Another Fragile Dandy Making the Rules – IOTW Report

Another Fragile Dandy Making the Rules


Look at this mess on the left. He’s a lawyer for the ACLU. His name is Chase Strangio. (HIS NAME IS CHASE STRANGIO.)

Chase has declared –

Words matter and erasing the identity of trans people by calling them by their birth names and birth-assigned sex is an act of hatred — one that is inextricable from the brutal violence that so many trans people, particularly trans women of color, encounter just for existing in the world.

How we talk about trans people sets the tone for the world in which trans people live.

And because young trans people are dying by suicide and trans women of color are being murdered at alarming rates, those of us forming public narratives about trans celebrities have an obligation to tell those stories with care.

When we write about Caitlyn Jenner, her name and narrative will give enough context. There is no need to mention what her name used to be or what sex she was assigned at birth. And as writer and activist Janet Mock brilliantly explained to Piers Morgan, neither Janet nor Caitlyn were “born boys.” They were born babies and they are women — brave and fabulous women.


Oddly, I have no anger for Caitlyn Jenner. I’m angry at CHASE STRANGIO. Shut the frig up with your politically fueled pseudo-science.


I’m sure Chase sleeps with any ol toe-tapper at the bus station, so why doesn’t Chase sleep with a woman who identifies as a man? Forget all about the vagina and sleep with Pat, who says it’s a man.

Try that on for size, Chase.

Also, according to Chase, Bruce Jenner never existed. It’s over. No more decathlon. Never happened. Caitlyn didn’t do it, and we can’t refer to anything pre-Caitlyn, otherwise a black tranny will be murdered, or something like that.

HT/ The Daily Caller, which has more.



24 Comments on Another Fragile Dandy Making the Rules

  1. Buy a Honda. You’ll never have a problem with the tranny in those cars. Very reliable.
    But seriously, if you’re born with a dick you’re male – no matter how much you’d like to be a ballerina. Don’t shoot me, I’m just telling you the cold hard truth. I didn’t invent biology.
    I wonder how many of those suicides could have been prevented if only the confused person had gotten some mental help instead of the accolades of imbeciles.

  2. Still waiting for all the Feminazis to come out
    against these gender-imagined twits, screaming
    “viiiiiolence against wommmmyyyyyyynnnnn!!!”

    Seriously….NOT “waiting” waiting.
    (just a non-gender-specific figure of speech)

  3. This is what happens when parents and school teachers teach the children that “you can be anything you want to be.” Actually, no, you can’t. I always taught my children to try to figure out what they were skilled at and work on that. If you are tone deaf, no amount of music lessons will make you a singer. It is just a fact of life that you CANNOT be whatever you wish.

  4. I say prove it. These freaks keep blathering about young trans suicides (well DUH if their mental illness isn’t treated) and how many trans women of color are being murdered, but I’ve never seen any actual verifiable numbers from a reputable source. If it were true, there’d be non-stop “reporting” on every single instance the same way the melanin-enhanced thugs have been covered.

    I can spout off fake statistics too. I took a poll (not a pole!) and found that 94% of all trans women of color steam their genitals like Gwyneth Paltry to get the stank out and keep cats from following them, and that 82% of young trans suicides are caused by frustration when they can’t find DD padded bras in the men’s department at Walmart. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    I predict BRUCE Jenner will kill HIMself within two years and the left will immediately blame conservatives for not being “accepting” enough, especially when the current furor dies down and other freaks follow HIS example and go trannie too. I also predict if HE doesn’t do it on his own, someone will “help” HIM and try to make it look like a conservative did it.

    Know what would be uber hilarious? If Bruce suddenly said “Psych!” and went back all-masculine. There’d be so many exploded lefty heads it’d take them years to make a comeback.

  5. I wasn’t assigned a gender at birth.
    God blessed me with the gender that I am.
    These poor, misguided souls must be terribly unhappy.
    Why is the MSM enabling them?
    Oh, to watch the wreckage, of course.

  6. If you have a mental disorder where the main symptoms are delusions so powerful that they cause you to seriously consider maiming yourself, why is a high suicide rate so puzzling?

  7. Dr. Moreau would have ushered these psychotic people to the other side. “I tried really hard to turn you into a female cougar Lawrence but in the end I decided it was best for you to put you down.”

    Chase hates his parents! Chase hates his parents! Chase hates his parents! NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH-NAHHHHHH!

  8. I only know one person who went through sex reassignment. A “girl” I knew back in high school is now a “guy”. However, there is a bit more to the story than just someone deciding his or her sex was wrong. This person was born with both male and female genitals, and while he was an infant, the family and doctor decided to raise him as a girl, so they snipped the male parts. I really kind of feel sorry for him. That’s just really messed up.

  9. It’s like the “bull-dyke” looking Lesbicans who try their best to look like men in an effort to both “mock” men and manhood, and to try to convince themselves that they don’t need a man because they don’t feel rejected or “unwanted” as a woman. But the sad reality is most often they have been rejected or abused, and they suffer from a level of self loathing that would make a “Progtard Atheist Jew ” seem like a narcissistic motivational speaking WWF Wrestling persona!

  10. In the case of hermaphrodites, I think they should be left alone until they are adults and they can decide if they want to be male or female. Deciding as infants and cutting off parts is wrong, IMO.

  11. Two things about the train wreck of a human, Bruce Jenner.

    1. The surgery is just really going all out to prove that he is a full on homosexual and wants to sleep with men or that he wants to be an “authentic” lesbian and sleep with women. It’s all so very confusing because it is all so sick, perverse and twisted.

    2. Now that he is in his sixties, I’m sure all the geriatric men will be lining up to fill his dance card and get some of that…actually not. What a dope. If he was looking for bedroom action as a woman he will find he has zero sex appeal. Good luck with that…

  12. Oh, regarding the little metrosexual ACLU puke, he is pathetic. You have to remember that the human race is on a bell shaped curve so that for every John Wayne on one end you have this twat on the other.

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