15 Year-Old Muslim Illustrates Exactly Why AFDI Muhammad Art Exposition is Necessary – IOTW Report

15 Year-Old Muslim Illustrates Exactly Why AFDI Muhammad Art Exposition is Necessary

afdinewlogo250This letter came into AFDI’s inbox. I will fisk as it goes along.


I am 15 years old, and my name is Zaynab Mosaad, Respectfully, I wanted to say a few things concerning this event. As you can probably tell from my name, I am a Muslim. And guess what, regardless of all the things you guys are saying about my religion, I am proud to be one. I am not angry about this event, I am just sad. Sad that you do not realize what you are really doing. Because do you think by having this event you will help the cartoonists who died unjustly in Paris?

We hope to help living cartoonists draw whatever they want without fear of death. Fear of bodily harm.

Do you think, by having this event, that you will help stop ISIS from killing innocent people? No.

We would hope that as a proud Muslim you would help us with that. You’re not off to a good start.

Not at all. Do you know what is really happening when you insult Islam and its Prophet? You are violating the laws of our country. Um, hello? Whatever happened to freedom of religion?

 How does drawing Muhammad stop you from practicing your religion?

And I’m sorry, but there is a limit to freedom of speech. Because when freedom of speech reaches the point where its insulting and hurting another American (yes. I was born and raised here, so I am a Muslim American), it is no longer freedom of speech. It is a violation of that freedom.

 I have no idea who has been teaching you about the 1st amendment. You are not guaranteed to never be offended. The statement you are making is “freedom of speech is a violation of that freedom.” What you’re saying is non-sensical.

That is what it is. I understand that you believe you are trying to raise “awareness” by having this event. That is what its purpose is, correct?

 No. The purpose of this event is to see if Islam can coexist with our constitution. Your letter, if illustrative of mainstream Muslim thinking, indicates that it cannot. That is problematic. Either you edify yourself to what it means to be a free American or there will be a clash of cultures sometime in the future, and most Americans will not, I assure you, go quietly into that good night.

Well, let me tell you one thing. This so-called “awareness” you are trying to raise is based off of lies. Lies and prejudice against another religion.

Drawing Muhammad is a lie? I’m not following? Do you mean to say that it is a lie that Muslims will get violent if you draw a picture of Muhammad?

So stop.

Or else what?

As Muslims, we cannot do anything but sit back and watch the name of Islam being dragged in the dust.

That’s right. Now you’re catching on.

And it hurts.


Because don’t you know? Like you, I too, am an American. But unlike you, I have morals.

It’s my moral imperative to draw Muhammad in order to see what response it will evoke. If that response is violence it is my moral imperative to eradicate anyone that will get violent because they object to freedom of expression. Are you beginning to understand yet?

And I, as an American teenager, am going to stop the hate that you are spreading concerning Islam.

How so? 

I am tired of the weird looks I get at the mall, or the looks of suspicion I get from police officers on the train. I am innocent. Islam is innocent. So stop this slander. I beg of you, stop.

Maybe you get weird looks because the Muslim response to someone drawing a cartoon is to turn savage. If you want to stop getting weird looks you will go to the draw Muhammad event and protect artists from bodily harm. That’s the MORAL THING TO DO.

With All Due Respect,
Your Fellow American,
Americans should understand the concept of freedom of speech.
Zaynab Mosaad

69 Comments on 15 Year-Old Muslim Illustrates Exactly Why AFDI Muhammad Art Exposition is Necessary

  1. “And I’m sorry, but there is a limit to freedom of speech. Because when freedom of speech reaches the point where its insulting and hurting another American (yes. I was born and raised here, so I am a Muslim American), it is no longer freedom of speech. It is a violation of that freedom.”

    Wrong. Your eagerness to be offended by my speech isn’t equal. If you don’t want to be offended, live in a Muslim country.

  2. Sorry, 15 y/o Muslim, freedom of speech doesn’t end when your feelings get hurt.

    My feelings are hurt every time one of you barbarians kills an innocent Jew or Christian and claim it is because you have been offended.

    If you truly want to stop the hate, then stop the brutal infidels of your own religion. But you can’t, because they will execute you too.

    Go and preach to them about the name of Islam being dragged in the dirt because they are doing that, not us.

  3. you are free to worship a homicidal pedophile lunatic and his moon god (that’s the religion part) and I am free to mock you (that is the speech part).

    Nowhere is it written that you and I are free not to be offended. Me by the fact that you worship a homicidal pedophile lunatic and his moon god and you because you are too stupid to realize that you are worshiping a homicidal pedophile lunatic.

    Your living in a civilized part of the world spanky; you had better get used to the idea of being offended.

  4. The kid is 15 and has already been taught to spew indoctrinated BS.
    This gets so old. They come here and want to keep their ways and have nothing to do with ours.
    I don’t care if you are a mooslum. Just don’t call yourself American cause with your attitude you never will be!
    Go back to the land of sand.

  5. Nothing more I enjoy than being lectured by a 15 yr. old about morals as he follows a pedophile murdering maniac’s deranged writings of death, subjugation, oppression and debauchery.

    Grandpa Menderman put my thoughts in a neat and tidy nutshell.
    With absolutely no respect…. GFY !

  6. Dear Zaynab, your failure to admitt your cult has any responsibility in the way Islam is viewed screams of either immaturity or just another ticking time bomb. A couple more domestic attacks and it will be open season. My advice to you is when the time comes discover Christianity. Quick

  7. Hey Zaynab, it’s sad to read your crappy note.
    Sad because it’s guys like you that mean guys like me have to carry a weapon and be ready to have to shoot some stupid, wet behind the ears, young idiot who doesn’t know shit but has been programed into cannon fodder with delusions of a grand cause.
    I’m sad for you but that does not mean I will show you any mercy.

  8. Sure, Zaynab, be sad about non-Muslims drawing pictures of Mohammed. Then work towards stopping your “violent extremists” from killing innocent civilians in the name of your prophet.

    Once you do that, then get back to us with your gripes about artists. See, I was even nice to you – I used our administration’s politically correct term “violent extremists” instead of the more accurate ”Islamic terrorists.”

  9. I wonder how many thousands of these Neanderthals are living among us with the total open door policy we’ve had to the toilets of the world (also known as immigration and refugee resettlement)? Just read where Barry is planning on bringing another 75,000 sunni Syrians to our shores because the UN is whining that no one else wants them. This little shit proves we’re going to have to play cowboys and musies pretty soon.

  10. Zaney, are you at all offended by FGM, male custodians for adult women, not being permitted to work if female, beheading, crucifixion, burning alive, being blind folded and thrown off a roof, child brides?

    I thought not.

  11. It takes audacity for a 15 yr. old indoctrinated, brainwashed Islam Jihad supporter to tell us we aren’t allowed freedom of speech and the atrocities committed in the name of Islam are justified. No doubt the same kind of audacity that inspired the First U.S. Muslim president, Barack Hussein Obama.

  12. “It’s my moral imperative to draw Muhammad in order to see what response it will evoke. If that response is violence it is my moral imperative to eradicate anyone that will get violent because they object to freedom of expression. Are you beginning to understand yet?”

    I think I understand all too well: You propose to provoke people of whose religion you don’t approve, and if they succumb to the provocation, you intend to “eradicate” them.

    There’s a name for that kind of tactic, and a name for the kind of people who use it.

  13. Wow!

    I’ve been reading over the comments, and if this isn’t a hate site, I don’t know what is.

    Zaynab, look on this page and laugh. Sure the comments are full of rage, but look where they’re coming from. I doubt that all your detractors combined can muster up two IQ points to rub together.

    And if you lot have started to suspect that I have zero respect for you, and intend to come in whenever possible to laugh at you, then you may just have an IQ point after all. (If I were you, I’d plant it and cultivate it; not good to put all of one’s eggs in one basket, but if you have only the one egg….) 🙂

  14. “This young man suffers from “Offendophobia.” It is a tragic condition whose symptoms include a painfully thin skin, irrational anger and complete ignorance.

    There is no cure.”

    I think you must be confusing this (mostly fictitious) condition with your own: phronemophobia.

    (But never forget that all fears are at their deepest roots no more than manifestations of phobophobia.)

  15. Well Ismell, why don’t you and young Zaynab sit down and watch a couple hours of the news coverage of the events of September 11, 2001? Including some of the phone calls made to and from people and their loved ones trapped in the towers, and the videos of people jumping out of 80 story windows trying to escape the flames, and don’t forget to watch the videos of muslims dancing in the streets and celebrating the horrific deaths of 3000 Americans! Maybe then you’ll have a better understanding of why we don’t really give a damn if you’re offended or not by the “funny looks” or the “offensive” pictures. The govt and the citizens of this country have bent over backwards to accommodate muslims and to try not to do anything that might make you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable since 9/11, but people like you two are just determined to be offended or victims regardless of reality… So why don’t you take your complaints and stick em where the sun don’t shine!!!

  16. Dear Ismail,

    You failed the first test, by not realizing that “mimimimze” is intentionally misspelled for the sake of humor. I did not realize there was a practical purpose to this joke, but it is now revealed to me — it is to identify people like you, who apparently take themselves too seriously.

    Drawing Mohammed has NOTHING to do with religion, and EVERYTHING to do with freedom of speech. While we try not to take ourselves too seriously, patriots in the U.S. take the Constitution very damned seriously. It, above all else, is responsible for the greatness of our country. It has allowed us the freedoms to prosper, and lead the world in moral and ethical treatment of our citizens, among many other worthwhile endeavors.

    From the time I was in early grade school, I understood freedom of speech. I knew that people could say mean things that could hurt others’ feelings, but that our right to free speech was far more important than others’ wishes not to have their feelings hurt. Our Founding Fathers were the wisest men to ever form a government, and they knew that as soon as hurt feelings could be used to limit speech, all semblance of a free country would be lost. My drawing Mohammed does not affect your freedom of religion in the slightest.

    So when people come along who do not believe in our Constitution, and make an effort to change the way our great country works, for the sake of their hurt feelings (or for the sake of jihad), we get pretty fucking angry about it. That is probably what you identify as “hate.” I speak only for myself, here, but I DO hate anyone who wants to ruin this, the greatest nation on earth. I don’t care what their reasons are, or what their religion is. And I will fight them to the death, should it come to that.

    So, I suggest you take those study skills that got you through Stanford, and study up on our Constitution. To know it is to love it. It is truly a work of genius. Perhaps you’ll learn to love the USA, in the process.

  17. Note that I am *not* discussing the question of drawing the prophet Muhammad.

    I am expressing my disdain for the hate embodied in the comments, and even in the article itself.

    That you apparently don’t understand this does not speak well for your reading comprehension, so maybe I should just go back to guffawing. 🙂

  18. “Well Ismell, why don’t you and young Zaynab sit down and watch a couple hours of the news coverage of the events of September 11, 2001? ”

    As far as I know, the application iSmell has not yet been developed. (When it is, I will stay well clear of your posts.)

    Anyway, are you a person or a parody? You sound like that (completely fictitious but all too well founded) character in the Onion satire, “Everything I need to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11.”

    Will it ever occur to you that something is wrong in your thinking when the Onion’s joke is your literal opinion?

  19. Jason.

    There is absolutely nothing in the pandemic of xenophobia on this page that is not old to me, although it is rare to see the infection rate so near 100 percent.

    (This is why I think this is a hate site that attracts haters who want to hang out with other haters and … er … hate. But I would be delighted to be proven wrong. Is there even one righteous man in this forum: one person who is capable of rational thought about Islam, so that I needn’t go on thinking the whole site is populated by haters?)

    Hate has nothing to teach, save that it exists.

  20. Nope. I’ve judged the comments and offered a preliminary infection rate.

    I have yet to see evidence to the contrary, so my provisional estimate stands.

    *Is* there a righteous man here? Or, failing that, a quasi-rational one?

  21. I imagine by now some of you are wishing you could thumb me down, get an admin to delete my posts, anything to shut me up.

    I’ve said very little, really. Just criticized the haters for their hate, as an anonymous poster in one tiny, cobweb-ridden corner of the internet inhabited by venomous spiderlings, their chelicerae dripping malevolence. And already you are offended.

    Some of you really would silence me if you could. (Some of you would probably shoot me if you could.)

    So, do you see how all your indignation about the First Amendment rings of hypocrisy when you lay into a 15-year-old, let’s face it, not for his opinion, but because he is a Muslim, and therefore you rage although you really know nothing of either him or his faith?

    Zaynab should be proud. There is more humanity and moral integrity in him than in all of you jackals combined. And there is no question of who won the argument; it was the most mature participant in the debate, who in this case happens to be 15.

  22. But you’re probably right. I shouldn’t taunt beyond what is necessary to make my point.

    Perhaps someone among you will learn from this conversation how you sound to someone who just wandered in and had no axe to grind with any of you. If so, good; if not, that is no longer my responsibility.

    So, unless someone recalls me to the forum by saying something to or about me that demands a reply, I too will now depart the thread.

  23. On second thought, this is definitively goodbye.

    I know very well that if I don’t make that commitment, one of your resident trolls will surely post something to provoke me into returning.

    So, I’ll leave you all to mull over the mystery of the stranger who appeared among you for an hour, pointed to your xenophobia, and rode into the sunset.


  24. CallMe, We tend to hate those who kill in the name of being offended, burn alive those soldiers who are captured, behead those who provide humanitarian assistance to the victims of their society. But, like Jesus, we forgive accept those who repent and sin no more. If proven to have killed, those are put to death as in the bible (eye for an eye, etc.) to prevent more deaths of the innocents. Have you no humanity in your soul? You and the kid want to use death to stop your being offended? This is what your version of God requires? Sounds more like our version of Satan.

  25. CallMeIsmail, along with quite a bit of the current population of US teenagers have a deluded sense of what the 1st Amendment actually protects. It does NOT protect speech we agree with, or our “feelings” or our religious ideas, culture, politics, race, eye color or anything else we could/might get sensitive about. The 1st Amendment specifically protects speech that we DON’T like. It is those things that are said that we disagree with, that the 1st Amendment protects from the murderous hordes willing to burn people alive for burning the page of a book or to stone someone to death for speaking ill of a self admitted pedophile who died 1400 years ago, or carefully murder people because they drew cartoons that offended them. Because they have been behaving this way for the last 1400 years, I think it is time for civilization to be done with this particularly evil cult, it should be removed from the planet and those who follow it should be DE-programed.


  26. Callme links to a site called “moral intelligence”. We should listen to him. He is a self appointed enlightened person. He is at one with himself and comfortable that his greatness should be shared. I can feel his greatness through my computer! Thanks for being so great Ismail!


  27. From the enlightened one’s blog:

    “Ismail transferred his efforts to Moralintelligence.net, as he had always suspected that he must in the end; purpose and duty cannot be eluded forever.”


  28. Pls don’t respond to anon *Ismail* anymore. This subject is maroding the internets for 10+ years (not joking guys) hunting *sociopaths* to avoid a confession to himself for just being an irrelevant (he is the one mate>>>) grumpy man somewhere in the US. Failed in life on every hurdle that needed to be taken with an *miniminimum* of human awareness … so sad.
    Right after posting his tirade here he ran back to chessgames.com (his primarily *think tank*) to report his unmatched dismantling skills to a bunch of fans. Just ask him something he has a hard time copypasta and you’ll immediatedly *meet* the undereducated self proclaimed *sociopath hunter* he is. But you’ve been warned!
    PS: Better follow my advice to not respond anymore, bec he undoubtedly has more time than anyone of you to *adjective* you to bits IMAO

  29. If this was actually written by a 15 year old boy then I’d suspect that someone else actually wrote it (and I suspect sent by someone else) or this kid needs to be picked up right away by the FBI. If it’s real then he’s being “groomed” for bigger things by his Muslim handlers just like pedophiles groom children. In fact, I’d say that extremist Muslims and pedophiles have a lot in common in the way that they will take and use a young boys natural fears and insecurities to mold them into what they want. I suspect that in a number of cases the crossover is similar in a few other ways as well. In any event, if true this child is on the threshold of becoming page one news unless some intervention takes place and quickly.

  30. I wonder if you would feel the same if you were living under isis and being turned into some jihadis buttpuppet
    then what? the only rights would be the right to a torn rectum
    and the freedom to scream
    what an ignorant little savage

  31. Dear Zaynab,

    Your logic places Islam itself (Quran, Sunna, and Hidths) as illegal under the law. Islam insults other religions by name, for instance in describing the Christian Trinity as being God the Father having actual physical relations with Mary to produce the offspring Jesus. Christians have never believed such, don’t now believe such, and never will believe such. This alone is an insult of the highest order to Christians everywhere, so using your logic the Quran itself must be illegal and silenced.

    Is that what you really want?

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