American Born Muslim Cleric is a Complete Loser Pu$$y Boy – IOTW Report

American Born Muslim Cleric is a Complete Loser Pu$$y Boy

Not only is a he a coward, he’s a loser who mooches off his sister, he’s a thief with a long record of offenses and has spent time in prison. (Sounds very pious.)

This is the face of the most popular American born Muslim cleric.

Ahmad JibrilScreen Shot 2015-04-03 at 12.26.13 AM

No wonder they blow stuff up. It has nothing to do with Allah, and everything to do with the self-realization that they are complete losers. It’s why they beat their women and keep them in servitude. If the women got a taste of what it was like to be with a real man they’d be left alone with their goats. The male goats.

Click the loser in the face to see a video of this worm running away from reporter Charlie Leduff.

16 Comments on American Born Muslim Cleric is a Complete Loser Pu$$y Boy

  1. Other Moose Limb behaviors indicative of hyper wussie-dom include, but are not limited to: wearing man-dresses, hatin’ on dogs (man’s best friend), ass-wiping with their left hand (to wit, no left-handed Moose-Limb pitchers), worshiping a so-called “prophet” who married a nine-year old, blowing up themselves and perfectly good used cars in the process, killing innocent people in the name of religion, and last but not least, getting all pissy and mad over every single thing anyone says, does or writes about Izlam, even if factually true.

    Sis: “Ahmad, can you load the dishwasher? I have to go my swing-shift coal mining job.”

    Ahmad: “No! Dishwasher is kaffir!”

    Sis: “But X-Box isn’t?”

    Ahmad: “No! The Prophet Mohammad speaks to me through X-Box live! We play shooters together all night!”

    Also, ever notice how many of their names end in “mad”?

  2. Cowards all. ALL. They will never face an enemy head on. That’s why they have sexual relationships with goats and each other. Now Gods eating their flesh. We need an open season. No bag, no tag.

  3. Hey they are getting away with the bullshit. Where are our elected officials? Huh? They are just reaping the profits and pretending.
    There is a place 80 miles north of me, Islamberg NY, Headquarters for about 32 muslim camps nationwide, and nobody seem to give a shit. The LEO’s dont seem to mind.

    Cuomo the CIC seems fine with it, so what? me worry?

  4. Moe Tom, Believe me Tom, the shit stops when they start something major here domestically. You have no idea how many people are waiting for that day. It will be an explosion of pent up aggression when that day comes. If there are good Muslims, they better hide good when that day comes.

  5. unneutral, Sounds like you might belong to a range similar to mine. Some crazy shit going on there taught by Rangers and Seals. Like 20 man Peal drills.

  6. Bad Brad/Unnutral. I love you guys. But don’t you see whats happening? Nothing “Major” will ever happen. There will be a killing here, a killing there, an explosion, a train derailment a gas explosion, an air plane disaster, but nothing to indicate “Terrorism”
    That is a bad word. Maybe if a Shopping Mall is hit, “They” the government, may put us on orange, blue, green alert, or something, or call it work place violence, or tell us it was the act of a disgruntled employee. Get my point? I am not happy with the way our government is protecting us. I think our Congressmen and women are infected with political correctness and will lead us to total destruction.
    But I cannot see an uprising among the populace. Too soft.

  7. Moe Tom, My fear is you are right. However as I go through my travels through upper middle class suburbia, I still see them. I can recognize them. They don’t belong here with their women walking 5 feet behind them. They strut like insignificant Peacocks with their hands folded behind them like they own anything in front of them. What you describe will happen. And rightly or wrongly the people I describe will pay the price. Unfair? I think not. There is a price to be paid. So if your women wears a burka, innocent or not, you better get fucking ready, because it’s coming.

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