Lurch Thinks He Has an Historic Deal Struck – IOTW Report

Lurch Thinks He Has an Historic Deal Struck

Lausanne, Switzerland (CNN)Latest developments:

• The basis for an agreement for a peaceful Iranian nuclear program and a lifting of sanctions against that nation has been reached, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini announced Thursday in Switzerland. “We have reached solutions on key parameters of a joint comprehensive plan of action,” she said.

• Iran’s enrichment capacity and stockpile would be limited, and Iran’s sole enrichment facility would be at the Natanz nuclear facility, Mogherini said. Other nuclear facilities would be converted for other uses, she said.

• Under the agreement, the nuclear facility at Fordow would be converted to a nuclear physics and technology center and the facility at Arak would be redesigned as a heavy-water research reactor that will not produce weapons-grade plutonium.

• The European Union would terminate all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions against Iran, and the United States would do the same once Iran’s implementation of the agreement is confirmed, according to announcements of the deal.

• The United Nations would terminate all previous resolutions sanctioning Iran, and would incorporate other restrictions for an agreed-upon period, according to Thursday’s announcements.

13 Comments on Lurch Thinks He Has an Historic Deal Struck

  1. Soooooo … what does the US get out of this “deal?”

    How is this a “deal” in any sense of the word?

    How much money are we gonna have to shovel to Jarrett’s family?

    Why does Iran need enriched Uranium for “peaceful” purposes?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

  2. Obola’s a traitor.
    Kerry’s a traitor.
    That whole Freak Show is a gaggle of traitors.
    Iran gets their nukes.
    Israel gets fucked.
    The MidEast is one step closer to total war.
    ISIS is left to metastasize.
    Iran gets Iraq, Jordan, and Syria.
    Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt will be forced to join Israel (who has nukes) for security purposes.

    Satan is rubbing his hands together and licking his chops over this one.

  3. Just in time too. North Korea will be now be known as First Marshal’s Nuclear Holding Company And Emporium. Putin’s Plutonium Energy Consortium can now go ahead with ‘helping’ Iran, Egypt, Jordan and other ‘needy’ countries. Don’t forget Chairman Xi’s Yellow Cake Surplus Outlet.

    -Setting the stage for the END.
    Did anyone call Bill Richardson to see if videogames were part of the enticement? Worked well in the DPRK.

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