Razzin Frazzin Rapin Roofie….. …. …. Get Outta My face – IOTW Report

31 Comments on Razzin Frazzin Rapin Roofie….. …. …. Get Outta My face

  1. Isn’t it fun when the proof comes out and you can watch everybody backpedal?

    I’ll bet Jello is glad his pudding ads are long gone.

    Now we got Subway wondering about Jared.

  2. When these chicks started coming out of the woodwork, it was too much of a coincidence. They all had the same story. Die-hard fans pooh-poohed it and said those who believed the stories were conspiracy nuts. Uh-huh.

  3. For every Cosby, there are a thousand other people in show business who pray to God every day that their past (or current) behavior never catches up with them.
    I always liked him, and the fact that he has disappointed me and the rest of his fans does not mean that his humor is less funny. It does make me sad, though, and it may be a long time before I can listen to his old comedy records without feeling that way again.


  4. Not saying he isn’t a scumbag, but isn’t that the whole point of happy hour? I buy you a few drinks, I am a player. I offer you a ‘Lude and I am a scumbag. There is some perspective missing here.

  5. I don’t worship any entertainer. Never have and never will, I can appreciate a person’s work without going all damn ga ga over them. I don’t know what it is about some people they totally they lose their damn mind when it comes to celebrities.

    I used to have a friend who owned a large concert lighting company in Tacoma that rented stage lighting and PA to big time acts that played in Seattle/Tacoma/Portland. He used to give me back stage passes all the time and I would take gals I was dating to the shows and they would go absolutely out of their flippin’ minds if an entertainer even looked in their direction.

    I don’t get it, but what I do get is that he could have gotten all he wanted without drugging anybody. This was an act of violence, it is about dominating another person. He is a sick bastard.


  6. I figured there was something there, but I still don’t think every single woman that comes out of the woodwork will have a valid case. Too much info has been leaked out and there will be attention whoring going on. I wonder if ever he hit on Bruce Jenner? And what’s the deal with Cosby’s wife Camille?
    She could just ignore all that shit for this long or be okay with it?
    So gross.

  7. I figured they were frustrated actresses or comediennes who wanted some time in the spotlight.


    Thanks, Bill, now eat shit and die – Hell awaits!

  8. I’m curious how they’re going to prove everything, though.
    Some of it will boil down to he said/ she said. He said he got the ludes for sex with women, but doesn’t admit to actually using them for that and said he gave them to ‘other’ people.
    Oy. Unless there were witnesses, sperm evidence taken or he specifically confesses names of each woman and the act he did on her, this is gonna drag on forever.

    And still, there’s Camille. Guurrrrl…What the fuck?!

  9. but would any one have ever come after him if he just stayed on the Sharpton plantation? Lots of celeb sickos out there are being protected by the soros ot the world because they toe the line, he and menendez did not, so…..

  10. He committed an even greater sin
    than date rape by publicly saying
    that the Black community needed to address the problems of apathy and poor parenting, and no amount of Christian forgiveness can ever wash away that transgression.

    For that he must pay. And pay.

  11. We have a reading comprehension issue in this country. Cosby did not admit to drugging women with Quaaludes with the deposition answer. He admitted to giving them Quaaludes, not drugging them.

  12. For decades, they cultivated an image of Cosby as an exemplary, erudite, and sophisticated black man.

    But recently Cosby spoke out against irresponsible black “parents”, and the current black culture that glorifies illiteracy & irresponsibility (parental) & unaccountability (everything is due to raycism).

    The initiation of these many charges soon followed. Coincidence?

  13. For whatever this may be worth, I dunno.


    With this response from Ace of Spades HQ, again, fwiw…

    “So the claim is being made that he ‘admitted’ to sharing drugs with women, that is, he did not secretly drug them, but gave them drugs they wanted. Similarly, I guess he’s saying the Benadryl drugs were voluntarily given.

    “I think Cosby is guilty but you know what? I know for a fact that AP lies so I’m guessing this objection is correct.”

  14. I enjoyed his shows . His simple funny family stuff. Like who spilled the milk all over the kitchen floor? ” I DON KNOW” Who’s going to clean it up? “I DON KNOW.”

    I had hours of enjoyment with Bill Cosby.

    But then he bought up all the “Amos n’ Andy” shows, along with “Little Rascals,” and hid them from the rest of the world to enjoy.
    Forever. Fuck him.

    Then he gave fifty grand to Al Sharpton to support the Tawana Brawley disgrace. So double fuck him.

    Having a couple of drinks with a women or taking drugs with a woman for private sex is what every swing dick in the country does.

    As someone said earlier what the fuck is “Happy Hour” all about?

    Or Ladies Night?

    What Bill Cosby did, which was not proper, was a hell of o lot easier to deal with, for me, than what that scumbag Bill Clinton did. Now there is a real rapist.

  15. I’ll go one further. Cosby is being treated differently by the Lame Street Media, than Bill Clinton was, and is, because Cosby is a black man. The Lame Street Media never fucked over anyone like this before. Certainly not Bill Clinton. I hear them on TV talking about Statute of Limitations, etc Gretta on Fox. Bullshit. My honest opinion is that all these 37, 38, 39, whatever skanks, wanted to be with Bill Cosby.

    And now all they want is money. And that Cunt Allread is right there to oblige.

  16. I am sorry Bill. You, like so many humans, made many mistakes. I forgive people who come clean, but you have a price to pay for your actions. It is unfortunate that you’ll never get that chance now. Cause your biggest mistake, the one that has taken you down the most, was speaking truth to absolute corrupted power.

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