This Animated Song About the NSA is Downright Filthy – IOTW Report

This Animated Song About the NSA is Downright Filthy

It’s profane, it’s near pornographic, and I’m shocked it’s on Youtube. The thing of it is, though, is that it’s probably 100% accurate.

But I won’t put it on the front page. NSFW.

11 Comments on This Animated Song About the NSA is Downright Filthy

  1. Think about it. Why are they pushing so hard on facial recocgnition software? They want us locked down. I predicted in the near future they will want to chip us like a dog. Fuck them. Good job Rand Paul.

  2. I keep having to kill a windows process – that annoying Windows10 free upgrade icon in the task bar. I would not be surprised if it were full of NSA back doors.
    Microsoft backs Hillary and all the other Leftists. Google does too.

    Like Bad Brad said, Fuck ’em! (With a chain saw).

  3. unruly, right-click on the two upward-pointing chevrons in the bottom right-hand corner notification area, select “Properties”, select “customize notification icons” and scroll down to “GWX Get Windows 10” and set it to “show notifications only.”

    (Of course,this is Windows 7; I don’t know diddly about Windows 8 or 8.1.)

  4. Uninstall Windows update KB3035583 to delete this malware.

    Microsoft wants you to install Windows 10 (they’re skipping Win9 altogether). “Install Windows 10 free for a year!” but after that you pay a subscription to MS to continue using your computer and you can’t go back. In other words, instead of buying it once, they hold your data hostage and you keep paying and paying and paying and…

    Solution: dump Windows altogether and install Linux. So many more choices, runs almost everything Windows does, and it’s FREE. Download one of the “live” versions and try it before actually installing.

  5. @crazyeighter , it’s not the icon that bothers me, it’s the processes running: Gwx[dot]exe and DWXUX[dot]exe.

    I’m fixin to uninstall KB3035583 which is responsible for the notifications.

    @Phuzzy Logick , I’ll be deleting that directory too. Microsoft can kiss my ass.

  6. Linux won’t run all of my software, but please correct me if I’m wrong about that. I tried Red Hat some time ago.
    The only way I can work with Windows is to switch a bunch of the automatic run services to manual. I don’t need 60 processes running all the time.

  7. You can emulate windows in Linux and run pretty much anything. You can also emulate the runtime and seamlessly run windows apps with a window manager of your choice. The real problem is your software doesn’t run under Linux.. Not that Linux doesn’t run your software.

  8. The friend I am currently dog-sitting for is aware of back door access built into Windows systems since Windows 7. No hacking or malware required that way. No one is hiding from them.

    With the NSA being an all seeing eye, we’ll have at least one break in any long conversation with something like this:

    ‘Wait a sec, it’s time for an NSA break: FUCK YOU NSA!. OK now, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, overthrowing this illegal Gov…’

  9. I have found that there is more to this Windows10 upgrade malware than just the one update file. Here are some others that need to be removed and the updates hidden to keep them from coming back:

    KB 3035583 – According to Microsoft, this update enables “additional capabilities for Windows Update notifications when new updates are available”.
    KB 2952664 – Labeled a compatibility upgrade for upgrading Windows 7, its purpose is to “make improvements to the current operating system in order to ease the upgrade experience to the latest version of Windows”.
    KB 2976978 – A compatibility update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 which “performs diagnostics on the Windows system [..] to determine whether compatibility issues may be encountered when the latest Windows operating system is installed.
    KB 3021917 – Does the same as KB 2976978 but on Windows 7.

    I just removed the ones that I had on my computer and hid the updates of the optional ones on this list.

    Windows is spyware-sneaky by showing KB 3035583 to be a recommended update when, actually, it is just a promotion for their spyware product. And there are people reporting that Gwx[dot]exe does indeed “talk” to other computers via your internet connection. So, again, F.U. Microsoft!
    @eternal cracker, thanks for that info, I will be looking into running Linux with Windows, or maybe running a dual-boot system.

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