Slick Willie Does Sweden – IOTW Report

Slick Willie Does Sweden

The Washington Times reports this morning that Bill Clinton set up a separate non profit in Sweden to funnel money back to the Clinton Foundation, to the tune of $26 million. 

Called the William J. Clinton Foundation Insamlingsstiftelse, they never told the State Department about this entity being created while Sweden was fighting sanctions that hindered its companies from doing business with Iran. 


Bill also took $750,000 in speaking fees from a Swedish telecom that was trying to sell the Iran government technology that would let them track cellphones.


6 Comments on Slick Willie Does Sweden

  1. They’re taunting us to do something about it, they think they’re untouchable and can do exactly as they please.

    I’m just surprised Hillary would even want to be President, it’s too high profile for the criminal schemes these two cooked up while she was Secretary of State.

    I think she could generate a bunch more graft if she were Secretary of the Interior or Defense, just imagine the nations they could shake down if she were made National Security Advisor.

    No, letting Hillary be President would be like making Al Capone Mayor of Cicero, IL. It’s too obvious to put the head of a criminal organization in charge of a place that’s already been bought and sold to the highest bidder, and unnecessary since these two as head of the criminal enterprise know as the Democrat party are the ones who have already done the buying and selling.

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