France says 40 imams deported for hate speech – IOTW Report

France says 40 imams deported for hate speech

This is a common-sense measure. We have seen imams preaching hatred and violence in mosques all over the West. The willful blindness of American officials to this problem is suicidal.


“France says 40 imams deported for hate speech,” The Local, June 29, 2015:

France has deported 40 foreign imams for “preaching hatred” in the past three years, a quarter of them since the January terror attacks in Paris, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Monday.

The minister vowed to clamp down on mosques and preachers inciting hatred after a suspected Islamist beheaded his boss during an attack on a gas factory last week.

The attack, which had the hallmarks of a jihadist act but is also believed to have personal motivations, was the second in six months in France which is battling to curb radicalisation that has seen hundreds of citizens leave to wage jihad in Iraq and Syria.

Any “foreign preacher of hate will be deported,” said Cazeneuve, adding that several mosques were being investigated for inciting terrorism and if found to be doing so, “will be shut down”.


8 Comments on France says 40 imams deported for hate speech

  1. It can’t be done here soon enough! Just like pornography that can’t be defined in a court of law, (you’ll know it when you see it), Hate speech, and especially with their brand, you know it when you hear it! Time to fcuk this Political Correctness shit before it kills all of us!

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