Animal Rights Advocate Goes Apesh*t – IOTW Report

Animal Rights Advocate Goes Apesh*t

Arguing in court for the right of apes to have personhood, lawyer Steven Wise drew an analogy with slavery.

The Daily Caller:

“We argue that both as a matter of liberty and as a matter of equality, Hercules and Leo are indeed legal persons,” he contended May 27 at a lower Manhattan court hearing packed with some 100 animal rights activists. “We had a history of that, for hundreds of years, saying black people are not part of society and you can enslave them. That wasn’t right. It didn’t work.”

Another question that got Wise more agitated than a chimp in heat: If Hercules and Leo are gay, should they get the federal right to marry?

“To suggest that the NhRP thinks about, will think about, has discussed, or will ever discuss, whether nonhuman animals could marry is as absurd and ridiculous,” Wise said.


The same sex marriage question was a valid question, and his analogy with slavery was doomed to failure from the start.

A better lawyer would have foreseen how is entire point, even if it was a good one, would be derailed.

If I were the chimps I’d ask for secondary counsel.

4 Comments on Animal Rights Advocate Goes Apesh*t

  1. Where’s Al and Jesse on this?…..oh right, Al’s gettin’ the cork screw for the bannar and Jesse’s laying some pipe with the interns….ummm hummmm….

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