ‘true equality.’ Somehow, she expects this to end war, rape, and violence in general. Though this seems like trying to end violence by committing violence – because it is – she asserts that it is ‘the only logical solution.’ Terrifyingly, she has spawned a gaggle of followers that believe in selective breeding, male-only abortions, and an International Castration Day. She asserts that men of all ages would need to attend a castration ceremony, and murdered if they refuse. Don’t worry, though, the men’s spouses and mothers have the option to ‘milk the male’ before castration if they want a sperm sample
Read more 

Video of her manifesto –


ht/ tsunami

355 Comments on Stupid, Evil or Both? – Bumped Because It Is So Much Fun When The People We Are Clowning Show Up To Defend Idiocy

  1. Wow, there is some truly scarey shit out there. I don’t doubt that college or some other femanazi got a hold of her at a vulnerable time in her life. Now that she is a disciple, she will be converting others to her cause.

    Sick, deluded, clueless, sometimes evil (especially if they know it’s a lie).

  2. I’m afraid to ask about the gender of the child. Either way it’s not going to be a happy childhood. But obviously it’s an integral part of Mommy’s Anger Issue Construct, since Mommy got preggers at 18, had a baby and no babydaddy.

  3. Here’s a formal response for all the anti-FD people attacking her:

    I have been a longtime supporter of FD, going on about a year and a half now. I’ve seen her attacked, harassed, lied about all the while maintaining her composure, not complaining, and keeping herself friendly and open. I see that a lot of people now across the web have been misled by people on her views. She fights for what she believes in and gets misrepresented a lot. News outlets like to focus on whatever they can distort to get hits, but they don’t point out all the good she’s done and does. She points out people misrepresenting her views and sources her own writings from BEFORE they misrepresented her views. This site misrepresented her and lied.

    If you’ve seen anything somewhere on her in the past few weeks, I guarantee there’s something, or multiple things, she wrote weeks or years before that will make it clear that a lot of what you heard was either lies or misrepresentation.

    As a person who’s followed her work semi-closely, I can tell everyone here a few things.

    1. She doesn’t advocate castration. She said in early 2013 that piece was merely satirical and not serious.

    I’ve known this for over a year because she said as much about a year and a half ago, and has restated it many times since. There is also this piece she did on her real views regarding MGM: This piece is reflective of the standard quality of her work, although most of her serious posts tend to be much longer than that.

    2. She has always stated clearly and absolutely that she doesn’t advocate killing people or enacting violence. To mirror what she’s said even in these comments, if you’re arguing she advocates castration or killing or eugenics or anything else involving violence, you’re either adding your own assumptions to her statements, which is invalid, or you’ve been deceived by someone or some outlet that meant to distort and misrepresent her. A good example for her responding to that sort of thing can be found here: Everything she makes reference to in this she made clear since about 2012 or 2013. All of it was stated before these people made their responses to and about her, they just failed to accurately report on her. Even I knew all of this, and that’s because I followed her work.

    3. She used to call herself a feminist in 2012 but stopped in late 2012, just a couple months after her first video went up. She isn’t a feminist and neither are most of her supporters. Some are, but most, myself included, aren’t. I lean toward being anti-feminist sometimes, but I still greatly like her work. For more on that see her page here: She’s made all of the things there clear on her site and in videos since late 2012 and early 2013.

    If you’re wondering how it is possible people can support her, it’s because you haven’t done enough digging yourself. We won’t stop supporting her because you attack things she doesn’t believe, or because you believe the lies of people and news sources that misrepresent her, likely knowing that they did. FD is a kind and highly intelligent individual. She’s always nice to her friends, cares about people, promotes charities and donates to them, and is even nice to people who hate her. She leads people all across the web to discussing serious social issues, even beyond what she talks about. She engages in fair and skeptical inquiry, and tries to be fair and decent to others.

    All you people attacking here, attacking things she doesn’t believe, insulting her person, and making assumptions to try to refute her arguments, all you’re doing is driving people who might not have supported her, but who were curious enough to actually research her work and views, to supporting her. That’s how I originally came into supporting her, because I bothered to dig.

    Yes she likes to be theatrical and dramatic and is a bit weird or eccentric at times, even in this really old video here, but you can’t let first impressions, especially when so many people are trying to shut her down by lying about her right now, rule your judgment. Take a moment to look at the situation objectively and do some digging around yourselves. I’ve encouraged friends to get into her stuff, and will continue to support her so long as she remains the person she is today. She’s one of the smartest people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing or following the work of, and she’s exactly the type of person the Internet’s debate and discussion community needs more of. Her friends on Twitter can attest to that.

    You’re all only going to gain her more support by trying to lie about her or by attacking views from liars that she doesn’t hold. And given the quality of work she does in just a few days, I can only imagine how thorough her research has been on these topics for the last 2 years. She’s a conscientious and hard worker and has proved that to her fans time and time again. You won’t just waltz in here and disprove anything or everything, especially if you’ve been misled, especially if you haven’t researched her known views, and especially without the full information at your disposal, and you won’t stop people from supporting her that way either, including me. Wait for her full work to come out, and research her work and views to figure out what’s true and what isn’t, before you try to make attacks. The only people blind here are most of the people attacking her here now.

    The only thing stupid and evil here is sites like this continuing to reshare these falsehoods without digging any further. Interesting this site only seems to offer thumbs up.

    This is all I have to say for now to people attacking her. Good luck people.


  4. As a person who’s followed her work semi-closely, I can tell everyone here a few things.

    1. She doesn’t advocate castration. She said in early 2013 that piece was merely satirical and not serious.

    I’m not familiar with a leader of a serious movement creating a manifesto and then tossing in some satire.
    Can you tell me of another?
    I think what happened is that as loony as the rest of her manifesto is, even the loonettes looked at the castration part as a bit deranged.
    That it fits in nicely with the rest of her vision makes me think that it was serious, until it wasn’t serious.

    I’ve known this for over a year because she said as much about a year and a half ago, and has restated it many times since. There is also this piece she did on her real views regarding MGM: This piece is reflective of the standard quality of her work, although most of her serious posts tend to be much longer than that.


    I don’t see how male circumcision is at all fitting with the rest of her vision.

    2. She has always stated clearly and absolutely that she doesn’t advocate killing people or enacting violence. To mirror what she’s said even in these comments, if you’re arguing she advocates castration or killing or eugenics or anything else involving violence, you’re either adding your own assumptions to her statements, which is invalid, or you’ve been deceived by someone or some outlet that meant to distort and misrepresent her. A good example for her responding to that sort of thing can be found here:

    I’m actually going to these links and reading them, but stopping before finishing because it seems like a hot mess.
    A manifesto does not require 50, 000 words. She says she advocates getting the male population down to 10% or lower.
    That’s what we are interested in.

    Everything she makes reference to in this she made clear since about 2012 or 2013. All of it was stated before these people made their responses to and about her, they just failed to accurately report on her. Even I knew all of this, and that’s because I followed her work.
    You keep saying everyone has her wrong and then you link to 50,000 words.
    She doesn’t advocate getting the male population to 10%??
    We have that wrong? She said so!!!

    3. She used to call herself a feminist in 2012 but stopped in late 2012, just a couple months after her first video went up. She isn’t a feminist and neither are most of her supporters. Some are, but most, myself included, aren’t. I lean toward being anti-feminist sometimes, but I still greatly like her work. For more on that see her page here: She’s made all of the things there clear on her site and in videos since late 2012 and early 2013.
    You’re saying nothing. You’re just promoting this loon while pretending to rebut our concerns. You’re not doing that.

    If you’re wondering how it is possible people can support her, it’s because you haven’t done enough digging yourself. We won’t stop supporting her because you attack things she doesn’t believe, or because you believe the lies of people and news sources that misrepresent her, likely knowing that they did. FD is a kind and highly intelligent individual. She’s always nice to her friends, cares about people, promotes charities and donates to them, and is even nice to people who hate her. She leads people all across the web to discussing serious social issues, even beyond what she talks about. She engages in fair and skeptical inquiry, and tries to be fair and decent to others.
    So what. Hitler had a dog.

    All you people attacking here, attacking things she doesn’t believe, insulting her person, and making assumptions to try to refute her arguments, all you’re doing is driving people who might not have supported her, but who were curious enough to actually research her work and views, to supporting her. That’s how I originally came into supporting her, because I bothered to dig.
    If you’re any indication of what goes on at the meetings, count me out.
    You’re repeating the same thing over and over saying NOTHING.
    Yes she likes to be theatrical and dramatic and is a bit weird or eccentric at times, even in this really old video here, but you can’t let first impressions, especially when so many people are trying to shut her down by lying about her right now, rule your judgment. Take a moment to look at the situation objectively and do some digging around yourselves. I’ve encouraged friends to get into her stuff, and will continue to support her so long as she remains the person she is today. She’s one of the smartest people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing or following the work of, and she’s exactly the type of person the Internet’s debate and discussion community needs more of. Her friends on Twitter can attest to that.

    You’re all only going to gain her more support by trying to lie about her or by attacking views from liars that she doesn’t hold.
    what is everyone lying about???????
    Tell us!!!
    She’s made a plain language 2 minute video and now you require an Encyclopedia Brittanica to tell us what we heard with our own ears is not correct, and she’s smart and nice.

    And given the quality of work she does in just a few days, I can only imagine how thorough her research has been on these topics for the last 2 years. She’s a conscientious and hard worker and has proved that to her fans time and time again. You won’t just waltz in here and disprove anything or everything, especially if you’ve been misled, especially if you haven’t researched her known views, and especially without the full information at your disposal, and you won’t stop people from supporting her that way either, including me. Wait for her full work to come out, and research her work and views to figure out what’s true and what isn’t, before you try to make attacks. The only people blind here are most of the people attacking her here now.
    As her agent, do you get 10 or 15% commission?

    The only thing stupid and evil here is sites like this continuing to reshare these falsehoods without digging any further. Interesting this site only seems to offer thumbs up.

    This is all I have to say for now to people attacking her. Good luck people.


    You’ve said NOTHING.

  5. Bad news KOriginals.
    I read more and read her correction of the Vice interview.
    She is a moron.
    And if you want me to go point by point as to why she is a moron, you’ll have to wait for my book.

    But, I want to give the readers a sense of what I’ve read.

    Men, who will comprise of less than 10% of the world’s population, will live on reservations, apart from the women.
    The boys, I suspect, will live with their mothers and sisters, without fathers. So, the “no traditional family unit” is the basis of this new world.

    The men will be revered as breeding commodities, and everything they would want in life will be provided for them – (except living with a family, their sons or daughters, or anything other than sitting around dreaming of fucking.)
    All of this luxury will be provided by the state, run by women. And if the infrastructure falls apart, men will be allowed to leave the reservation to work, but not for pay, because there is no need for money.
    (How they get these men to work is a mystery only known by this featherhead.)

    Basically she saw In Like Flint (, with James Coburn, about an island of women bent on taking over the world, and she is now the pied- piper of abject morons who start with “the world will be great” and work backwards, not noticing the entire idea is falling apart like a bridge made by a world of women.

  6. @ K Orig

    *F* you!
    ANYONE talking about – in any way, shape, form, or means – reducing the male population is a g*ddamned fascist who needs to be dealt with with extreme prejudice.

  7. Just which Nancy Lads are going to do the murdering and castrating?
    As one astute liberal blogger recently mused, “If we outlaw guns, only neocons will have them. How will we run things if we’re unarmed?”

    Duh, dumbass.

  8. She’s a flake…the world is full of them.

    It sounds as if she watched too many late night ‘B’ movies…you know…those ones about “Amazons”, etc.

    I love this, from BFH’s research:
    “And if the infrastructure falls apart, men will be allowed to leave the reservation to work, but not for pay, because THERE IS NO NEED FOR MONEY.”
    Whenever you hear somebody say that, you know they’re fucked in the head.

  9. Is it me or does that heaping pile of dog shit written by KOriginal look and sound exactly like something FD would write. I read one of her blog posts. As fur pointed out, 50,000 words of mush. Grammatically correct with “appropriate” links to other bullshit screeds. The form, tempo, and finish all reek of FD writing that shit herself. I do not believe this kook has too many educated devout supporters. My money is on that Korig is FD.

  10. Her first date didn’t work out too well so, like Rachel Madcow, she blamed all men for her problems, including the 3 y/o bastard.

    At least Madcow accepts that SOME men are okay, the ones who are also queer.

  11. Agreed, KOrig is FD herself, a sock puppet.
    Promoting herself as a sock voice since she has no ‘followers’ to do so for her.

    Lots of Bitter Cray-Cray XX Chromosomes out there.

    Male inventions and male infrastructure (video, Internet, keyboards, sliced bread) make it possible for her to showcase all the many voices in her little noggin.

    (I also am thinking she got everything from A BOY AND HIS DOG… But failed to watch the ending.)

    Her next phase? ISIS INTERNET BRIDE.

    She will crowdsource a ticket to Pakistan, post a posed blog pic of herself with a recent black eye holding an unloaded AK-74 (incorrectly) and no one will ever hear from her again.

  12. I checked out her YT channel and have come to the conclusion that folks living in rubber rooms must have internet access. She be to cray cray to know how to eat without supervision!

  13. @ RacKAttacK

    You’re likely right. I had exactly the same thing happen with an article Jim Hlavac wrote over at American Thinker: he posted repeatedly as “Odd Child1”, defending his positions. Everything, and I mean *everything* about the style was his writing. It took about 20 or 30 jabs, but he finally admitted it was him (“…and I almost got away with it!”).

    Crazy has fingerprints.

  14. “If you’re wondering how it is possible people can support her, it’s because you haven’t done enough digging yourself.”

    Digging? Who wants to dig through that twisted manure heap of a fried mind? Or yours for that matter.

  15. huh, her wiki page says:
    At 9yo she was taken across state lines without her parents knowledge or consent obviously, given a free abortion and returned just in time for her MANdatory afterschool environmental class

  16. Thank you BFH for rebutting KOrigs idiotic defense of that psycho line by line. If psychonazichick had a snowBALLs chance of collecting a significant following, K would definitely be her Goebels. Ladies, take your schtick on the road – you will totally do fine in the middle east and Asia.

    How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

    Irrelevant, they can’t change anything.

  17. Not a single person here rebutted anything I said. All you people did was ignore my points, ask questions you can find the answers to on your own and return ad hominem. FD’s got numerous supporters as indicated by the likes on her videos, positive comments and supportive videos.

    Secondly I’m a male. The only Youtube channel I have is here

    My name is Jason. FD’s got some of the brightest fans you can hope to meet which fits her personality. You people sitting here don’t care to research or read to find the facts, you just want to talk with your feelings. That’s fine if that’s how you choose to live your lives, wallowing in ignorance. But for people who care about truth, doing some research is advised.

    My comment was thorough because it has to be thorough to respond formally to hysterical people like you all here. We organize. You were linked to things that explained what she’s been saying since before I first discovered her last year. There’s no ‘now she’s saying’ about it. She was saying it before these articles were posted. What they’ve done is called bad and biased reporting.

    I guarantee, FD alone, has done more in writing an article against MGM, donating to and promoting an anti MGM charity, than any of you here have to fight male circumcision. But you don’t care about any of that. You just care about what your ignorant feelings tell you.

    You all can sit here and continue with your lying drivel and stubborn ignorance or you can do some research and find things out for yourself instead of taking the biased article here at face value. Your call.

    I care about facts not how you feel.


  18. @Stirring the BS

    I know what she’s said it wont be. As a fan, I’ll wait to see what she writes because I enjoy her work and like her as an individual. Most people who talk to her end up being good friends with her. I’m not an isolated case. She’s probably got friends you’d never suspect.

    She’s writing about something complex that people react to very emotionally as most of you here have. So it is reasonable to me that she is spending a lot of time on it. If you care to find out see what’s said in her final book. Even if you don’t care that doesn’t give you any excuse to lie about someone or ignore facts as a lot of people here have.

    I honestly am stunned by the irrationality of people against her. Hell to be honest, I don’t even agree fully with some of her solutions and ideas myself. But it’s just mind blowing the mental gymnastics people will do to demonize her.

    She’s said since she wrote the ICD satirical piece over 2 years ago it wasn’t serious. And she wrote a damn good article against MGM months ago and donated to an MGM charity. Likely got a few others to donate by doing so as she has a large following on her sites. But people still insist she wants to castrate people because some article reported it even though she’d already said long before that ICD wasn’t serious. It’s truly stunning.

    You guys don’t get why people support her, and it’s because you’re so biased you don’t take time to actually objectively research. You’ll be hearing sentiments like these a lot more from her other friends as well because we all see all you doing the same things.

    Even here, everyone else is hysterical and name calling and I’m being calm and reasonable, yet people are still calling me names and acting like I’m the one acting like everyone else. I was being polite and still am. Why? I’m polite by nature and FD HERSELF encourages us to be polite, even to people who hate her. That’s the kind of person she is.

    Get it together people. You want to know find out when she releases work. You don’t care, fine. But expect to be called out and criticized when you lie. Read what I said above and check out the links and the actual timeline and you’ll see all she said was honest and true. It’s easy for me to say all this because I’ve kept up.

    I hope there is a God to save us if any of you have any authority anywhere or are registered to vote. Good luck. All of you are going to need it if this is how you are in real life.


  19. @Stirrin the BS

    Your name is fitting.

    BFH said nothing to refute anything I said.

    “I read more and read her correction of the Vice interview.
    She is a moron.
    And if you want me to go point by point as to why she is a moron, you’ll have to wait for my book.”

    Ad hom.

    “But, I want to give the readers a sense of what I’ve read.

    Men, who will comprise of less than 10% of the world’s population, will live on reservations, apart from the women.
    The boys, I suspect, will live with their mothers and sisters, without fathers. So, the “no traditional family unit” is the basis of this new world.”

    This is what he suspects. Not really a rebuttal, just his personal suspicions.

    “The men will be revered as breeding commodities, and everything they would want in life will be provided for them – (except living with a family, their sons or daughters, or anything other than sitting around dreaming of fucking.)
    All of this luxury will be provided by the state, run by women. And if the infrastructure falls apart, men will be allowed to leave the reservation to work, but not for pay, because there is no need for money.
    (How they get these men to work is a mystery only known by this featherhead.)
    Basically she saw In Like Flint (, with James Coburn, about an island of women bent on taking over the world, and she is now the pied- piper of abject morons who start with “the world will be great” and work backwards, not noticing the entire idea is falling apart like a bridge made by a world of women.”

    Again nothing rebutting anything here but him naming some things and making one reference to a Wiki article along with his own opinion. This refutes nothing.

    “I’m not familiar with a leader of a serious movement creating a manifesto and then tossing in some satire.”

    ICD wasn’t included in her manifesto. It was a single post from 2 years ago which she’s said almost since then wasn’t serious.

    Keep ignoring this though because that isn’t proof of your bias at all.

    “Can you tell me of another?”

    Question based on incorrect assumption.

    “I think what happened is that as loony as the rest of her manifesto is, even the loonettes looked at the castration part as a bit deranged.
    That it fits in nicely with the rest of her vision makes me think that it was serious, until it wasn’t serious.”

    Ad hom nonsense. Addressed above.

    “I don’t see how male circumcision is at all fitting with the rest of her vision.”

    No point made. She’s said directly her reason for advocating what she advocates is to raise the social and biological value of men. You don’t know how she intends to do it. It isn’t at all inconsistent. Male circumcision is unrelated to the population of men on earth. The only correlate factors is that it’s related to ‘men’. You’ve said nothing here, just ignored the article.

    “I’m actually going to these links and reading them, but stopping before finishing because it seems like a hot mess.”

    Correcting people reporting lies on your views and contradicting their own sources is not a ‘hot mess’. Journalists should have higher standards than that and report facts. She corrected them on things her fans have been aware of for a couple years.

    “A manifesto does not require 50, 000 words. She says she advocates getting the male population down to 10% or lower.”

    I think it does considering the complexity and controversial nature of the issue. That’s called being thorough.

    That’s what we are interested in.”

    I assume as she’s said many times it will be explained in her book. She explains most things well.

    “You keep saying everyone has her wrong and then you link to 50,000 words.

    Or you could read the posts where she EXPLAINS what you have wrong. Or you could read my comments EXPLAINING what you had wrong. Instead you literally admitted to being biased by saying ‘I want to know but refuse to read these links you’ve linked which answer a lot of my questions and correct the mistakes on this post I’m on now’.

    “She doesn’t advocate getting the male population to 10%??
    We have that wrong? She said so!!!”

    She does. You’re wrong about how she wants to do it. If someone says something is definitely not what they intend to do or advocate then you are wrong if you say they intend to do or advocate that. I can think of many ways a population could be reduced over generations or centuries that wouldn’t involve killing. You want to know see her finished work. You don’t care that’s fine, but you will be called out when you lie.

    “You’re saying nothing. You’re just promoting this loon while pretending to rebut our concerns. You’re not doing that.”

    Pointing out she’s not a feminist and doesn’t identify as one is rebutting anyone calling her a feminist. You fail.

    “So what. Hitler had a dog.

    Ad hom. It’ll be explained in her work as she’s said. You want the explanation, wait. You don’t, fine. You will be called out when you lie.

    “If you’re any indication of what goes on at the meetings, count me out.
    You’re repeating the same thing over and over saying NOTHING.”

    You’re in a serious glass house right now. Better put those stones down.

    “what is everyone lying about???????
    Tell us!!!
    She’s made a plain language 2 minute video and now you require an Encyclopedia Brittanica to tell us what we heard with our own ears is not correct, and she’s smart and nice.”

    I already told you and linked to things telling you. You admitted OPENLY to being biased and refusing to read it above. You’re really wasting my time.

    “As her agent, do you get 10 or 15% commission?”

    Ad hom. I hope this isn’t the best you can do. Laughable, really.

    “You’ve said NOTHING.”

    Coming from the guy who literally said less than nothing and actually managed to waste my time, this is a hilarious statement. You sir are laughable, as is anyone else here taking your drivel seriously.

    I linked you to what you need to know. Be objective or don’t. You have no arguments beyond insults, you admitted openly above to being too lazy to read the things which would answer most of your questions which is admitting OPENLY to being biased. You’re pathetic. It looks like this entire site’s readership is absolutely pitiful.

    Good luck.


  20. I can’t improve much on what KornOriginals said earlier so I will add to it.

    He has pretty much covered the misconceptions about what she believes and doesn’t believe. Beyond that, for anyone who is interested in discovering the truth, I’d advise asking her directly rather than relying on the word of others.

    The Charlie Foxtrot mentality that pervades the Internet, particularly among unemployed alcoholics, seem like some sort of new-age religion with more disinformation than information being passed around like communal biscuits.

    The rest of what I have to say has been posted elsewhere, but it applies here as well:

    One might say that the antithesis of fundamentalism is skepticism. From the dictionary:

    “strict adherence to the fundamental principles of any set of beliefs”

    One of the most interesting uses of the word that I am aware of is with respect to investing. A fundamentalist in investing is only interested in the “fundamentals” of a stock, how well the company is doing, cash-flow, management team, etc. Daytraders are not fundamentalist nor are those who look at the shape of the stocks price history for clues about the next run-up or sell-off. So I can even concede that not *all* uses of the word are pejorative, though almost all are.

    A couple years ago I just stumbled on a controversy concerning the publication of an individual’s personal information online, including admonitions to “hunt her down”, “ruin her life” etc. and the crux of that talk led me to a site called “A Voice for Men”. If you want to find fundamentalists, look there. Another group of “fundies” can be found (you hardly have to look these days) among the gaming community who think that the audacity of a relatively unknown woman critiquing the male dominated aspects of some video games is the end of the world. Finally I watched a video yesterday extolling the virtues of the MGTOW lifestyle consisting of little more than “I can’t get or keep a girlfriends because I can’t afford nice things, so people who have girlfriends or nice things are stupid and I’m going to enjoy life without them!” What is this if not asceticism re-invented with a game controller? (And a PC and digital camera apparently).

    In any event, Femitheist is the farthest thing in the world from a fundamentalist (in that pejorative sense). After AVfM decided she was worthy of their scorn I took a look for myself to see what all the fuss was about and found nothing. I did find among her detractors though a couple of people who I had run into in online forums in the past who had worn out their welcome there for harassing people they didn’t like. The people they harassed had only one thing in common: they were popular. This gave me some sense that maybe the target of these attacks wasn’t what the “true believers” of these various groups said she was. (Keyword=envy)

    Going against the crowd, I decided to investigate this person myself. While I had no intention of “doxing” anyone be they friend or foe, I just wondered what kind of kook was being talked about here. The shear volume of the outrage indicated that there *must* be something to it. (Keywords=conformity, orthodoxy). I’m not the first investigator to say that I wasn’t straightforward in my techniques. I didn’t just approach her online and say “are you as crazy as they say you are?” I took my time. I got to know her, and her friends and her enemies until I was interacting with her, and them in one way or another on a daily basis.

    I was able to determine the essence of her research methods, some of the plans she had for a book she wants to write and even details of her family life, none of which I have any intention to reveal. (Keyword=ethics)

    What I will say is this… The picture painted of her by AVfM and since then by all the copy-cats too lzy to find the truth is so diametrically different than the reality as to be libelous. Libel is hard and expensive to pursue though, a fact that they count on as they “expose” those that they don’t like (as long as those they don’t like don’t have the resources to conduct a lengthy court case).

    Once their mischief has been set in motion AVfM can clean up their web site (as so many did after the Elliot Rodger story), set it so that it can’t be archived at and so on and move on to other money-making schemes. Like the TV preachers of last century, nothing brings in the contributions like controversy. (Keyword=hucksterism)

    Vice is a magazine/web property that I was surprised to find was much more successful than any operation sch as AVfM, if for no other reason than they seek hits wherever they can find them rather than in just one disgruntled corner of he manoshpere. They don’t seek contributions, they seek advertising.

    We’ve concluded that what they did with Femitheist was not so much a “hit piece” as it was a “man bites dog” piece. Another way to say that colloquially is that their favorite question is “When did you stop beating your wife?”

    They asked intentionally provocative questions (I’ve seen both the original questions and answers) and then for publication they shortened both questions and answers to be more “interesting”. Interspersed with the questions and answers are the questioners own hastily drawn assumptions about things, again, coincidentally making the subject seem quite a bit more controversial than it really is. (Keyword=Sex-Sells)

    Finally let me conclude by saying that for the growing number of web sites, blogs, vlogs and so on that have endlessly cut-and-pasted the juicy bits (mostly from said interspersed commentary rather than from the actual answers) it provides an interesting insight into how far the practice of journalism (if it can still be called that) has descended.

    As a computer scientist, I always found it hard to look past the anachronisms and outright errors committed by Hollywood when they depicted computers as nothing but spinning reel to reel tape drives and randomly blinking lights. I would lose respect for these movies and those who produced them and eventually for Hollywood altogether.

    Likewise, knowing a subject first hand and seeing how it is covered makes it easy to distinguish those sites that operate with any sense of curiosity versus those who only are filling a web page with any sort of fluff that will attract the hits.

    For the majority who just want to keep the circle-jerk going, the insanity of the accusations only discredit the accusers in the long run. Like the MGTOWs, they will pump each other up in their own little isolated gathering places. (Keyword=idiocracy)

    For the few who take an actual interest and that might include some of the five percent of you who managed to read this far, a few (but not all) will see value in her writings and will also see that she is a genuine compassionate person who while being the victim of much abuse, does not dwell on that and moves on to the betterment of herself and those around her.

    By my association with Femitheist I’ve accumulated a group of open and honest friends with whom I can have conversations on many topics in which we do not all agree, but we do agree to discuss them in a civil manner. We actually change one another’s minds from time to time, which is something I can’t say about most of the Internet.

    Now lately I also have a list of web sites from which I would never expect to get any factual information. They are curiosities, anachronisms, like the old bad science fiction movies, to be viewed only with mocking amusement after one is too tired to be productive.

    Keep up the … “work”. And watch out for the Fundies. They are everywhere!

  21. I don’t agree with or even like FD’s views at all but as a person she’s cool.
    In fact one of the most easygoing people I’ve met.
    We mutually disagree with each other and usually don’t discuss views much.
    We usually joke around instead.

    By contrast I had feminist friends/attempted friends that just become hostile when I mention my anti-SJW views, or act like damsels who don’t want to discuss anything.
    I’d rather talk to FD than Anita Sarkeesian or Twatson.

  22. if bigfurhat’s comments are any indication of his intelligence and bias, i can see why this article turned out to be utter bollocks. have yet to see anyone here actually make an adult attempt at arguing with Krista’s fans. i’m a fan myself. i don’t agree with all she says but i know she’s a hard worker and is serious about checking her biases at the door when she puts out content. that’s what drew me to her. people like the ones here only make my support for her stronger.

    hey bad_brad, buddy. you can’t wake up if you’re dead.


  23. Femitheist Divine doesn’t have a child and she is not a feminist. Right off the bat the article starts with lies. This Blog is probably based on the libertydoll article and contains no facts. KOriginals and Herman fethez said it all. There is nothing I can add here except to say femitheist is a wonderful person and I support her. To all the people making denigrating comments about her, you don’t know what you’re talking about, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for the things you said.

  24. bad_brad, You don’t seem to be bright enough for that sort of mental expenditure. Might I suggest a padded room? As well, if no one cares, this shitty article and the one it came from would not exist. Your point is defeated by it being on this article about The Femitheist’s “cult”. Go take a class on logic and take your cavedwelling buddies here with you.

    millertime, Those attacking The Femitheist here do seem quite schizophrenic and hard headed indeed. Oh wait, you’re one of them. My apologies, I mistook you at first for someone not brain damaged. I’m sure you’ll display your damage here shortly.

    I must say, I’m amused at the individuals here who are deeply in denial of evidence that disproves all their accusations. Is this site’s common demographic high schoolers or the mentally handicapped?

    You can see and find The Femitheist’s friends all over the place on multiple forums. You children have time to lie but resort to juvenile insults when spanked on the bottom for your misbehaving like the toddlers you are. You’ll learn one day after we keep spanking you over and over.

    And if any of you cavefolk are curious, I can’t take you seriously enough to destroy you as others have here, so I can only return to you what you deserve. Ridicule.

    a dude laughing at you clowns

    please keep it up. hysterical!

  25. There are no amount of words you can throw around to cover the fact she wants the world’s male population to be reduced to less than the 10th percentile.

    Thems fightin’ words. You can’t reduce the male pop without killing them somehow. Abortion is murder too.

    I predict a severe lack of live followers for her at some point in this struggle.

  26. Cutting through the crapcake with these loons –

    FD is THE ONE.
    Buy her book.


    Her entire manifesto relies on culling the male population to 10%.
    Her followers are entranced, gaga even.
    Yet, they have NO IDEA how she proposes to accomplish this.

    That is a long flimsy limb to be out on.
    Yet, I do believe she could say “we are going to shoot men in the head” and these friggin loons will anoint the idea as masterful.

    Who the hell goes right down the line with some abject dunderhead who hasn’t yet explained the keystone in the entire idea??

    This is exactly like some 9 year-old telling his friends that they are going to have candy for life, and he details all the candy, what it will feel like when you have the candy, how glorious it will be with all that candy, but never explains how he is going to get the candy.

    When I was 9 I could see through that kind of bullshit. Apparently grown men and women still can’t.

    By the way, the 9 year-old had 2 plans:
    – walk up to the door of a candy factory and say “Open Sesame.”
    if that didn’t work he would shoot everyone in the head, including some of the kids who didn’t think shooting people in the head was such a great idea.

  27. I’ve been informed of an error I made. It seems that Femitheist Divine has a child. That might be the only part of the article the blogger got right.
    I just want to make this correction in the interest of clarity.

  28. Male circumcision has NOTHING to do at all with the point of FD’s vision.
    It’s tangential at best and seems to be getting an inordinate amount of attention compared to the “we are going to cull the male herd to 10% of the population.”

    It’s like pro-capital punishment advocates talking about the furniture polish they’re going to use on the electric chair.

  29. You’ve been following this nutsack for how long?
    I’ve heard of her for the first time yesterday and I knew a basic, MAJOR FACT, that you didn’t.

    Stunning. What else don’t you know? And how can you be so confident that it isn’t a lot?
    Exit Question.
    Is FD’s child a boy or a girl?
    If it’s a boy, when does she plan on killing him?

  30. I am only coming back to comment because Fur bumped this for entertainment’s sake.

    K(orn)Originals, Herman Fethez, Spinzig and probably Camethedawn, are one in the same person or very closely in tune and aligned with one another.

    Further, if they are real people, and not FD herself, then they are perpetrating a hoax or some other sort of scam on anyone willing to give them a forum, or just having fun.

    The only other possible explanation is that they are bat-shit crazy.

    Whatever the case may be, you can only treat “them” like the cat who toys with the mouse before it kills it.

  31. Do these guys remind anybody else of that 1964 classic “Isle of the Amazon Women”? If these truly are men posting they seem to require female domination. Oh and getting their Pee Pees whacked off. That pussy just don’t look that good.

  32. “It is my contention then, that women are inherently non-violent, or lacking of that which is required to be violent, and it is also my contention that without this male indoctrination, women could be liberated and made free-of-mind, and quite easily so. Because of this, I believe that a world populated only by women, devoid of the corruptive influences of men, would be absolutely pure and peaceful.”

    Would last for approximately one generation. Or shorter, due to death by boredom.

  33. @Stirring the BS “The only other possible explanation is that they are bat-shit crazy.”
    Or, we’re all George Bush. Or Elvis reincarnated.
    Or, here’s a thought, it’s possible you might just be wrong about Femitheist Divine. *gasp*
    Wild notion, I know. Take a moment to absorb that possibility. Imagine, you might be wrong.
    You all desperately want to isolate Femitheist, you can’t or won’t accept there are people who support her.

  34. “The short-term solutions, such as pacification, limitation and feminization, are already underway. Men are limited judicially, socially and culturally, and all of this is entirely justified, because it is absolutely necessary for the proper evolution of mankind.”

    Evolution without procreation is a self-canceling concept.

  35. When are you going to let the bull dykes know that they are too aggressive and display male traits that are undesirable, and that they are not needed because they do not produce the cherished sperm?

    When are you going to tell gay men that they don’t fit into your society because they aren’t studs and they still have “violent male tendencies?”

    Or do you think gay men aren’t violent?… mwa ha.
    Cite your study.

  36. “The long-term solution, which is currently the most controversial, is the entire removal of all males, which will only be possible following the full implementation of the short-term solutions.”

    Otherwise known as cultural and societal suicide.

    Femitheism is a death cult.

  37. @badbrad

    With john agar!

    These idiots ( own it /oil it ), wax on and on yet say nothing new. Some girl hates men. Gets people to agree. That is it.

    And who put her in charge? She did.

  38. As an observer on the outside of this I find myself rather confused. I hope to inject a bit of mediation in the comments here.

    The guys or gals here defending this woman seem to be pretty intelligent, and I understand where they’re coming from, although I can’t agree with her solutions. They’re making pretty solid points that I don’t really see anyone else here taking a serious swipe. All I see in this thread are, as others above identified, ad hominem attacks and speculation. Name-calling is not impressive.

    The onus is on the reporter to report the facts. Not to speculate and publish biased work. I find myself confused when I go to her pages and see her stating clearly what she means, but then stumble across articles like this saying the exact opposite. I can only conclude that the bias is on the side of those reporting. I’d like thank her friends, or her, whomever they might be, for bringing this to my attention.

    My word of advice is: if you mean to write an article on her, it is best no to speculate and to report things fairly. And when her friends, or her, come in to correct you and do so in a fairly constructive and civil manner, you ought not respond childishly or just by insulting. It makes you seem petty and weak, and like they are the reasonable ones. I believe the gentleman above correctly identified that aspect of this. And indeed, if these are the types she hangs around with, I am interested to know more, especially given the display by her opposition here.

    For now, she might have another fan, but first I must do my own searching. I am extremely unimpressed by the display on part of ‘Big Fur Hat’ and co. here. Very strange.

    And I must add one more thing, I am not a young man. I am 43 and have children of my own. Two sons and a daughter. I understand how people can see an ideology likes hers as threatening, but you also have to understand that it does seem she is a determined and bright young woman, if not a bit out there in some ways. I’ve done some very brief skimming of a few things linked here and I found myself fairly impressed by her effort. I am equally impressed by what I’ve seen here and on her other pages from her followers, who seem to have their own pages as well. I only mention this because it seems others here haven’t quite done the homework.

    And if anyone wants to know what my credentials are to judge the character of others, aside from being a father of three who’s been around the block, I’ve only got a Pharm D. which took me 8 years to get. Not exactly a degree in behavioral or general psychology, but as you get older and wiser, you come to know a little bit about what seems like adult behavior and what doesn’t. Her friends here have displayed that much. You others.. I’m not so sure about just yet.

    I would caution that we keep in mind that there is a difference between criticizing something you dislike and appearing as if you’re bent on misrepresenting it for your own ends. That is an act, in my mind, more shameful than what I’ve seen of her serious words. And again to Mr. FurHat, you should’ve done a better job with this piece and with your etiquette in the comments below. Judging based just on what I’ve seen here alone, it appears you might need a course in logical argumentation and social etiquette. Your friends may need some of it too. Do not give in to hysterics.

  39. … FD’s got numerous supporters as indicated by the likes on her videos, positive comments and supportive videos.

    To anyone who believes …
    “My comment/video/blog etc got lots of TU, positive comments, likes, whatever, therefore I’m right”

    Bullshit, also known as ad vericundiam and appeal to popularity fallacies. The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.

    Also FD’s personality characteristics and likability are non sequitur to a eugenic population culling agenda regardless of the name it goes under. I’m sure Henry Kissinger, Ted Turner, the Rockefellers and other population control freaks are fun at parties, big deal they want you dead and the world population reduced by 90% (everybody always thinks it will be someone else who pays the price).

  40. Ya Hmmmm,
    you’re an “outsider.”
    Someone who has never been to iOTW before suddenly shows up on one specific post to endorse a lunatic and you’re just an impartial observer. Right.

    You wonder why I don’t have any “netiquette” for you dumbbells?
    Who do you think you’re kidding?

    Stop the stupid pretense and I will go toe to toe with the PHD.
    You game?

    You’re going to have to answer a lot of questions, and the answers can’t be “she’ll explain all this in her book.”

    Here’s a couple of starting questions –

    Who is in charge of deciding which people get to have boys and who can only have girls?
    Which men get to preserve their bloodlines?

    We understand what the “vision” is.
    But despite you thinking we’re dummies and Featherhead is brilliant, we have the ability to extrapolate what is necessary to carry out this vision.
    You either can’t, or you have, and will not state what is necessary in plain language, preferring to send people to links with 100,000 word essays.
    This is not necessary, and it is causing our exasperation.
    So, if you want to keep from being called a cultist a-hole, you better start talking in concise plain language.
    Got it?

    Answer my questions above.

  41. Nah, this aint fun. Hines was fun. Some of the others we’ve done this with over the years got so bad that I feared they would start randomly killing people…some of them actually said just that! Then I got threatening emails from the wackos for weeks! No, sorry, this “chick” needs to get back on her meds before she hurts her self. Please FD, KO or what ever name you are at this moment, call your safe person before you get hurt…

    Peace out sweety…

  42. MaryfromMarin, Both of the women I had long term relationships with killed another human.

    Both were and are non-violent types.

    Neither have the attitude of regret, albeit for different reasons. IMO, they should have regret but I digress.

    Women can certainly be deadly and not act all ape-like with powerful strength menacing others physically.

    I can see this vision of hers being one that treats male-slaying as a proper thing and not violent no matter the method. No regrets.

    It is violence against men just to say you want the male population to be under 10%.

    Even if you have a good argument for the dudes to off themselves willingly – it’s still violence against their very lives.

    But I haven’t heard a single argument yet for anything.

    Just fawning adoration. No articulated facts of the agenda.

    This looks worse than starting a new religion but it’s damn close.

    Will it evolve to make the case against women that have male-ish/aggressive traits, too? Are Dykes doomed in this world?

    I see some pretty aggressive and violent females in my town. They would LOVE a male-less world – so they could talk more women into sex with them that wouldn’t other-wise. Maybe even rape them.

    Who’s going to stop them?

    Would these new “guys” have to go too?

    And yes, if questions like what we have can not be answered then you have not said anything yet. It really is that simple.

    Genuine questions offered.

    Wordy put downs are not answers. Nor are they effective in winning anyone over to your side.

  43. @Hmmm [“And again to Mr. FurHat, you should’ve done a better job with this piece and with your etiquette in the comments below. Judging based just on what I’ve seen here alone, it appears you might need a course in logical argumentation and social etiquette. Your friends may need some of it too. Do not give in to hysterics.”]

    Thank you for the comment. It was well written and balanced.

  44. ok there is some validity in what she is saying since most rapes are perpetrated by males but if you dig even deeper you would find that certain religions and ethnicities make up most of that total so …. well … she of course being a good liberal would never go for that though

  45. “She has always stated clearly and absolutely that she doesn’t advocate killing people or enacting violence.”

    Gosh. Then what about the whole sticking a metal pipe into an unborn skull and sucking the brains out part?

  46. Hmm, I wonder if her supporters that are showing up here and saying well nothing, are actually just trying to be one of the 10% this loon plans on establishing as sperm donors. If it comes to pass won’t they be surprised that instead of losing their virginity to a woman they’ll be losing it to a test tube and a racy picture of their new leader.

  47. “..Stop the stupid pretense and I will go toe to toe with the PHD.
    You game?…”

    Fur, you’re smarter than that to think that you would have an intellectual fact-based discussion with whoever is posting on behalf FD.

    It was nice thought, but don’t waste your time.

  48. On the bright side, if you can’t sleep tonight, you can always print out and try to read the “manifestos” left here by the seven-headed personality disorder dropping them in the thread.

  49. “She has always stated clearly and absolutely that she doesn’t advocate killing people or enacting violence.”>>>

    So state enforced mandatory abortion is not violent?
    So when people say, “fuck you, I’m having a boy,” there won’t be any violence after that?
    When they refuse to pay the excessive fine (or whatever other method this imbecile cites as a remedy for this hurdle) and they do not comply, there will be no violence at that point?


  50. Chicks are dangerous.

    Through natural revelation, especially “conversations”, we all know this to be true.

    That’s why men were created with less talk, more throttle. It evens things out.

  51. You people who bash and spew hateful rhetoric towards the Femithiest are the reason why I support her. So keep up the hate speech cos it only helps our cause.

    In the future population reduction is going to be a real thing and I for one would like it done slowly and humanely. Do you think the governments of the world will do it that way? If the past and present is any indication then no they won’t, it will be grizzly and bloody mark my words. Have a nice day. 🙂

    We’re bashing you because there are no explanations as to how this vision is going to be carried out. It seems the ends is a masturbatory dream, the means is something that hasn’t been articulated, or even dwelled upon. We don’t mean to harsh your vision, but it’s adolescent tripe if you can’t spell out the mechanics of this pie-in-the-sky. -bfh

  52. @Dadof4 _”It is violence against men just to say you want the male population to be under 10%.”_

    Not necessarily.


    I’m going to cull the population to 0% atheifeminist. But don’t worry, it won’t be violent.
    First I’m going to get lots of followers and we are going to talk incessantly about eradicating atheifemidunces, and then you’ll find out how it will be done in my book sometime in the future.

  53. Absolutely Ted. I am picking up on a vibe of mental illness, and I’m not saying that as a dismissive debating tool.
    I can actually “read” the glazed over eyes.
    I wonder how much money they are donating to this girl.

  54. I wait with bated breath for one of you to tell me how the hell you reduce men to less than 10% of the population “humanely.” And if you think the women of the world are going to let that happen (never mind the men), you had better adjust your thinking. Are you truly so far gone that you don’t realize you sound like raving loons? Seriously?

  55. No Brad, this is where the ‘non’violence” part comes in.
    Men that are alive now will be “allowed” to live.
    But there will be mass infanticide, only allowing girls to live, like a Reverse-China.

    You see, abortion is not violence. And forced abortion is benevolent.
    And if you want to have a boy, and continue your bloodline, FUCK YOU.
    Some 22 year-old girl is in charge. She will decide who gets a boy and who doesn’t.
    But there will be no violence if people resist her.
    How that works will be in “her book.”

    Incidentally, the book will be $1.99.
    $2000 for “her followers.”

  56. @Fur –

    “…Absolutely Ted. I am picking up on a vibe of mental illness…”

    You see the IP addresses. Are you saying that these are legitimate separate “defenders” of FD? They are so robotic and nonsensical that it defies logic to think that they are serious.

  57. You people who bash and spew hateful rhetoric towards the Femithiest are the reason why I support her. So keep up the hate speech cos it only helps our cause. -Chad

    So the fuel of the movement is the dissent of the the engine.

    No, that’s not a cult.

    That is the very definition of a cult!!!!!!

  58. All I had time to read was one of the posts from KOriginals to realize there IS a cult mentality and mental illness involved with her and her followers.

    She is a sad, sick person. I feel sorry for her.

  59. Yes, STB,
    It is MORE disturbing that these could be different people.

    It seems they’ve been educated about how to respond to dissent.

    Create a google alert that mentions their moron.
    Show up and be verbose, but vague, all the while telling everyone how nice she is, and friendly, and avoid at all costs discussing anything unpleasant about a very unpleasant idea.
    Drop lots of links.
    Get them to the site, and maybe, just maybe, some people with open (frail, weak, fragile, damaged) minds will be sucked into the black hole of idiocy.

  60. Okay this went from fun to a total waste of time a long time ago.

    Fur, you’re spending a lot of time perpetuating this “debate”. Is there something with this/these kook(s) that I’m not getting?

  61. I want to interview your leader.
    Get word to her.
    We can do it by email.

    I will give her final editing privileges.

    Only one caveat – her answers cannot be essays, and she cannot tell people it requires her book to explain her answers.

    These will be questions that do not require a thesis.


    Q- Who is in charge of policing the people who decide that they want 6 random kids?
    A- Me.
    or, The state.
    or, There is no police, it will be voluntary.
    See how easy that is?

    Not, I haven’t thought it through enough where it can be answered succinctly. Allow me to write 5000 words of nothingness so my followers get more enamored. Oh, look for my book coming soon.
    Don’t be a hater.

  62. Wait. If everyone in the future will be complicit with this vision, then what means will be utilized to find the fortunate few selected to contribute toward said future?

    Gosh. We’ll just have to read about it in her book, fellas.

  63. STB,
    I find this just as important as exposing the idiocy of any other movement other than conservatism.

    Had I been doing this to “critical race theory” 30 years ago you’d say I was wasting my time.

    There is a critical race theorist in the white house.

  64. When Roe v Wade passed I would be called a loon if I said that “within a few generations there will be partial birth abortions and you will be mandated to pay for it.”

    Do I think this idiot’s movement can get legs?
    It HAS LEGS.

    This is not far off from Ezekiel Emanuel’s death panels.
    This is the “death panel brigade” merged with the “men suck brigade” with a dollop of “save the planet brigade.”

  65. Fur, I see your point on the critical race theory, but I’m not sure that I see the same significance with this off the chart theory.

    However, I will defer to your experience and good judgement in pursuing the expose of these nut jobs .

  66. Death-cult-like behavior like this is very much on the rise these days. Even gayness, taken to its ultimate manifestation, leads to death of culture and civilization.

    The wars and attacks we are seeing now are all death-dealing, on steroids.

    Satan’s ultimate goal is the destruction of humankind. QED, these death-cult-like behaviors will only increase.

    This woman’s theory/philosophy fosters the destruction of humanity, on physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual levels, simultaneously. It is evil and satanic.

  67. Women would not be required to kill 90% of the men. It only requires 10% of the inmates to turn on the other 90% of their own kind. The funny thing is, these utopian plans always require force to carry out. And the best people at using force are the most violent sociopaths.

    So her plan to end violence against women would leave women at the mercy of the most violent men. And no good hairdressers.

  68. Agreed, Menderman.
    But as conservatives we always reluctantly wake up on “C” because “D” was so friggin outlandish that “C” becomes the excepted “compromise.”

    These prairie fires need to be addressed and brought into the light of disinfectant as soon as possible.
    I don’t think a night of isolation and ridicule is a waste of time.

  69. Inherent in my dismay at the lack of content in the multitude of posts from our newest Sybil?

    The conflicting “facts” that the world will all see the light and join in some day – Yet not one person here has been convinced to join the cause.

    How is that batting average going to go from 0.000 to 1.000 if run-around words are all they can offer in a discourse on the subject?

    More than one of her personalities mentions “facts” without ever citing any at all. (Do a search on this page)

    What facts are gotten wrong here and what facts should we know about?

  70. Women would not be required to kill 90% of the men. It only requires 10% of the inmates to turn on the other 90% of their own kind. The funny thing is, these utopian plans always require force to carry out. And the best people at using force are the most violent sociopaths.

    So her plan to end violence against women would leave women at the mercy of the most violent men. And no good hairdressers.

    -I M Simpleton

    Etch this mother in stone.

  71. @ Chad Atchison..

    You people who bash and spew hateful rhetoric towards the Femithiest are the reason why I support her. So keep up the hate speech cos it only helps our cause.

    In the future population reduction is going to be a real thing and I for one would like it done slowly and humanely. Do you think the governments of the world will do it that way? If the past and present is any indication then no they won’t, it will be grizzly and bloody mark my words. Have a nice day. 🙂

    Holy shit, you are truly a despicable human being. This isn’t an ad hominem attack, it’s a statement of fact.

    Rot in hell with Margret Sanger, Pol Pot and Joe Stalin you POS. I DGAF if you’re an athiest or don’t believe in hell. Even Ayn Rand or Leonard Peikoff would likely agree with this assessment.

    Anyone who believes as you do is a sociopath and an enemy of all humanity.

    I believe in nonviolence, but your freedom ends where my nose begins. Anyone who takes action that you advocate or support by your acquiescence is no better than a slave owner and deserves the same treatment that tyrants and their supporters have received … sic semper tyrannis

    I don’t know your background you sick bastard, but I’ve seen death up close and will take any means necessary to prevent unnecessary violence against innocent people.

    If you don’t wake up, I hope you catch a fucking bullet from the sickos you support.

  72. Nothing at all wrong with fighting the fight BFH, it’s just not one I would have even noticed. That in no way is to indicate that you shouldn’t have. Just like if Castro made that baseball team we wouldn’t even know who he was today. Keep it up! Can you find a short winded adversary next time though?

  73. @MfM –

    “…Death-cult-like behavior like this is very much on the rise these days…”

    So true. Just look at the appeal that ISIS has in the West. It’s sick and it’s sad.

  74. @ BFH

    I don’t say this lightly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    Some of us knew instinctively (or by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit) that abortion back in ’73 would lead to using parts of aborted babies for “the good of humanity.” People, even pro-lifers, thought that was impossible.

    You sniffed this out for the vile deviancy it is. Again thank you.

    I’m glad you have the courage

  75. FD and her psychotic supporters – real and imagined, constantly whine and are too concerned about feelings when criticized – a sure sign of immaturity and avoidance. Utopian societies have never been successful – they either self destruct or turn into communist hell holes when implemented.
    Plans to reduce the male population to a minimal percentage will fail – guaranteed. There will always be people who won’t just let a bunch of megalomaniacs erase a significant number of men from society without a fight. Count on it.

  76. Mary, the first few paragraphs of my post were in response to what you pasted in your post just above it and not your comment in it.

    I could have been clearer about that but when editing down my wall of text I left that out.

    Sorry. :/

  77. You people who bash and spew hateful rhetoric towards the Femithiest are the reason why I support her. So keep up the hate speech cos it only helps our cause.

    Also, you’re completely full of shit.

    Please define what “hate speech” is, I’ve been waiting for a definition since Clinton was in office.

    No one here is advocating hate or violence but you and your cadre of useful idiots.

    Have you ever studied the history of revolutions in the past 100+ years?

    Ever read Carrol Quigley?

    Try listening to this old interview with Yuri Bezmenov, a Soviet defector and former KGB agent

    pay particular attention t what happens to academic ideologues, useful idiots and other agitators after the glorious revolution takes place. Feminism has it’s roots in Marxism, all lessons of Communism are applicable.

  78. Some people become musicians, some become artists, some become engineers, some become teachers, some become hair stylists, some become butchers, some become lawyers, some become mothers, some become statisticians, some become politicians, some become janitors, some become landlords, some become restauranteurs, some become brokers, some become etc. This is reality. Defiance of reality is defiance of life. Life in itself does not accept this defiance. Life will fight tooth and nail to defend life. Your supposed ‘tiger’ is in reality ‘Grumpy Cat’. Grumpy cat will not win. Not in this realm. Or any future realm.

  79. Maybe I’ll do a GoFundMe campaign to go on a date with her, only need enough to cover pizza, and bear mace because, you know-she’s NUTS. Unless of course Grayscape’s already called dibs…

  80. Well I have answer that fits, like I usually do.

    We all know that men are like dogs, so fill up their water dish with whiskey anad let them drink til their hearts content. Problem solved.

    Case closed.

    Shady in Red

    howmy doing down there FDR and Eleanor?

    [gotta say this fucking thread in hilarious]

  81. >> Femitheist

    Pronounce? I know the progtardia wheels are spinning.


    Let me know so I can carve that shit straight into my skin, next to my IOTW tramp stamp!!

  82. Hey feminazis, you would not be here without a man! And it’s sick pubes like you that I do endorse abortion just like you! I can take a gander and say you are not religious either or believe in family. You get pissed if a guy even smiles at you out of kindness! You are all f’d up in the head! You have already brought the man Dow to sissies in tv, et al! Personally I don’t want to see anymore cunts trying to be badasses. It used to be a talent to handle things discreetly while protecting the family and that includes the man! Thank you God for creating MAN!!!

  83. Hooooooleeeeee shit. All this anti-male shit really just pisses me off.

    I have an amazing little boy who is a handful, let me tell you. He has no off switch and I’m chronically tired. But I’d rather have ten of him than one of this FREAKAZOID.

  84. IOTW community was like a well oiled machine today constantly on the attack and pressing the fight pushing them off balance . Intentionally planned or not let’s remember this recipe . They had no chance

  85. Slow down Bad_Brad, these people could be pregnant with a future dead aborted child. That has to weigh more on their minds than constant attacks from anonymous people they never met. Or probably not.

  86. Eternal, I don ‘t think so. The males practice at night sawing their junk off to satisfy queen “No Likey Balls”. The women are carpet munchers. The chances of reproduction are thin. Which is a major flaw in their well thought out plan

  87. The best part:
    Stirrin, It’s not a debate, it’s an unmasking. You don’t need to be here.
    Brad – an unmasking? I don’t need to be here? Fuck you, what makes you dismissive?
    Stirrin the BS, Check out another thread if this is bothering you, which obviously it is. There is a point to this.
    Nice job Brad…..
    I want to see them explain this to black men.
    Or is this for whites only

  88. @bob What are you on about? I looked at your link and it has zero significance to the topic at hand. let me try to be a little more clear. In the distance future when almost everything is automated, there will no longer be a need for a large workforce. What do you think will happen to all the billions of poor people that will have no jobs available for them on a scale that has never before been seen? Do you think the elites will benevolently take care of them? The answer is no. If the past and present are any indication then it will be violent and bloody.

    Disagree with her ratio all you want it makes no difference to me, but at least she is thinking about this future problem, and working on a way to reduce the future population in a humane way so to avoid any violence and bloodshed. If you have any better ideas on how to reduce the future population then i’d like to hear it.

    BTW i’m not impressed that you have experienced death first hand, it’s a big violent world most of us have.

    @bfh I would suggest that you talk to her yourself, she is a very nice, open, and honest person who is open to civil discourse. Discuss with her your concerns and she will gladly address them. If the Femitheist is the nutter/monster that you think she is then you can come back here and tell us all about it and prove to us you are right.

    But I don’t think you have the guts, you talk a lot and say very little. I think your a scared little man inside, but dats jus me do. 🙂

  89. Speaking of talking a lot and saying very little. My word, Chad and whatever the other crazy person name you used… Seek help, little lady. I’ve not seen either of your manifestations answer a single question any commenter has posed.

  90. @Cardigan bob Had mistakenly thought that I wanted a population reduction and that I wanted to kill people to do it (It was very much implied).

    I was explaining to him I did not want that and neither does the Femitheist. Over population will be a problem in the distant future. So if we address this now then we could avoid problems in in the future.

    Some ways we can achieve this over a multitude of generations is by voluntary paid sterilization, voluntary paid abortions,free birth control,better education about sex and the problems we face. Ask her if you have the guts, she undoubtedly will have better answers.

    I’m not crazy, there isn’t a cult, she does have many supporters and a lot of friends, she’s down to earth and very practical. She isn’t crazy, just talk to her you will find this out yourself.

    I have only one account, you will have to take my word on that.

  91. OK…. Now I get it……SHES 22……who wasn’t slightly off their rocker at 22. All the parties and drugs and thinking your the smartest person on earth.
    I thought this was a grown up.
    She’s still whet behind the ears.
    Let me know when she reaches a public office.

  92. Your first time here Chad?

    And you have me pegged as someone who is scared of that girl I’m seeing on these videos?

    What am I scared of, precisely? Her intellect?

    Let me tell you, it comes booming through these videos like a freight train. Anyone would be intimidated. I am. But I’ll take my chances.

    Question: Why, to a person, including the Maharaja herself, does everyone mention how many friends she has?
    I find this peculiar, never having encountered such a consistent, and seemingly important characterization before.
    It’s bizarre.

    I recall her saying that when she first put up the castration post (which she now, surprise-surprise, maintains is satire) that she kept it up because she was needy and didn’t want to abandon the few friends she had that were supporting the castration post as an actual policy. She felt if she fessed up they’d leave her.
    But now she has lots of friends so she was able to confidently admit it was satire because she doesn’t care if those people leave her now.

    You don’t find that strange?
    That doesn’t pique your spidey sense?
    Is the manifesto important, or is it the social circle? Because, I have to tell you, it seems like it’s the social circle.

    So, you’re concerned with the amount of people on earth in the distant future, eh?



    When the Nazis seized power in Germany in 1933 they promised to create a new, harmonious society under the leadership of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. The concept of Volksgemeinschaft, lit. ‘the people’s community’, enshrined the Nazis’ vision of society. It was based on racist, social-Darwinist, anti-democratic, and nationalist thought. The regime defined who belonged to the National Socialist ‘community’ and who did not. Being accorded the status of belonging granted citizenship rights, access to the benefits of the welfare state, and opportunities of advancement. All those denied the privilege.

  94. At least you admit you’re scared, everything else you said is a complete non sequitur, but i’ll byte.

    I’m guessing most who have said she has many friends is to show she is a decent normal person, a lot of her friends completely disagree with her but who cares people don’t have to agree on everything to be friends.

    Why do I care about the population of the future? Because I happen to care about what happens to the human race. Watch CGP Grey’s video it will explain why I have my concerns about the future of the human race.

  95. Here’s a recurrent theme that points to the same person making all these posts. All these quotes are from her puppets on this page:

    “a lot of her friends completely disagree with her”

    “We mutually disagree with each other”

    “I don’t agree with or even like FD’s views at all”

    “I don’t even agree fully with some of her solutions and ideas myself”

    ” i don’t agree with all she says”

    “We mutually disagree with each other and usually don’t discuss views much”

    “with whom I can have conversations on many topics in which we do not all agree,”

    “and I understand where they’re coming from, although I can’t agree with her solutions”


    For supposed supporters they sure seem to disagree with her a lot.

    It’s almost like she’s trying to defuse the cult thing and yet proves it is only a cult since they like her so so very much even though they totally disagree with her.

    Linguistic forensics. Should be taught in “Ferreting out BS posts – 101”

    IOW you all sound the same because you are.

  96. Was there a full moon last night and I missed it? It tends to bring the crazies out from under their rocks. BTW, I don’t click on links to nut sites. There’s to many viruses out there, but keep preaching. You make Jim Jones proud.

  97. You people are cracking me up lol. Your idiocy is beyond comprehension.

    We’ve shown and explained to you in a very civil manner, multiple times how wrong and misleading the above article is, yet you still choose to believe it, and you call us crazy.

    Honestly all I see is a bunch of deflecting, paranoid, chickenshit losers who would rather believe a lie than accept the truth.

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but I may stick around a while. Civility be damned, lets have some fun. 🙂

  98. “I happen to care about what happens to the human race.”

    Of course you do. It’s why you’re defending some mentally ill, half/thought bint, hell bent on exterminating 90% of the male population.


    And for what? Derangement. The two of you need to be locked up in a padded sardine can so you can both gain some real perspective on over population. That or go hiking on some of the undeveloped 635 million acres (of the 2.27 billion acres in the U.S.) owned by the federal government, not including undeveloped land owned by both state and private citizens.

    Nope. No room here. We must exterminate.


  99. Chad you say you care about the human race but in the world she describes the human race eventually dies out. You cut the male population down to 10% and abort boy babies.
    What happens when these 10% of men can no longer father children and all the sperm you’ve harvested is gone?
    Women can’t reproduce without a man. So without man the human race doesn’t survive.

    As a man yourself how can you defend an insane woman or in the very least an attention craved woman who only cares about dealing with the male population?

    As the daughter of a man, mother of sons and grandmother of grandsons I think this young woman needs to be taken out behind the wood shed and attempt to knock some sense into her while explaining to her that just because she found a loser as a father of her child, doesn’t mean all men are losers. She shouldn’t allow her hate for one man be shed onto all men.

  100. Chaz responds with nothing, lol and haha:) Apparently he likes to nervously laugh at himself. Silly cultist. I’m all set with trying to type sense with the senseless, so I’ll leave him with this; you a Dumbass.

  101. Chad, what is your point?

    If you are a man, why do you want to follow someone who not only hates men but wants to eliminate 90% of them?

    Are you afraid she might succeed in her lunatic quest and if you’re her friend she will let you be one of the 10%?

    Let me assure you as long as old women like me are alive, you have nothing to worry about. We won’t be allowing any lunatic come eliminate our husbands or sons and grandsons or put the chosen few on a reservation.

  102. @Okie For one this won’t happen for a very long time, long after your grandchildren’s children have long since past so don’t panic.

    Already some scientist are close to making a child without the need of a fathers DNA by studying how other animals reproduce this way. Now think how far they will be in a couple hundred years.

    Now if you have any integrity you will read some of my other posts and then watch the link I provided as well as other links that people provided. I promise that there isn’t any viruses attached.

    None of us think all men are losers. That would be crazy. But men have been in power for thousands of years and there has been very little change in the violent nature of the world’s societies. I think it’s time for the women to have a go at running things, at this point it couldn’t hurt.

    As for her ratio, since no violence or force is needed to achieve it, then I say she is entitled to her opinion and views, I will fight for her right to have it with all my power just like I would for yours.

    If you need any more information talk to her, who knows you both may find some common ground and end up liking each other, She really is a pleasant down to earth person who is very open to civil dialogue, not the monster she is portrayed to be.

  103. @Chad – it won’t ever get to the point at which you describe – genetic intervention and selective breeding – the world will be decimated before then.

    There are waaaay too many variables to control for that little scientific experiment to work.

    Nothing good will ever come when man (humans) plays God.

  104. “We’ve shown and explained to you in a very civil manner, multiple times” – no you haven’t. You may think you have but – no, you haven’t explained a damn thing.

    And now for a count of all those that have been convinced to follow and worship Chad’s new god through his brilliantly detailed explanations and dissection:


    Huh. Still batting zero on changing the world there suicidal-genocidal guy.

    Making any great points and arguments, Chode?

    No, not at all.

    You. Have. No. Point.

    Just cut off your own genitalia and leave the rest of mankind alone.

    At least we can believe how committed you are to this genocide by starting with yourself.

  105. Navigator. What kind of fucking sense did you make?

    First you made an ad hominem attack on the Femitheist as well as lied (No one wants to kill anybody), then you wanted us to live in a sardine can while walking around 2 billion acre of US land.

    Calling what you wrote a fucked up word salad would be giving you to much credit. Try again son 🙂

  106. @Chad – Dad of4, as well as everyone else here, has very good reading and comprehension skills.

    The problem lies with your logic and writing skills.

    As you put it, “the stupid is strong with you”. 🙂

  107. @Dadof4 – I’ve been thinking the same thing through all of this. It sure sounds to me like the same person writing all of this mush. In addition to using the same phrases as you cited, none of “them” ever answer a straight question. It’s all word soup. It gives me a headache. If these were different people posting, you would think as least one would be able to compose a legible thought. Looks like a bunch of sock puppets to me.

  108. Still 0 convinced by you here and yet the whole world will somehow agree with you completely and not be horrified at the idea of such genocide.

    Delusional, at best.

    You better have a better argument than lame put downs.

    You going to insult people into agreeing with you?

    So far everything you say is tantamount to an over-winded “Nuh-uh, and you’re a poopyhead for not agreeing with me!”

  109. stirrtn Do you science? I don’t think so lol.

    You do realize that there are animals that can change there sex spontaneously don’t you? There are whole species that are made up of entirely females yet they are able to reproduce without male DNA, imagine that.

    The mechanics are already there all you need is the correct gene sequence and the ability to place the genes in the right place. It’s way more complicated than that but the science can be achieved and relatively soon.

  110. Riverlife, at one of the videos that were linked Herman Fethez even admits they have multiple accounts with google.

    At one point here, the idea that all of this is a college experiment to see how far they can go. No real principle, just argue with dissenters without any substantial points to make.

    Just to see what happens and laugh that anyone takes them seriously.

  111. Dadof4 – That’s exactly what this sounds like. Some sort of weird experiment. Whatever it is, there seem to be no points at all. I would be very surprised if there was more than one person involved. Perhaps Chad Atchison might be number 2. “He” has a different way of writing and is more gratuitously nasty.

    If you actually sat through any of the videos, I salute you. They sounded like more mindless nonsense from the brief bits I saw.

  112. @Dadof4 Nice try trying to turn this back on me buddy but i’m civil to those who are civil with me. And you are still talking about genocide, I dealt with that nonsense several posts ago and if you can’t understand what I wrote then the onus is on you cos I was quite clear.

    And people still think these other people are sock accounts. That’s really stupid or paranoid, either way the points are valid and you choose not to do a little research that will prove how wrong you are.

    Stupid is as stupid does…sigh

  113. @Chad –

    “…You do realize that there are animals that can change there sex spontaneously don’t you? There are whole species that are made up of entirely females yet they are able to reproduce without male DNA, imagine that…”

    And where do these animals reside in the biological order of species and food chains?

    Do you know human nature? Didn’t think so. LOL.

    You start trying to apply genetic intervention to humans and you will have way more than you ever anticipated on your hands.

    I have no doubt that it is within the realm of scientific possibility. Those of you who have no belief in God, and believe that man can be equal to or superior to God, are in for a very rude awakening.

    Man has not changed since the dawn of ages – only the knowledge and technology has changed. All of your best efforts to play God and change the order in this world will result in unintended consequences not even imagined.

    You and your ilk CANNOT be God and decide to change the order of humanity and this planet. Scientifically, maybe it can be done, but your little experiment will yield unanticipated results – and they won’t be good.

    You are nothing more than a useful idiot.

  114. I’ve already listed how you can have a slow reduction of the population without force or violence of any kind. No genocide needed.

    Go back and read my posts to Cardigan, Bigfurhat, and Okie. It is all clearly explained there.

    Your problem is you don’t understand that you have lost along time ago. :))

  115. @Okie For one this won’t happen for a very long time, long after your grandchildren’s children have long since past so don’t panic.
    I don’t panic. So you all are viewing a world that you will have nothing to do with?

    Already some scientist are close to making a child without the need of a fathers DNA by studying how other animals reproduce this way. Now think how far they will be in a couple hundred years.
    You really believe a scientist can create a human being without sperm? You’ve been watching too much sci-fi. Got an example of a mammal that can reproduce without a male? As you believe something so insane, I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say you don’t believe in God. However, that doesn’t mean God will be mocked.

    Now if you have any integrity you will read some of my other posts and then watch the link I provided as well as other links that people provided. I promise that there isn’t any viruses attached.
    When somebody tells me they promise there aren’t any viruses, I’m going to assume there are probably viruses.

    None of us think all men are losers. That would be crazy. But men have been in power for thousands of years and there has been very little change in the violent nature of the world’s societies. I think it’s time for the women to have a go at running things, at this point it couldn’t hurt.
    So you aren’t a man? I’m a woman and I hate to break it you but I’ve never felt as if a man was running my life. Behind almost every man in history there has been a woman. An old Pastor joke, “the man is the head but the woman is the neck.” Letting women though involve their emotions has given us girlie men, not something some of us women appreciate.

    As for her ratio, since no violence or force is needed to achieve it, then I say she is entitled to her opinion and views, I will fight for her right to have it with all my power just like I would for yours.
    I’m not a woman who needs anyone to fight for my opinions or views, I’m very capable of doing that for myself. She has a right to any insane opinion or view she pleases, unless she plans to act on those opinions and views and then many of us women will be lined up to stop her. Women and men alike also have the right to tell her and her supporters that she is insane and anyone who buys her bs is insane as well.

    If you need any more information talk to her, who knows you both may find some common ground and end up liking each other, She really is a pleasant down to earth person who is very open to civil dialogue, not the monster she is portrayed to be.
    I honestly don’t search out the insane, meet enough of them by accident. But if I met her by accident I would tell her to quit hating men and blaming men for all the troubles in the world just because one man hurt her. Move on get over it and find a good man and quit being an attention whore.

  116. “…Go back and read my posts to Cardigan, Bigfurhat, and Okie. It is all clearly explained there…”

    Okaaay Chaaad, this what you wrote to Cardigan:

    “…Some ways we can achieve this over a multitude of generations is by voluntary paid sterilization, voluntary paid abortions,free birth control, better education about sex and the problems we face…”

    Now I’m going type this very slowly so you can read it and comprehend it and answer the question.

    What are you going to do with the male or female population that refuses to voluntarily agree to your utopian plan?

    Even slower now:

    H-o-w a-r-e y-o-u g-o-I-n-g t-o m-a-k-e t-h-e-m c-o-m-p-l-y?

  117. Come on “FD Fans” Read my link and reply. I want to know how your going to manage telling all those Ethnic groups you need to cut their balls off or kill their baby’s. You’ll be just like the CIA back in 1964. Did you guys even research any of your bull shit?

  118. Just answer the fucking question Chad – mine, Brad’s or anyone else that has tried to get it out of your “group”.

    How are you going to compel those humans who refuse to go along with your utopian plan, to comply with it’s basic premise – the reduction the male population?

  119. You can’t can you? And don’t tell me that you have already. I just re-posted your so-called explanation to Cardigan, and it doesn’t say how you will achieve the necessary compliance.

    You people are fringe lunatics.

  120. Chad you say you explained it to me. How? I didn’t see how you’re going to have this far away world, long after my grandchildren’s children have passed without death being involved.
    I’m going to assume if you don’t want to kill off all the men now then the plan is to convince women to abort all boy babies until eventually you’ve convinced enough women to kill their baby boys to where you can have your 10%.

    That is still murder. The majority of women find out the sex of their child through ultrasound and they usually won’t identify the sex until around 20 weeks. At that age the baby has all it’s little fingers and toes, face, genitals and is a little miniature human. In 3 weeks that little human has as much as 35% chance of survival outside the womb, in 4 weeks has as much as 70% chance of survival.

    BTW these men that you want rid of are usually raised by women. So if they grow up to be so violent and evil, isn’t that the fault of the women who raised them?
    See how idiotic your views are?

  121. Also Chad Stirrin the Bs asked a very good question. I’m a woman and you would not have convinced me to kill my sons. So what would you do with a woman like me? Kill me? Kidnap me and tie me down and kill my baby? I guarantee you I would have taken a few of you out before you killed me or forced an abortion on me. If you forcefully killed my baby, you better go ahead and kill me because I would take many more out after the fact and would continue until you killed me.

    Darn I’m a woman with violent thoughts when someone is talking of harming my children. In this Utopia how do you plan on dealing with these women who can be turned into violent creatures?

  122. Stirrin Mostly by education. I’ts a fact that those with a higher IQ have a smaller birth rate than those with smaller IQs even when you adjust for socioeconomic factors. I’ve listed several other ways and told you to ask the Femitheist cos she can explain it better than I. And you call me the idiot…sigh :-/

    @dadof4 No I was explaining that sometime in the near future that we will no longer need the DNA of a male to propagate the human species, this will be a fact. Look this stuff up you have the entirety of all the worlds knowledge at your finger tips.

    @bob You are a bigoted ass, nuff said

    You people keep conflating, deflecting, and obtusely ignoring my answers lol. Where did you people go to school cos they failed at teaching you, and it shows big time. Seriously the internet is laughing at you.

    Have fun living in denial, right next to crazyland. :))

  123. With the way things are going in our inner cities, some of her ideas will self-resolve without any outside intervention. It’s the rest of the male population that needs to worry about people like her. What if she gets appointed to some Prez commission on population control?

  124. And what’s with this women aren’t violent/aggressive thing? Hasn’t she heard of women wanting to get in combat in the US military? Or how about the women in the IDF?

    Then again, she probably never saw Roller Derby or Lingerie Football.

  125. So the difference between you and I on this point of the subject of science taking over human reproduction is that you think it is a good idea and should be in the hands of a few “deciders”?

    Is that an accurate take on your stance of this point?

    Mine being: no to the idea in general and therefore no to the idea of a small group of “deciders” holding all of humanity in their hands.

  126. Remember, I am asking for your vision. How YOU see things being and how you expect them to be.

    I am not questioning sciences capabilities.

    The answers I am looking for can only come from you.

    Your constant attempts at being dismissive with a referral to the internet is a blatant ploy to avoid engaging honestly.

    Trying to insult constantly says more about your position being weak than anything else.

  127. This isn’t about me, it’s about the misleading, lying article at the top of this page. That’s all it ever was about.

    The answers you’re looking for is in this comment thread.

    You think you’re clever and thats the most hysterical part. :))

  128. Chad, It is about you. You are a Racist.

    ” I’ts a fact that those with a higher IQ have a smaller birth rate than those with smaller IQs even when you adjust for socioeconomic factors.”

    Mind you the article I linked was specific about the population decline for WHITES.

  129. I am asking you specifics about your vision for clarity.

    You are not answering by once again dodging the question.

    And again with the put downs? That is all you can offer here?

    You are intellectually dishonest.

  130. brad you don’t know what socioeconomics means do you?

    You’re another proud graduate of the American school system aren’t you?

    No need to reply that last bit was rhetorical. smh

  131. “This isn’t about me, it’s about the misleading, lying article at the top of this page. That’s all it ever was about.”

    So you have no purpose here is what you are saying.

    We can only engage whomever is here and learn from them what they want us to know. And you don’t want to be engaged. Got it.


    You lose by default. You have several answer to spit up to continue.

  132. Reply to @BigFurHat [“Why don’t you jump in and answer my questions CameOnDawn?”]

    Maybe because You didn’t write my name to show you were addressing those questions to me until now.
    And it’s came THE dawn. it’s not a difficult name to write. Please do try to pay attention. 😀

  133. No i’m not intellectually dishonest. You’re intellectually lazy.

    Is it my fault that you believe an article without doing proper research?

    Is it my fault that you won’t read the comment thread?

    Is it my fault that you won’t click on the links provided?

    Nope, you’re clearly the dishonest one dad.

  134. Bad, we’ve reduced him to trollish answers.

    To paraphrase his witty retorts lately: “Nuh-uh! And you’re all a bunch of stupid poopy heads!”

    I think our work is done here.

    At least I am done with the dodging and subsequent intellectual dishonesty.

  135. So the difference between you and I on this point of the subject of science taking over human reproduction is that you think it is a good idea and should be in the hands of a few “deciders”?

    Is that an accurate take on your stance of this point?

  136. brad no I didn’t. You linked me to a racist article then asked me an ignorant question. If you knew what socioeconomics meant and in what context it was used in you would know how ignorant the question was.

  137. Dadof4. Yea this is no longer entertaining. I would like to point out that we are all about Freedom. They are all about government control and intervention. Maybe they need to be managed I dunno.

  138. General post.

    @Dadof4 [“You lose by default.”]

    @Bad_Brad [“Dadof4. Yea this is no longer entertaining. I would like to point out that we are all about Freedom. They are all about government control and intervention.”]

    Not only are these 2 looking at this like some kind of sick contest or a game to be “entertaining” as Bad (very telling name)puts it, but they repeat all the standard bromides as well.
    They don’t want to learn, these are the typical, know nothing, think they know it all, ignorant, Rush Limbaugh ditto heads.
    About as bright as black outs and proud of it.

  139. Why are those the only choices you see?

    I am quite sure the scope is wider than that.


    But thank you for answering yes. Clarity is paramount.

    Then this really comes down to the basic difference Bad_Brad pointed out: Here on this site, you have a bunch of people who know what freedom is and cherish it.

    Most of us can see when that freedom is threatened at first glance.

    A few scientists running the world may seem Utopian to the likes of you but some of us other, fellow Earthlings know it would ultimately lead to the end of mankind. Certainly the end if allowed to advance that far.

    So thank you for the clarity. I don’t need anymore answers because I know enough to know I am doing the right thing by rejecting your shared vision in totality.

    While I wish you well in general I cannot honestly wish you well on this endeavor. You will have at least one adversary from here on.

    Sincerely, thanks for dropping by and enlightening myself and anyone else who reads your post.

  140. camethedawn

    You egotistical Bitch. You think you have something to teach? Let’s hear it. So far it’s the old Bait and Switch bull shit we always see from Nazis. I know how to solve your overpopulation problem. If your that concerned get off the planet.

  141. brad if you think those are statistics then you’re dumber than I thought. It’s just some asswipe who spews a bunch of rhetoric with assnine conclusions to ignorant gullible jokes like you.

    Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

  142. “They don’t want to learn, these are the typical, know nothing, think they know it all, ignorant, Rush Limbaugh ditto heads.
    About as bright as black outs and proud of it.
    *facepalm*” – camethedawn


    That is a textbook example of bigotry. Just paste all your strawmen over people and think yourself superior.

    If you have to push somebody down to feel superior maybe you’re not so superior.

    BFH asked several questions near the beginning. I see you saw him asking you to answer them but I also see you only have insults and no engagement.

    I already have the answer now so I don’t need anything from you, so, answer them only if you feel like having integrity instead of snark. Answers may help your cause.

    But go ahead and snark away if that’s your calling. No harm there. Great examples to show others the kind of people you are.

    I will not be supporting your death cult either way.

  143. dad that was the most eloquent thing thing you’ve said this whole time. Thank you.

    I hold no grudges and I will respectfully agree to disagree.

    I also wish you well, but won’t stop till the evil of religion is banished from corrupting the hearts and minds of the innocent. Have a nice day.

  144. This is the age old debate: Someone wants you to die, and you don’t want to.

    There is no room to negotiate, or even come to some accord – the debate will, necessarily, devolve into violence – which will settle the debate.

  145. I will ask again if these male abortions are voluntary and a woman like me says, “kiss my ass, I’m not killing my child!.” What do you do with me?

    This utopia ya dream about is going to be real hard to accomplish because the majority of women like men. They like men for a lot more than sex and reproduction. The majority of women or at least women with a soul love their unborn children, male or female, perfect or imperfect. We’re not going to be brainwashed to sterilize ourselves or kill our babies and we’re going to become violent and willing to kill anyone who tries to force it on us.

    So what do you with those violent women who tells you to stick your utopia up your ass?

  146. but won’t stop till the evil of religion is banished from corrupting the hearts and minds of the innocent. Have a nice day.
    Keep fighting the fight but God will win.

  147. “… but won’t stop till the evil of religion is banished …”

    The core of the militantly Godless socialist’s view:

    Since you don’t like ‘religion’ no one may practice it.

  148. “…I also wish you well, but won’t stop till the evil of religion is banished from corrupting the hearts and minds of the innocent…”

    The most lucid and truthful comment you have made yet. Took long enough.

    Kudos to Dadof4 to get you to admit it.

  149. Just curious, Chad.

    Is it anti-Christian only, anti-anyReligion, anti-churches-run-by-faulty-humans, or anti-God?

    Personally, the churches-run-by-faulty-humans has been a problem for me.

  150. I detected glimpses of Lady in Red in many of the comments made throughout this thread.

    And there was even a commenter on here named “Shady in Red” who’s syntax was very similar to LIR’s, and even used her signature style of signing off on her comment with her name.

  151. Stirrin’ well, the poster DID return with the name reduced to “Shady” and denied being “Lady” at all.

    1. Not so sure Lady would do that.

    2. Doesn’t she always sign with the initials LiR instead of the whole name?

    He may have seen the similarity between her and these posters and got inspired to sock-puppet her a bit.

  152. @Bad_Brad [“You egotistical Bitch.”]


    [“You think you have something to teach?”]


    [“Let’s hear it.”]

    I refer you to the first posts at the top from KOriginal and Chad Atchison. You know, the ones with the links you stubbornly refuse to click on.

    @Dadof4 [“That is a textbook example of bigotry. Just paste all your strawmen over people and think yourself superior.”]

    Wow! So you separate one part of the post and then pretend it’s the whole?

    1) I don’t know anyone’s ethnicity here, only your willful ignorance is apparent to me.

    2) I was quite clearly referring only to you and Brad. Which I indicated by, you know quoting you both.

    3) Even if I meant to include others with that post, do you really want me to believe that ” Rush Limbaugh ditto heads” is a RACE? *nuclear facepalm*

    @Chad Atchison “@camethedawn Exactly, well said. :)”
    Thanks. I like your comments too. Notice all of them go unanswered by the anti-Femtheist crouwd. 😉

  153. dad I have nothing to hide from anyone i’m an open book. I don’t mind the moderate religious people, most everybody I know and like is christian. And I certainly see how it helps my mother deal with difficulty in her life and her dreams of seeing her dear departed. I won’t take that away from her I love her to much.

    I can’t hate god cos you can’t hate what doesn’t exist.

    The god in the bible, koran, and torah if taken literally and I’ve read all three (don’t ask me to quote anything I was young when I read them and don’t have that kind of memory retention) and at a very young age I realized the it was a monster and not worthy of my worship. then I learned later on that most of the stories in those books are from civilisations that predate them by thousands of years.

    Then I actually sat down and thought about eternity and how long that is and came to the belief that if I lived that long I would come to hate my existence as any sentient creature would, then all my beliefs fell away.

    Now I bask in the glory of love for each new day and really appreciate the many people I love and care about cos I know that my time with them here on earth is tragically short, and the mysteries of nature is more awe inspiring than any of the thousands of deities worshiped by most people today.

    I’m a lover of life but not a materialist, hedonist, nor a satanist. I believe all the core values my parents taught me the only difference is I believe in one less god than they do. I hope that helps clarify my position sorry it ran a bit long but I left out a lot for brevity’s sake.

  154. Even if it was to only one person of any color, it was textbook bigotry.

    You do not know us. You assume your prejudices and look down your noses BASED on your prejudices.

    That’s bigotry.

  155. Speaking of unanswered questions, do either of you have an answer what to do with women who become violent when persuaded to volunteer for sterilization or abortion?

    My guess is since you refuse to answer the question that A: In your utopia mind all women will just fall in line over time and think like you.
    B:Those women will have to be eliminated for the good of utopia.
    C:Ya are a small group of stupid kids playing stupid games and thinking you’re funny to get the old folks riled up and believe none of this bs, which is why you have no answers.
    D:You’re all just insane and insanity is not dealing with reality.

  156. So you read all those religious books when you were young? However, you don’t remember what you read, but it had to be bad since your powerful mind decided it was all bs and you didn’t need no God.

    All those Christian family and friends you have are truly saints to put up with you.

  157. Chad, Dawn –

    Listen, dum dums, and I say that with all due respect, the reason I go from 0-60 in 1.8 seconds is because I’m not 22 years old. While you’re still learning of the ins and outs of Femidoucheys manifesto with wide-eyed enthusiasm, I’ve seen it all before. So have my learned fellow iOTW commenters.

    We waited, not patiently, but with impatient dismissiveness, for you idiots to get to the money shot.

    You’ve gotten to it.

    You’re going to save the planet, a planet hundreds of years in the future, by carrying some 22 year-old dimwit around on a pillow, as you long for a day when women will be in charge. But you can’t violently get there because even a mouth-breather like you realizes that it’s bad optics to say you’re going to end male aggression by killing them all. So you’ve concocted a plan (one that you will never witness) of passive aggression.
    People will “voluntarily” cull the male population to 1-10%.

    Uh huh.
    I don’t need to wait for this dunce’s book.
    Your movement is one of bowel.

    Somewhere, in the future you will never see, will be a man and a woman in love that will engage in intercourse for the purpose of procreating. Your movement, to succeed, will be there with a gun.

    So long, stupid.

  158. @comethedawn I thought I was talking to anti-feminist for the majority of this thread lol. Most likely they still are after reading some the their links and comments.

    But I’ve come to realize that a few aren’t the hateful monsters we are used to dealing with. They fear what they don’t understand (but not for lack of trying on our part lol).

  159. “…I also wish you well, but won’t stop till the evil of religion is banished from corrupting the hearts and minds of the innocent.” [Chad]

    Yes, that is the core of it all, finally revealed.

    Satan wants to marginalize/eliminate God, too. Coincidence? I think not.

  160. Chad, thanks for the answer!

    The second to last paragraph you wrote is me except for the first word – Now.

    I am your first sentence of the last paragraph, but it stops there. I was given no spiritual or religious instruction during my childhood. I WAS given the lessons of WWII at the knee of my Mom who was in Berlin as a teenager during the war.

    I’ve learned what it looks like when population reduction is attempted of the “unwanteds”. My position will always be: Never again! Hence my position on this idea. The method doesn’t matter.

    If eternity meant being alone with myself forever then I would not want that either. I don’t see it that way and that is based on my life long experiences having me see otherwise.

    My memories go waaay back. I had no family trauma to forget is all I can think of as for why.

    At the age of 2-3 I had a near death experience. I was in a complete pitch black void that I could not see or feel and I knew it went on forever. It was so vivid I can still put myself there. It was super scary to my little mind and I think the shock I had had me come out of it. I saw the light of my family behind me and put myself back in that bubble/world.

    Ever since then I have had an appreciation for the joy of life. I knew what was possible and being alive and dancing through a field or an office was always going to be on the to-do list. I constantly irritated the grumpy with my energy for life and joy but that was small potatoes compared to the gift it was. It is the only life you’ll get here and every second counts! You can’t go back and try again!

    My belief and acceptance of God and His Son came pretty late in the game. It built up little by little ever since that near-death experience. Most certainly, I was not brainwashed into it as a youngster. I walked a path of experience, logic, skepticism, and reluctance before I came to my position.

    And I abhor churches by default but am willing to say that MAY change. Just don’t bet on it. I have never felt called to join one, as they say.

    I see the soul as eternal whether we believe it or not. Another point of difference I see.

    Again, thank you for your answer!

  161. They fear what they don’t understand (but not for lack of trying on our part lol).

    How could I – or any of the regulars, excluding at least one, be afraid of someone who spouts weapons-grade ignorance (which can be fixed, BTW) and presumption?

    You’ve had many opportunities extended to you to explain how this glorious revolution is to take place, how the dissenters will be dealt with and why It All Makes Sense. Peach fuzz isn’t a response that merits consideration.

    It isn’t fear, you dunderhead. It’s rejection.

  162. @BigFurHat [“Chad, Dawn –

    Listen, dum dums, and I say that with all due respect, the reason I go from 0-60 in 1.8 seconds is because I’m not 22 years old. While you’re still learning of the ins and outs”]

    It’s official. You’re learn proof. Yeah so long to you to. Get back to your trailer park, Bubbles.
    And I say that with scorn.

  163. @Chad Atchison
    I think you’re right. But I just keep pointing them to your earlier comments where you and Koriginals answered all of their objections comprehensively.

    Many of these God worshipers are poor representatives of their own theology. Jesus and the Apostles command them to be compassionate and not contentious. All I see from this mob is bile filled hate speech. :/

  164. If you want to say so long, you can leave BFH’s blog. He’s being way more lenient with you than most blogs would be.
    I guess that’s the fault of your parents, they never taught you that you don’t come into someone’s house, start a fight, insult them then tell them to get out.
    Maybe someday you youngsters will get a dose of reality and realize you aren’t princes and princesses.

  165. @Okie No one is going to force anybody to do anything! Do know there are already small communities that exist in India that is almost exactly like the ones that the Femithist envisions, and they actually thrive. No force involved the men live separate but they still have wives and children that they see every day. The women did this themselves cos they were fed up by being treated like chattel.

    Just cos I can’t recall every chapter and verse doesn’t mean I don’t know almost all the stories, they kinda stick with you. And if you read the bible from front to back and still think it’s literally true word for word and still think your god is a swell guy then then you are an evil monster. And as for my christian friends and family putting up with me, then you are seriously deluded if you think christians more moral than the secular community. I have real stats that proves otherwise.

    @fluffyhatguy I may not be old but i’m certainly not young, there is no fucking utopia but maybe there is a better less violent solution than we are living today. I may not agree with every detail the Femitheist advocates but I will defend her right to her own opinion, and as a friend who knows her I will continue to dispel the lies people tell about her like in the article above cos I know she is a kind and decent person and that’s what friends do and I don’t need a god to tell me if it’s right cos I inherently know. You may not like her ideas but telling lies is unbecoming to rational people and shows how petty and week you truly are.

    Anything else you asshats wana know?

  166. @comethedawn –

    “…Jesus and the Apostles command them to be compassionate and not contentious…”

    Do you really know how ignorant of a statement that was?

    What you are really saying is that the scripture according to cometheDawn is, “be submissive and do/believe what I (FD and her cult followers) tell you”.

    You’re an idiot. Go back to your fellow Kool-ade drinkers and report that you just got your ass kicked by people who know what they are talking about, and don’t buy your bullshit.

  167. Honey, I’ve read it from front to back, from back to front, from middle to end, from middle to front many times in my lifetime.

    I love my Lord with all my heart and soul. I laugh in the face of being called evil. You see that guidebook not only has instructed me through my life, it has also told me what to expect around the next corner and I know when my life is over I will be with my Lord. I also know how the book ends and it doesn’t end well for those who deny God and it doesn’t end well for those who serve Satan.

  168. @Chad – you said, “…and as a friend who knows her…”

    Have you ever met her face to face?

    Have you ever had a real one on one relationship with her (not sexual, but as a friend)?

    How long have you known her, and if you needed support, would she come to your aid?

    Which phrase best describes your relationship with her:

    a) A mile wide and an inch deep, or,
    b) Still waters run deep

  169. @Stirrin the BS [“What you are really saying is that the scripture according to cometheDawn is, “be submissive and do/believe what”]

    No that is certainly not what I’m saying. You are attempting to attribute the irrational things you make up in your own head to me. Why would you lie? To cause contention. Your Apostles admonished against that. My words are right there on TCT, do try to read what’s there and not imagine things that I never said. SMDH!

  170. Still no content. Just hateful posts.

    What is your purpose/intention here at this point since your stated contribution of “pointing” to what other friends of yours have posted has been done already?

    Your idea has been thoroughly rejected on a moral basis by a majority here.

    Are you expecting to change that? Then start talking substance.

    Or do you just like throwing a public fit and want to spew hateful things at us stupid poopy heads?

  171. @Chad – sorry for being social media unsavvy, but what does “TCT” and “SMDH”, mean?

    And then, if I interpreted your comment…

    “…Jesus and the Apostles command them to be compassionate and not contentious…”

    …incorrectly, please correct me and tell me what you meant by that comment.

  172. @Dadof4 [“Your idea has been thoroughly rejected on a moral basis by a majority here.”]

    Huh, are you addressing me? I don’t see my name in the post but I’ll assume you are.
    Fine if you want to reject the idea. I suggest you don’t do it based on the very misleading article above. Know the truth first. And I’m not flinging any insults. You people are the ones who called us names, like dum dum and nazi, bitch and jackass. That was you guys, the anti-Femitheists.
    And yeah, I point to what Chad and KOriginals wrote because there’s nothing to add. I don’t want to spam the thread saying the same things they did. Efficiency. 😀

  173. Jesus was extremely contentious with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Examples of that are almost too numerous to cite, but do try to recall His calling them “whited sepulchres” [Matt 23:27]. Hardly a compassionate comment; the entire quote is revelatory of just how contentious Jesus was w/those who misled others. His forcible driving out of the money changers in the Temple, and overturning their tables, is a fairly contentious action, too, wouldn’t you say? [Mark 11:15-17]

    Most of the Apostles were extremely contentious w/those who opposed their faith. Remember, “We must serve God rather than men.” Hardly acquiescent.

    Contrary to what you claim, we are admonished to be compassionate to those needing compassion, and contentious with those deserving THAT response.

  174. I have my own vision of the future, its a world where crazy people get locked up in loony bins away from the rest of us without lawyers and big government trying to let them loose.

    I believe my idea would immediately receive majority support from the populace and would not take decades of lies and tricks to achieve.

    So Chad, you and Sybil, instead of dreaming up your newest bestest attempt at world wide nazi control of everyone else —. you should be trying to find a place to hide and hope your not tracked down and forced to face this “great idea” from the not so smart people you think you are better than.

  175. @Chad – and oh, BTW (I know what that one means), you haven’t answered my question – which is a repeating theme with you – have you met FD face to face? And do you have a meaningful friendship with her?

  176. @Dadof4 Though we differ in opinion and you shame me with my own actions on this thread, I do apologise for my behavior I shouldn’t let my emotions get to me. I honestly thought you were messing me lol but still that’s no excuse for how I acted. I have a lot of respect for you and yours.

    @Okie My mother did teach me those things, she also taught me not to lie and to defend those you care about. She taught me that if I needed to learn the truth then it was up to me to find the answers myself. She was a well respected high school teacher and knew the value of science, it never got in the way of her faith. I came here to let people know that this article was not truthful, no one here is trying to convert anyone we are not a cult there’s nothing to convert to and we are not feminist. But we do take umbrage when people tell and spread falsehoods about our friends. Everything you want to know is in this comment thread and on her web page I implore to do a little research. We are not evil nor bigoted, every kind and decent person is welcome to come and discuss these issues you have. You may not agree but there is no need for hatred a vitriol. Dadof4 is a good an patient man and we all can learn something from him.

  177. I’m not going on the article. I and others are going on Chad’s revelation to where it ultimately ends up.

    Chad’s admission in his post, sweetie. Not any article.

    It has been addressed in several posts afterward and yet you act like you didn’t read it or understand what happened there.

    If you got it and still ignore it? That would be an example of your intellectual dishonesty – along with avoiding answering several genuine questions asked of you and this idea.

    If you didn’t get it then you’re saying you’re not really reading and understanding the posts.

    I fully expect a hate filled post that could be shortened to: “Nuh-uh! You a stupid poopy head!”

    Please prove me wrong and talk about his post that revealed the end game or something relevant to this subject.

  178. Gosh. Any reason why your promotional videos look like they were produced by Jigsaw?

    I assure you they would have been far more effective if the Femitheist rode out on a tricycle while sucking on a lollipop that had the same concentric peppermint circles on her cheeks.

  179. You say your Mother taught you not to lie and to defend others. Did your Mother teach you that men were the spawn of the devil? Did your Mother teach you that you were smarter than God? Did your Mother teach you to defend those who wished the elimination by any means of men and little boys? Did your Mother teach you that it’s okay to murder babies?

    I did my best to raise all my children, male and female to know right from wrong, to love and obey God, to respect their elders, to defend those who deserved defending, to be non-violent unless someone forced them into violence by attacking first. I also taught my sons to act like gentlemen, open doors for a lady, give up their seat to a lady, treat women with kindness and to never treat a woman like a whore even if she acts like one. Now some of these women, whom you seem to think women will do such a great job if only they could run the world have laughed in their face at such things as having a door opened for them or cursed them profusely for having the gall to treat them as if they couldn’t open a door for themselves. You know what though, my boys have a brain and know that just because some women are rude idiots that it doesn’t mean all women are rude idiots.
    That seems to be what led to this elimination of men would create utopia because some men in power have done a horrible job. Well I would argue some women in power have done a horrible job as well.

    There will always be violence in this world because Satan is busy making sure of it. It has nothing to do with what sexual organs a person has. Utopia cannot and will not exist on this earth until our Lord comes back and makes a new heaven and earth. So man or woman can continue dreaming of utopia until the cows come home, but only God can deliver.

  180. BTW Chad, you say no one is going to force anybody to do anything. How then are these baby boys going to be aborted if the woman is not willing to kill it?

    Also I did a search about small villages in India. If what you are talking about is the article I found, I hate to break it to you but women in America already have more power than these women. They got enough power to be able to go to school and have some say about their village. They did not eliminate the men and abort the male babies. Also the men are not happy go lucky even about what power they have taken, do you honestly think they would be okay with the male children being aborted to eliminate men?

  181. dec·i·mate/ˈdesəˌmāt/
    kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.
    kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group.

  182. The sound and fury of nothing.

    We have this awesome plan… we don’t know all of it yet, but the person who is going to write a book about it is a really really nice person. She’s great.
    Did we say she is a nice person yet?
    She has lots of friends.
    Now, back to our point.
    You rush Limbaugh dittoheads don’t realize the world is in peril.
    We are going to have people with nothing to do because technology and stuff is going to take away all the jobs..and stuff.
    And this really nice girl with lots of friends has a plan.
    We are going to eliminate most of the men on the planet.
    That saves the world in like 300 years from now, you know, when no one can see what a failure our leader was. But she’s great and has lots of friends and stuff.

    Unfortunately we can’t implement our plan now for another reason, because that would mean we would have to actually do something other than letting everyone know that the girl is a really nice girl with lots of friends.
    But it won’t be violent. She said. It won’t be violent.
    It’s going to be some sort of melange of scientists developing females that can breed without males and volunteer abortions for pay, and free birth control.
    Don’t ask me questions that puncture my vision YOU HATERZZZZ!!! You stupid haters. You don’t want to learn!! Never mind that I’m not offering any information, you don’t want to learn!!!!!

    It won’t be violent. It won’t be. It won’t be violent. It won’t be.
    The 22 year-old blond who speaks like a moron is writing a book. In the meantime, YOU GUYS ARE THE IDIOTS not willing to learn what you’re going to learn once her book comes out!!

    Okay. I want to learn.

    Who decides which men get to have boys and continue their bloodline?

  183. The fundamental flaw in your argument is that you expect humans to care about a society in the future that we hold no connection to.

    Do I care about a society of 95% women who give birth through some scientifically developed method of asexual reproduction, where males are aborted and are looked upon as savages, where they live apart from the women on reservations and are called upon to do manual labor when the women can’t handle decaying infrastructure?

    I don’t care about the people on planet Femiathiest.
    They sound like assholes.

  184. I think the planet can be saved by culling the population down to all the white right-wing people in America and Canada, with 10% right-wing people of color.

    Just satire.

  185. These progs don’t know how to properly use the words to/too. They’re critical of comprehension, yet Chaz, in response, replaces the word AND with OR, then LOL’s because it doesn’t make any sense. Bravo. And instead of typing the word BECAUSE, they type COS – cos they’re hip gangsta wannabes or something?

    They’re more like tool bags to me.

    I applaud all of you for hanging in there, hammering home some great points, all while trying to help the deranged. But there’s just some people TOO far gone to make a connection. Thankfully, we’re not OVERPOPULATED with these dunderheads, right Chaz?

  186. @MaryfromMarin [“Jesus was extremely contentious with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Examples of that are almost too numerous to cite, but do try to recall His calling them “whited sepulchres” [Matt 23:27]. Hardly a compassionate comment; the entire quote is revelatory of just how contentious Jesus was w/those who misled others. His forcible driving out of the money changers in the Temple, and overturning their tables, is a fairly contentious action, too, wouldn’t you say? [Mark 11:15-17]”]

    If anything then, you should not be verbally attacking Femitheist and her supporters and should attack religious authority figures instead. Go after Christian priests and catholic Popes and Cardinals and Bishops and the rest, show them contempt but comfort the powerless and downtrodden..and side with the Chad, KOriginals and me. Love to have your support. 🙂

    @Dadof4 [“If you think bigoted applies to race only then you have something to learn today. Racism is a subset of bigotry.”]

    @Dadof4 [“Even if it was to only one person of any color, it was textbook bigotry.
    You do not know us. You assume your prejudices and look down your noses BASED on your prejudices.
    That’s bigotry.”]

    Are you accusing me of bigotry against “Rush Limbaugh Ditto Heads”? What are you talking about?
    I don’t think you know what those words mean.

    @Dadof4 *sigh* [“I’m not going on the article. I and others are going on Chad’s revelation to where it ultimately ends up.
    Chad’s admission in his post, sweetie. Not any article.
    It has been addressed in several posts afterward and yet you act like you didn’t read it or understand what happened there.”]

    So you don’t want to inform yourself by clicking the links Chad and Koriginals provided. Gotcha. Willful ignorance.

    @Stirrin the BS [“So, what say you comethedawn?”]

    @Stirrin the BS [“Knock knock. CometheDawn are you still there? Hello? Anybody home?
    …Didn’t think so.”]

    I’m curious as to how this person “COME the dawn” will answer that question. I don’t see that name on the thread but I’m sure she/he will eventually respond.
    On a side note, my name is “CAME the dawn”. If you have anything to ask me your free to do it at any time now. 😀

    @Mr_Pinko [“@camethedawn

    Holey cr*P!! Finally someone gets my name right!
    No, Pinko, I’m not. Are you?

  187. If being pro-Femitheist means associating with the kind of people defending her on this thread, then by God, yes, I am totally anti-Femitheist. At this point, if someone were to sell ANTI-FEMITHEIST t-shirts, I would wear one proudly, except that nobody in the real world would know what it was referring to.

    Comeondown, nobody gives a fuck what your name is and your harping on people getting it wrong makes you sound even more like a high school sophomore, although that is completely consistent with the sophomoric bullshit you and your fellow FD acolytes are littering up the thread with.

    SMDH (shaking my damn head) 🙂 LOL Have a nice day! (Did I miss any?)

  188. @camethedawn

    I’ve learned exactly what the plan and intention is.

    Quite clear about it.

    Reading her interview, she made it perfectly clear as to how she sees things and how she wants things.

    I reject it whole-heartedly.

    For me, that is all there is to that subject unless you’d like to debate deeper points about the subject. I can walk that path with you.

    And once again you post vacuous arguments and sleights about posts instead of defending the idea.

    Yes, calling people “…typical, know nothing, think they know it all, ignorant, Rush Limbaugh ditto heads.” without knowing if they actually are is bigotry because it is your ASSUMPTION about people you know not. You were given the truth of what bigotry is and you willfully ignore it.

    I truly can not recall the last time I ever tuned into Rush or even Fox news for that matter. That is YOUR pre-judgement aka prejudice. So far, you appear to use strawmen a lot to feel righteous.

    Have you anything relevant to say on the subject? I am not trying to change your mind about it and don’t mind discussing why I take the stand I do.

    I would like to know your honest point of view and why you are so enamored of this idea.

    Please notice no derogatory or disparaging name calling was used.

  189. @Dadof4

    [“I’ve learned exactly what the plan and intention is.
    Quite clear about it.
    Reading her interview, she made it perfectly clear as to how she sees things and how she wants things.
    I reject it whole-heartedly.”]

    Did you read the uncorrected VICE article or the corrected one in the links? There is a difference. Her full views do not call for any genocide or murder. You can accomplish her goals of population control without violence.
    Never said I was so enamored of her ideas, just that I’m against people attacking FD based on ignorance. It was seeing many of the people here attacking her that moved me to respond with my support for her. It’s a little late in the day to be so sensitive about name calling on my part when everyone here was having a field day doing that at FD’s expense before I got here.
    And I’m not at all convinced you or this crowd never listened to or watched Limbaugh’s programs when many of you use the same derisive terms he routinely uses to describe women who don’t agree with him. I still don’t think you know what bigotry is. The fact that you want to call my dismissal of you as a Limbaugh ditto head bigotry doesn’t mean it is bigotry. It may be a low opinion of you, one I feel is well earned, but not bigotry. Sorry, you’re misapplying that word. Perhaps you want to intimidate me through text, or you are just ignorant, IDK, but I dismiss that assertion now the same as I did the first time you made it.
    If you don’t want to be associated with that crowd, ditto heads, then don’t use their catch phrases. Simple.
    And if you’ve read FD’s views in full you would now see that there is nothing at all in them to get all worked up over. If you want more information you can ask her yourself.
    But calling her names and verbally attacking her is really inappropriate.
    Nonetheless, I thank you for the replies with acknowledgement to you not name calling this time.

    @Merry [“Comeondown, nobody gives a fuck what your name is and your harping on people getting”]

    I’m sure whoever you’re talking to is mindful of that. On another note, and I’ll use capitals now so you won’t get mixed up, I, “CAME THE DAWN”, am still waiting for your question if you care to ask me any. If not, then have a nice day. 🙂

  190. I read her own words. She was very clear. Nothing to mis-understand.

    Your refusal to understand the full meaning of bigotry is on you. You’ve been pointed in the right direction.

    I would like to know your honest point of view and why you are so enamored of this idea.

  191. @Dadof4 [“I read her own words. She was very clear. Nothing to mis-understand.”]

    From what source? The flawed Vice article or the link with the corrections? If the latter then fine, It’s okay to reject her views from an informed position.
    As for me, I Never said I was so enamored of her ideas, just that I’m against people attacking FD based on ignorance. It was seeing many of the people here attacking her that moved me to respond with my support for her.
    And for the last time, calling random people who use ditto head catch phrases “ditto heads” does not qualify as bigotry. It is an outright dismissal of a statement as insignificant owing to the speaker’s choice to associate him/herself, to a source that lacks credibility, perhaps, but not bigotry. Calling random people ditto heads for using ditto head speak =/= bigotry.
    You use ditto head words/phrases, you associate yourself with them, you get called ditto head.
    Do I need to explain this simple concept to you again?

  192. “If you have anything to ask me your free to do it at any time now.” – camethedawn

    Stop dodging them then.

    I would like to know your honest point of view and why you are so enamored of this idea. – me

    Also from many others but I’ll pick out Stirrin’s from this thread:

    “What are you going to do with the male or female population that refuses to voluntarily agree to your Utopian plan?” – Stirrin the BS

  193. [“Also from many others but I’ll pick out Stirrin’s from this thread:

    “What are you going to do with the male or female population that refuses to voluntarily agree to your Utopian plan?” – Stirrin the BS”]

    It’s not my idea. I said that before. If you want more information click the links or ask Femitheist Divine herself as Chad and Koriginals said. My support was for the person Femitheist against all those attacking her out of ignorance.

  194. OK. FD’s totally awesome.

    Now that that is out of the way..

    You claimed:

    “If you have anything to ask me your free to do it at any time now.” – camethedawn

    So answer this, or cement a reputation as a liar for saying what I quoted from you and not meaning it.

    What do YOU think is going to happen with the male or female population that refuses to voluntarily agree to THIS Utopian plan?

  195. @Dadof4 [What do YOU think is going to happen with the male or female population that refuses to voluntarily agree to THIS Utopian plan?”]

    You’ll have to clarify your question. Also it’s a loaded one. You use the term utopian, I don’t think FD does.
    Are you asking what would happen if humanity does nothing to address the serious problem of overpopulation, poverty, war, violence and all the other social ills? Or are you talking about just this particular solution to it of population control?
    If no solution is done the I imagine humanity and perhaps most life will go extinct. Is the proposed plan the best one in my opinion, IDK, but it is one answer. There are others, but few of them allow you to be any more comfortable than population control.
    Like I said. You want more, ask FD, or go to her FAQ.

  196. I will say this about this chick, she sure brings some high quality cray cray to the yard. They give the “moon landings were faked” nutbars a run for their money, and those guys are the gold standard for batchit.

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