“ordinary people are adopting the insane belief that human minds can be made to think in new ways by sheer force” – IOTW Report

“ordinary people are adopting the insane belief that human minds can be made to think in new ways by sheer force”

The Federalist –

It is not enough for…Americans to say: “I have had my day in court and prevailed.” In effect, they now add: “You do not have the right to hold a different opinion, even if you lose in the public arena. You may not hold on to your belief as a minority view, or even as a private thought. And if you persist and still disagree, I will attack you without quarter and set others on you to deprive you of your status in your profession, of your standing in your community, and even of your livelihood.”


This attitude promises social warfare without end, because there is no peace to be had until the opposing side offers a sincere and unconditional surrender. It means that the people on the Left taking bakers to court, de-Africanizing Justice Thomas…will not be satisfied with winning. For the new totalitarians, prevailing in the courts or at the ballot boxes isn’t enough if there’s still a suspicion that anyone, anywhere, might still be committing thoughtcrime.

Most of all, they do not want you, Present Reader, to even think about agreeing with people like Thomas or Young. By attacking everyone in the public sphere from judges to writers, they’re sending a clear warning that there’s plenty of room in the bonfire. It is a vow that you will be held to account for your personal thoughts, even if you’ve already been defeated in a democratic or judicial contest.


ht/ rpp618

11 Comments on “ordinary people are adopting the insane belief that human minds can be made to think in new ways by sheer force”

  1. Yesterday, Rush said the Left is winning everything and yet they’re still angry. He theorized that it’s because they know that even though courts have ruled in their favor, no one else agrees with them or entertains their bizarre notions and they can’t and won’t get over it.

  2. The citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah were not content to debauch each other – they demanded the participation of the God-fearing and the sacrifice of the innocent. They were the progenitors of socialism. They were evil. And evil demands evil. Evil cannot coexist with Good. Socialism isn’t simply wrong, it is evil – foundationally and existentially. Socialism cannot suffer ‘logos,’ the ‘word,’ or ‘logic.’

    2 + 2 DOESN’T = 4, or even 5

    It equals what they TELL you it equals.

    Hate cannot be Happy.
    Hate cannot be Content.
    Hate is a consuming, raging fire.

  3. ” I am . I think .I will ”

    I am done with the monster of ‘ we ‘, the word of serfdom , of plunder , of misery , falshood and shame . Ayn Rand ‘s Anthem

    Who is john galt ?

    S.F.Y Out ..

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