HUD’s Own Study Concludes That Moving Low-Income Blacks To Upscale Neighborhoods Is a Utopian Failure – IOTW Report

HUD’s Own Study Concludes That Moving Low-Income Blacks To Upscale Neighborhoods Is a Utopian Failure


From 1994 to 2008, HUD moved thousands of mostly African-American families from government projects to higher-quality homes in safer and less racially segregated neighborhoods. The 15-year experiment, dubbed “Moving to Opportunity Initiative,” or MTO, was based on the well-intentioned notion that relocating inner-city minorities to better neighborhoods would boost their employment and education prospects.

But adults for the most part did not get better jobs or get off welfare. In fact, more went on food stamps. And their children did not do better in their new schools.

The 287-page study sponsored by HUD found that adults who relocated outside the inner city using Section 8 housing vouchers did not avail themselves of better job opportunities in their new neighborhoods, and saw a “sizable negative impact on annual earnings.”

“Moving to lower-poverty neighborhoods does not appear to improve education outcomes, employment or earnings,” the study concluded.

Even then-senior HUD official Raphael Bostic, a black Obama appointee, admitted in a foreword to the 2011 study that families enrolled in the program had “no better educational, employment and income outcomes.”

Worse, crime simply followed them to their safer neighborhoods. “Males … were arrested more often than those in the control group, primarily for property crimes,” the study found.

The same progressive prognostications we’re hearing now from Obama officials — that moving inner-city blacks closer to good jobs and schools will close “racial disparities” in employment and education — were made by Clinton social engineers back then.

Of course, even when reality mugs leftists, they never scrap their social theories. They just double down. Bostic insisted the problem was merely a matter of scale. “A more comprehensive approach is needed,” he said.

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11 Comments on HUD’s Own Study Concludes That Moving Low-Income Blacks To Upscale Neighborhoods Is a Utopian Failure

  1. Fuck it. Do it. I’d like to see some Section 8 Housing in Tuxedo Park. And add Blazing Saddles to the list of banned movies. “Gone with the Wind,” “To Kill a Mocking Bird.” And ban all coloring books.

  2. I live the ‘study’ every day.

    I give directions where I live: “up the hill past the ‘life after people’ then you’ll see a place with cut, trimmed grass, hedges, & flowers, about 300 feet of no trash & beauty. That’s my place. If you keep going its more ‘life after people’ and you’ve missed it.”

    F∆¢k HUD. Anyone want to buy a 145k house for 80k …??

  3. They made up that part about referring to a study. All those HUD losers are WAY overpaid for what they’re worth. They know they’d never be able to afford nice homes if they had to work in the private sector. They can see the writing on the wall and know what kind of neighbors to expect. HUD. Another worthless gummit agency that should be done away with.

  4. Already being done. Western Chicago suburbanites can witness its effects if they take a drive to Army Trail Rd & Swift Rd just west of 355 in Addison. Go north on Swift, just past the Shriner’s complex towards Lake St in Itasca and on the east side of Swift you’ll see two huge apt. complexes of about 40 bldgs. These are filled with people that used to inhabit the projects on South State St before they tore them down.

    Conveniently, just past the Shriners and before you get to the projects there’s the Masid Al-Jameel mosque.

    Give it a little time & we’ll see if the adage “Diversity + Proximity = War” is true.

  5. This happened in our once very safe and lovely area as well. Years back a Dem Mayor managed a “deal” that transplanted large numbers of inner-city recipients up from NYC to our area, and saw them settled in a housing complex which had formerly been rented by employees of IBM for the most part. Some were placed in the nearby small city, but most were settled in the pretty hillside complex about eight miles away, just outside of a thriving and virtually crime-free little town. ~So they could live in a place that offered hope and opportunity.

    That complex became a ghetto nearly overnight. Not to worry though, because the recipients soon migrated to the nearby small city – well, most of them did. They went because the hillside complex was too boring and too far from the action. Soon that city was inundated by the extended families of the transplants because it was made known that getting benefits in that county was so easy and fast. One day, and no proof of residency required! Come one come all. As a direct result small businesses shuttered, other businesses found the area to be too unappealing to locate to.

    After the transplants and their ilk had brought that small city to a state of degradation no one could have imagined, they began to flow outwards, and back to that pretty little village in the hillside – because it was SAFER than the city they had destroyed. Now the little town is a rats nest, dangerous, and failing. Businesses avoid, and the good people are fleeing. I sold my beloved home there back at the top of the housing bubble about ten years ago. In the nick of time. Drove past it the other day, and could hardly recognize the place.

    All of that happened so that those recipients could live in a place that offered hope and more opportunity.

  6. The black folk can leave the ghetto , however the ghetto can’t leave the black folk …

    Some section 8 housing went up behind a nice sub-division in the town i reside , City council passed some touchy feely bullshit law about deez folks ” moving on up ta da eastside ” . A piece of the good life , at our expense of course 🙁

    Well fine , wit dem dey brought dey crime & other ghetto bullshit too a once nice neighborhood . Imagine That !

    ” Where being FORCED to pay for our own demise ” Ayn Rand

    Who is John Galt ?

    S.F.Y Out …

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