Trigger Warning – IOTW Report

Trigger Warning

I’m not even going to describe this 8 second clip of Obama. It has to be heard to be believed.

But this is a warning. It will have a triggering effect.

It might be laughter, vomiting, severe eye-rolling, nausea, or a whole host of other reactions. But, you’ve been warned.

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26 Comments on Trigger Warning

  1. Any comment, other than the one below, may get me in trouble. So I will remain civil.

    I doubt there is a hole in the earth that is as deep as the pit in my stomach and heart that has been generated by this creature called our president. Every time I see his face or accidentally hear his treacherous voice, the pit sinks further. Yuuuuuccky!

  2. His bucket jus’ done slipped over his bucket haid….look how he blinks and won’t make eye contact….this pea brain is a pathological liar…and he’s got a “tell”…many “tells”….how did this happen?….How did the bastards let it happen?….I sure didn’t and none of you did either….

  3. so Obama and Churchill meet and Obama says Mr. Churchill you are drunk and Winston says, yes and you are a wussy lying communist but tomorrow I shall be sober

  4. He’s straight out of the 60’s Superman Bizarro World comics.
    We aren’t in the Twilight Zone here in America. We’ve gone to Barry Sotero’s Bizarro World.

    In the Bizarro world of “htraE” (“Earth” spelled backwards), society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states “Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!” In one episode, for example, a salesman is doing a brisk trade selling Bizarro bonds: “Guaranteed to lose money for you”. Later, the mayor appoints Bizarro No. 1 to investigate a crime, “Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together”. This is intended and taken as a great compliment.

    Originally a normal planet, htraE is now cube-shaped. This is due to the intervention of Superman, who – after being convicted of doing something perfect on htraE, which would normally be a capital offense – pointed out that the planet was shaped like a normal spheroid and agreed to cube it if his sentence were commuted.

  5. At this point the only way he makes sense to me is to see him as a patient temporarily out of his straight jacket. That, and being demonically infested.

  6. When his lips are moving he has just lied, is about to lie, or is about to explain what he meant when he last lied, or is making an excuse for some lie, or is blaming someone for something.
    Stepanopholous (WGAS?) is no interrogator. I’d like to see Meghan Kelly, Laura Ingraham, or Ann Coulter question that Lyin’ SOS. Even Miss Marple.

  7. “One of my core principle’s is….
    To destroy not only this country but the white race. To let the black man think I’m on his side but he’ll find out my ‘true love’ is Islam. I will see to it that it takes over this country.”
    (Or is it?)

  8. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” -Goebbels

    These proclamations come in the direction book and B.H.0. has studied well.

  9. Take whatever he says and turn it around to the opposite meaning – there is where you will find the truth.
    Try it – it works every time.
    He has never said one truthful thing as long as I have observed him.

    Take this one for example:
    “I think many of the things said about me are terribly unfair.”
    Let’s dissect this statement.
    “I think” : He doesn’t think. He does drugs, plays golf, sodomizes, and reads teleprompters.
    “terribly”: He means “actually”. He is so doped up he misread the telepromter.
    “unfair”. He can’t say “untrue” because it has the word “true” in it, and the spawn of satan will burst into flames if he utters the word “true”.
    By turning it around to the opposite meaning you get:
    “The fact is that everything that my critics say about me is actually true.”
    See how easy it is?

    It’s *true*!

    HE’S never tried to divide people…
    …he’s always gotten OTHERS to do it FOR him.

    Sleep well, Mister Hitler…
    …your predecessors await you.

  11. Barry is just like his father, Satan – the father of lies.

    John 8:44 NIV
    You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

  12. I’ve had my fill of this nightmare. I can’t stand the sight of him nor his name in print.
    I cringe at the sound of his voice.
    Most of all, I am offended by the fact that he is not locked behind bars with all those
    who have enabled him.

  13. again I must say,

    we know he is evil and that the entire world knows he is evil. We have elected republicans as a majority in most of the states, in the House and the Senate….

    WHY is the evil one still President?….

    As a retired military member who is sick and tired of seeing my brothers and sisters wasted by this evil administration, I ask again….

    Exactly when will the republicans in the House borrow a spine and start impeachment proceedings against obama? How many more of my Brothers and Sisters in the military have to die because of obama before the republican leadership will do their jobs? I am serious, after six of my fellow military members DIED while searching for a traitorous deserter, obama decides he will send FIVE Terrorist COMMANDERS back to the battlefield where they can continue to KILL Americans (both military and civilian). Just so obama can bring his cuddly little Traitor back home. Our republican leadership gives their stamp of approval on these actions and all of the deaths and killings that result from this by doing and saying NOTHING. Perhaps you missed this part in kindergarten, but you are supposed to- DO THE RIGHT THING – even if that means you won’t get invited to the swanky DC power parties that we know you love. Doing the right thing does not matter if you think it might fail, there is one sure way for it to fail though, – and that is for cowards to NEVER stand up and proclaim that they will fight for what is right! But we don’t have to worry about our House leadership ever getting off their knees do we? I wonder exactly what obama has on these members of congress that keeps them so docile?

    MSG Grumpy

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