Sweet Talkers – IOTW Report

Sweet Talkers

Glamour collects some of the lines used by dudes trying to pick up women on line dating sites. They’ve made four videos from the treasures that have been sent in so far.

Episode 1

I think the ladies are being a little tough on the would-be Romeo’s here. A lot of the online suitors seem to have a sense of humor (and isn’t that what women are always saying they want?).  Episode 2Episode 3, Episode 4.

11 Comments on Sweet Talkers

  1. I occasionally encounter young smart, beautiful and clean living women professionals who complain that all the good ones (men) are already taken. When I look at the men between 25-40, I have to agree. It’s sad. These young women aren’t of the feminazi mindset, but they are reaping the negative fruits of it.

    It’s gotten to where perhaps arranged marriages will come back into vogue.

  2. Best come on line from half century ago: As he strokes and nuzzles your hair which is in a Marlo Thomas style, he tells you that your hair is really well taken care of. But I didn’t marry him, nor, obviously, go to bed with him.

  3. These guys have always been out there, only a bad line uttered at a singles bar is said and then gone (and ultimately deniable or explained by alcohol). However, like many other things, social media has preserved the rude, gross, stupid and just plain silly for all to see forever.

    I used to wonder why women used dating sites, but several have explained to me that it helps screen the obvious losers without having to actually meet them. I guess I’m fortunate dating sites weren’t around when I met my wife.

  4. Young ladies should stop listening to lesbians and bitter heteroexual hags where men are concerned. You women out there who are involved in loving, positive relationships with men, need to impart some wisdom to the younger ones. Our culture depends on it.

  5. Back in the 70s, there was a guy that swore he could get a woman to come home with him every night. Albeit, he may have to go to more than one bar.

    It would get him a LOT of rejection and a good amount of face slaps. He said it worked every night, though – eventually.

    His line was only 3 words long: “You wanna f**k?”

    Apparently, there was always one woman in the bars that wanted it as bad as he did.

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