1A is Protected by 2A – IOTW Report

1A is Protected by 2A

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15 Comments on 1A is Protected by 2A

  1. Too bad the guy didn’t use a varmint tipped bullet. Water bottle woulda looked like vaporized shrapnel instead of a small leaking hole.

    Hey Brad, want to make a video? 😉

  2. Awhile back we went to the range and I brought some old countdown to no more Obama calendars. They featured pics of The Wun, I also had plenty of targets.

    Out of courtesy because that’s how I roll and not wanting to offend others while practicing my 1A right. I asked the range officer if he minded that I used the calendars as targets.

    He looked at a calendar and said. No, I have no problem with you shooting at those. In fact when you’re done I’ll throw them on the burn pile and piss on them.

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