Does Queer America Really Want To Go Down That Road? – IOTW Report

Does Queer America Really Want To Go Down That Road?

This was a gay themed magazine’s take on the U.S. women’s team World Cup Championship –

Out Magazine: The ‘Lesbian-Led’ U.S. Women’s Team Defeats Japan in World Cup Final


I guess it’s time to update some historic moments.




25 Comments on Does Queer America Really Want To Go Down That Road?

  1. At least now we can say, in our beribboned handbasket-to-hell full of roses and chocolate, that nobody’s feelings got hurt on the way, and no one was excluded.

  2. I’m not a sports guy.
    Having never watched soccer before, I accidentally got caught up in the women’s quarter final game a couple of weeks ago. Enjoyed it so much ended up watching the rest of the American women’s world cup play.
    Yeah, some of them are Lesbians. Hell, the Japanese goal keeper looked like a really ugly guy.
    Y’know what? I didn’t care. I enjoyed the game and I enjoyed watching what have to be the most physically fit athletes I’ve ever seen work their magic and win the whole thing, dramatically.
    My god, who can run constantly for that long and never look tired?
    Anyhow, before the final game, they had interviews with some of the players, and when asked, one of them mentioned that she discovered she was a lesbian in college. She said that’s just the way it was and she doesn’t make a big deal about it. She was NOT an in your face activist.
    I respected her for that. It wasn’t the women’s soccer team that made it political, it was the damned media.
    I just enjoyed watching everybody play.

  3. Hetero men reproduce…..queers don’t……queers are useless in the grand scheme of things.
    Without Hetero men there will be no bakers, no churches,no NYT.

  4. The final was a good game, some great goals scored. The lesbo thing just came up now. It seems to me now that the homos want more than just equality and respect. They want to shove it up our asses, so to speak.

  5. Why was that even a question? What did who she’s banging have to do with the game? That’s the crap that gets on my nerves especially since many people were watching the game with their young children.

  6. I agree. Had nothing to do with the game. The damned media screws up everything it touches. At least the commentators during the game were professional and only talked about soccer.

  7. I think it is an oppressive micro aggression to force anyone to have to declare a gender to be on a sports team. Why can’t we just have gender neutral teams without gender discrimination? It makes it even worse when they publish somebody’s private sexual preferences for the world to see. Any way, for all we know the “lesbian” may not self identify as “she”, and not consider herself a lesbian, but a non-cisgender male trapped in a females body just like Bruce is now Caitlyn and is a woman that is sexually attracted to women but is not a lesbian.

  8. Diving, ice skating and volleyball are the only women’s sports worth watching. WGAS about their competitiveness.

    As for the big announcement, what a great way to suck the joy of a victory from the normal women on the team (there were some, weren’t there?)

    Down off soap box.

  9. One local Seattle news channel went to a sports bar filled with all sorts of people watching the women’s soccer game. They chose to focus on one lesbian couple crying and cheering and kissing each other after every goal. They then interviewed one half of the couple who had a male first name.

    Really, now? Friggin media.

  10. Waiting for the pickup games at the local yard – skins verses shirts.

    As soon as the tits are out and bouncing you’ll know they’re serious.

    …and they’ll have a fan base following them…

  11. Sean, Holy Crap, from 200 mph to dead stopped hanging be an infield fence. That was the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. You could tell it scared the hell out of the drivers. The engine and trani laying in the infield was freaken crazy.

  12. I’ve never been able to sit through a football game.
    Of course, maybe part of that reason is my home team is the Bungles.
    Used to watch men’s basketball, back in the Boston Celtic Larry Bird years.
    No more.

  13. I find it amusing the LBGT’s want to be mainstreamed in society yet they do stuff like making it an issue. My wife and I didn’t sit there watching going “oh look at those lesbians” we were watching Team USA kick some butt.

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