The Growing Roar of the Obamacare Death Spiral – IOTW Report

The Growing Roar of the Obamacare Death Spiral

According to a new study, the indicator that a state’s insurers have entered the Obamacare death spiral is a request to raise premiums by 20 percent or more. The Federalist reports at least five states have insurers doing just that.


The author states that the “Risk Corridors” provision written into Obamacare in the early years was a key factor in holding off the early demise for most states. But these provisions, that reimburse insurers for their losses out of the taxpayer’s pocket, won’t last forever.

We may have to switch to images of black holes to properly portray the utter inescapable nature of the eventual collapse of the whole scam.


7 Comments on The Growing Roar of the Obamacare Death Spiral

  1. Those for government-run healthcare will ignore the simple fact that if the law just ends insurers will adapt and make healthcare work again. Perhaps some reform makes sense, but the insurers will quickly fill the ‘void’ the law’s disappearance creates.

  2. Of course premiums are going up. It is inevitable, because those who were previously denied insurance for some type of serious condition now have to be included in the mix. I was in the first wave of people who had their policies canceled due to the dictates of Obamacare, and it was right when I was considering having some surgery for a blown out ligament in my ankle. The policy that replaced my previous one (which I liked) costs me 53% more, and the deductible increased by a thousand dollars. So, thanks to democrats, I’ve been limping around for nearly five years with a swollen ankle.

    Since Obamacare demands that preexisting conditions still be covered by insurance policies, I’m going to upgrade my insurance to the best, most expensive one available and pay premiums for a couple months just before I get scheduled up to finally get worked on. Afterward, I’m going to reduce my coverage to what it is now.

  3. If people had just taken the fine instead of signing up it would already have collapsed. It is long past time to stop following unconstitutional “laws” like they are actually laws. They aren’t. Lawfully passed laws are “LAW” under the Constitution, everything else is violation of law and sponsor/promote the end of democracy on earth.
    Just keep obeying [violations of] law and see where it’s getting you

  4. Yep – now health insurance is only affordable by the very rich, and those at the very opposite end of the spectrum who don’t actually have to pay for it – and the politicians who passed this shit for the rest of us – since their “employer” – us the taxpayer gets to pay for theirs too.

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