CNBC wonders when Hillary will start campaigning – IOTW Report

CNBC wonders when Hillary will start campaigning

‘How’s Hillary Doing? Wish We Could Tell You’ 

By John Harwood, May 29, 2015, CNBC
I’ve been inside Hillary Clinton’s national campaign headquarters in Brooklyn.

I’ve talked with “senior officials” about her bid for the White House. They sat in these chairs.

hillary headquartersAn office room inside Hillary Clinton’s campaign headquarters.

Wish I could tell you more. But they said very little.

Notice that I typed very little and not “very little,” because under the ground rules of Thursday’s briefing reporters were not allowed to quote their words directly.

You’re not missing much.


9 Comments on CNBC wonders when Hillary will start campaigning

  1. I heard that Hillary Rottenham Clinton hired Monsanto lobbyist Jerry Crawford as a campaign adviser. And liberal media is not doing a very good job of covering up her ties with Monsanto. So now, the Left are calling her the “Bride of Frankenfood.”

    She doesn’t stand a chance. Hated by both the Left and the Right.

  2. On a little local radio show a man calls in. He says to the host that he doesn’t believe Hillary really wants to be President, but that she MUST run due to all the foreign money being “donated” to the Clinton Cash Closet with the expectation that Hillary will be the First Female President. It’s in the bag those foreign donors think. But Hillary just wants the money, NOT all the hassle and exhaustion that come with being Prez. So, she strings the donors along, then runs a lousy campaign and never gets elected – but does get to keep all the lovely money. Or, posits the caller, by some vaginal miracle, Hillary does get elected – only to quickly discover that she is suffering from a debilitating incurable illness, and steps down.

    I read somewhere yesterday a rumor that Bill is showing early signs of dementia. I am betting that is her escape route. It’s the safest one because everyone (on the left) still loves Bill.

    I have never seen a person who looks less interested in running a campaign that Hillary currently does. Nor have I seen such a shitty one.

  3. The Fix seemed in for HC in 2008, then Soros gave a nod and HC was unceremoniously replaced by a complete unknown with lots of handicaps including no history, no family and an Arabic name.
    She was unelectable in 2008 at 60. She will be even less electable in 2016, pushing 70.

    Maybe she’s deluded. Or maybe the whole 2016 run is a charade, just a fundraising tactic.

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