… Hear Me Roar – IOTW Report

… Hear Me Roar


11 Comments on … Hear Me Roar

  1. Caitlyn Jenner ran through the town
    Flashing his willy through a silken nightgown
    Tapping at the window and crying through the lock,
    Are the girls in their beds now? I’d like to show them all my c**k.

  2. so centuries later we look back at the Incas and the skulls that show what appears to have been brain surgeries practiced on patients but others think it may have been torture. I suspect that centuries from now they will look back on the “surgeries” of the 21st century and have similar questions.

  3. Still astounded at this poor man who chose to keep closely, as his friends/family/advisers, those who would so poorly counsel him and coddle him into this mess. Poor dumb bastard doesn’t even begin to cover it.

    Sure Bruce, you look real pretty…just like a lot of trannies. Amazing what hair and makeup can do to anyone.

    Good grief.

    …since I’ve been busy with other earth-shattering things in life (…like repairing my irrigation system)

    Can someone please confirm/clarify a “small” (heh) detail for me?

    This Bruce Jenner…the guy who wishes he were a gal and did all sorts of medical somersaults…do I undersand correctly that HE STILL KEPT HIS PENIS YET WISHES/IMAGINES HE WERE A FEMALE?


    NO. REALLY?!?

    As in: really, really, REALLY?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!


  5. OK…this has finally passed into the realm of national dementia. What seems to escape people is that this too is the product of the same fine people who inflicted Kim and Kanye on the national psyche and we have discussed that ongoing trainwreck endlessly.

    This is a mentally ill person who is being used to make money. It and its ilk are really are abominations and it is our tolerance of them that gives the Muzzies reason number 7,456,324 to hate us.

  6. So, a man still has a penis, but chooses to dress like a woman… tell me when did this become less of a perversion than it is? Woe unto them who call evil good and good evil.

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