Aww – Slate Writer Attacked on DC Train and No One Helped Her – IOTW Report

Aww – Slate Writer Attacked on DC Train and No One Helped Her

Gee. Maybe if Slate writers didn’t vote for progressives people would be able to carry a gun on the DC train. Then they wouldn’t have to rely on the bravery of strangers.

Hilarity HERE

32 Comments on Aww – Slate Writer Attacked on DC Train and No One Helped Her

  1. “I was in a window seat on the Blue Line, en route to meet friends for dinner. One teenage girl sat down next to a man in front of me; another sat beside me. They began by asking what kind of phone I had. The girl next to me patted down my pockets and, finding nothing, grabbed my coffee mug out of my hands. The girl in front put her finger in my face, getting as close as she could without touching me. They grabbed my legs. They threatened to rape me until I bled. One opened the other’s coat jacket, feigning—or not—that she had a weapon.”

    This alone explains why this broad got pinched. She was observed to be an easy mark by the women who mugged her. The way you survive is to not make yourself an easy target. Next time you are on the Washington D.C. subway, you need to wear clothing that conceals all of your body, so no one can see if you have or do not have a weapon on you. Second, you need to have a mean face to wear while riding on the subway. Third, you need to practice a response to anyone approaching you on the subway. Do not get caught off-guard at any time or place by someone when they could be setting you up to be lugged.

    Notes from experience.

  2. What a shatstain. I cannot believe that she writes that garbage, anger at the people who didn’t come to her aid, but never talks about her anger with the thieves that attacked her. Must have been Obama’s supporters.

    Then this gem, ” I don’t want to protect myself at all costs. ”

    Really? Better to let thugs gang rape you and slit your throat in a dark alley some place than protect yourself and put down an animal? Why? Afraid of being called a conservative by your beta friends for fighting back? Unreal.

  3. These are the same chicken heads that berate America hollering about white privlege so I’m confused — is she pissed she only got.beat up and not killed or did her WP keep her from getting killed? And why didn’t she employ some of the methods leftists advocate during an attack I.e. singing kumbaya, peeing or pooping on oneself, reciting Maya Angelou poetry or showing your voter I’d card (registered democrat, naturally)

    One things for sure, the didn’t knock any sense into her.

  4. RightWinger, exactly my thoughts.

    Also, am I missing the word “black” or African-American?

    What a CNUT. She’ll keep writing the same brain-damaged SH!T, only worse now.

    I actually had a hard time buying into this being legit…

  5. A free people with the American values and principles that have been crushed and exterminated by Leftists like Slaters stand together against barbarism toward any of their members. But in the Socialist enclaves that they have fanatically and viciously created like Washington DC it is every man for himself.

    Washington DC has become ground zero for lawlessness in this nation. Why would any of its denizens expect their fellow serfs to stand up against anarchy when they themselves have meticulously installed it there.

  6. I posted from ye olde iPhone maybe that’s the problem. I checked my link again and it worked on the phone. Your link worked too. I can see why they targeted her. Easy pickings for feral savages

  7. Conservatives seem to be able to see things with their own light shed on them.

    Meaning, seeing how to avoid and/or recognize danger when it presents itself. Like knowing a speeding vehicle would hit you if you stepped out in front of it. That kind of basic awareness.

    While people like her have adopted the “Don’t blame the victim” position. Meaning, “That damn car shouldn’t have hit me no matter what I do – regulate the power of the engine and make it go so slow it won’t hurt me the next time I step in front of one, because I will!”.

    A few conservative solutions:

    A. Don’t ride the damn train like a clueless bimbo ready to be raped.

    B. Be on the lookout for nefarious behavior and act accordingly to prevent a crime about to be committed on you.

    C. Be prepared to defeat an attack that is likely to happen to a lone woman in a dangerous place – be armed and willing to use it.

    All of which are rejected by persons such as herself – for whatever retarded reasons.

    May a Darwinian lightning bolt strike down all like her.

  8. I’d bet a few bucks that article she wrote doesn’t truly express her real opinion now. It’s politically correct with just the right amount remorse about her feeling less safe (not because of the muggers of course). Well, screw her. I’m sorry she was assaulted and scared just as I would be for anyone in that situation but the article was just so much more progressive bullshit.

  9. I’m betting they were just hungry and needed a little money since their welfare checks aren’t enough to get through the month. Not their fault at all – ya know.

    Oh, and I’m guessing they had Confederate flag patches on their clothes. That flag makes you a criminal.

  10. My Russian wife and I went to Moscow to visit friends of hers. While riding the Metro, she noticed me smiling at someone. She told me to stop it immediately and asked if I was crazy. Seems in Moscow, people think your crazy if you smile at a stranger. It’s hard to be a Texan in Moscow.

  11. The proggies never think that the
    Orcs they goo-goo over will eat
    them one day. They somehow think
    they are innoculated from the savages
    because they support them. And riding
    a DC subway is like jumping into a
    garbage can full of rats. You had better
    be a cat when you do.

  12. From the article: At work, reading the coverage at my desk, I think, “I could have stopped it with my pepper spray.”

    Nothing says back off like a white woman armed with pepper spray!

    Seriously, this is nothing more than the ‘chickens coming home to roost.’ Giving up your freedom to drive a car under the guise of saving the planet has created this close quarters mob mentality. As Dumbplumber states: “Now she lives in the world she helped create. Welcome to the party bitch!”

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