What Do You Do When You’re A Social Justice Warrior But You Have Nothing To Complain About? – IOTW Report

What Do You Do When You’re A Social Justice Warrior But You Have Nothing To Complain About?

You just make sh*t up, that’s what you do.

Remember this black woman who did a TED talk about being fat. She claimed a guy on the subway yelled in her face that she might not be afraid of his dog “if SHE WASN”T SO FAT!!!” ?

The story made no sense, and frankly, I will tell her to her face she was lying.

Now, cut to the Muslim social justice warrior on the airplane, the one who said she was humiliated to tears because her request for an unopened can of soda on the plane was denied because the stewardess implied she could use the can as a weapon.

The story never passed the smell test.


Now she’s scrubbing Facebook entries that had parts of her story fleshed out (including a part where she says the captain apologizes for displaying his “white privilege.” LOLOLOL), and subject to scrutiny, and she’s claiming her account has been hacked.

It’s funny how people are always having their social media accounts hacked whenever they are under a magnifying glass.

Story HERE

16 Comments on What Do You Do When You’re A Social Justice Warrior But You Have Nothing To Complain About?

  1. This is part and parcel of what Pamela Geller talks about a lot – intimidation. Violence isn’t the only form of intimidation these people use. Shaming people into submission (even if there is no reason whatsoever for shame) is another tactic that has a history of working on some people (like weak minded progressives – yeah, I know it’s redundant).

    They want to push the false narrative that muslims are discriminated against even in the most mundane interactions with non-muslims, as a ploy to gain undeserved sympathy. This was an attempt to put another brick in the false wall of “islamophobia” so Americans would feel sorry for the poor, downtrodden, peaceful muslims.

    All she wanted was an unopened can of diet coke (supposedly for reasons of hygiene) and that bigoted airline attendant refused because she hates muslims. The infidel in the seat next to her received an unopened beer from the same attendant so it just had to be a conspiracy against innocent muslims.

    The wench apparently never considered that the attendant may have given the man the beer unopened to prevent the possibility of any of it spilling on her which would have been justifiable provocation for full jihad against the attendant for soiling her with kuffar alcoholic beverages.

    Thankfully, only the most feeble minded among us would fall for such an obviously fictional account. Unfortunately, there are way too many feeble minded among us these days.

  2. If no one backs her up it would be nice if United sued her ass off for defamation (or slander, hell both) but because she’s a muslim and a woman and not (I presume, white) they won’t. These race, gender and religious hustlers have everyone one else pretty well cowed. Oh, I’ve never had an unopened can of pop given to me on a plane.

  3. Reminds me of a great story .I’ll tell you now before I sign off.
    I was flying from Somalia to New York. There was a stop off somewhere in the middle east. A dozen or so people got on as we refueled. Two Arabs and a Jewish Rabbi got on and occupied the seats in front of me.. The Rabbi had the aisle seat. We took off.
    I noticed that the Rabbi took his shoes off to relax. About half way through the flight the window seat Arab said “I wish to get a Coca Cola.” The Rabbi said I will get it for you, don’t disturb yourself. So the Rabbi went and got him a coke. While the Rabbi was gone, both arabs spit in his shoes.
    A short time later the other Arab said he would like a coke, and the Rabbi obliged and got him a Coke. While he was gone they again spit in his shoes.
    I was dumbfounded, but I didn’t want to cause an international incident at 40000 feet. I would wait until we landed.
    I was sort worried about how I should approach this, as I didn’t want to reveal my identity as a very important agent of the US State Department., under Hillary Clinton. One crazy bitch. A wrong move could ruin my career.
    But as we approached JFK the Rabbi leaned down and cleaned his shoes with toilet paper and put them on. Then he turned to the two Arabs and said, I swear, I couldn’t believe it:

    “My friends this was a wonderful flight, I am glad to have met you,we all want peace
    but we must stop spitting in each others shoes and PISSING IN EACH OTHERS COKES.
    I almost fainted

    Long Live Israel

  4. It has nothing to do with the “can as a weapon”. If you gave everyone who asked for an unopened can of soda an unopened can of soda, you’d soon run out of soda supplying everyone who asked for one. An opened can cannot be stashed for later, and it sure cannot be stashed so you can ask for another.

    An old flight attendant told me that. Reading over my shoulder. Just now. Not “old” per se. Just experienced.

    By the way, BFH, she said the last women called “stewardesses” have been retired for about 10 years now.

    At least I ain’t sleepin’ on the couch.

  5. Grievance jihad makes the cowards feel like they are pals with allah. But that old asshole allah wants them to kill the infidels, not complain about a fucking Coke.

    Why is she drinking that infidel crap anyway. Have they no camel piss?

  6. According to some muslim sources, Diet Coke isn’t even Halal anyway. Depending on where it’s made, it can contain sweeteners made out of alcohol esters.

  7. Instead of scrubbing facebook, if she is such a good mooslime woman why wasn’t she dutifully and obediently scrubbing her husband’s nether regions after impregnating the family camel? If she shuns western living and customs, why isn’t she on mooslime antisocial media? Twatwaffle

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