He Did This – IOTW Report

16 Comments on He Did This

  1. PP is so low they are not in the same league with regular lowlifes like this guy. There’s a whole different terminology for those evil sons of bitches.

    But still, I have heard of people smashing a few tombstones, or spray-painting swastikas, etc., but have never heard of anybody stealing them to pave a fck’n garage with. This is probably a first in that category.

  2. Planned genocide(PP) was founded upon the same principles that allowed the Nazis and those that favored them to murder millions. Experimentation was standard practice for that group to.

  3. The stolen stones were rejects scheduled for destruction By VA. These were either misspelled, incorrect, or belonged to a moved veteran whose family did not want the marker. Yes he stole them, but otherwise they would have been crushed into paving gravel, not sure what the difference is in the long run.
    I see this as stomping ant while the elephant charge.

  4. The most UNBELIEVEABLE sentence in the article is the last one in this paragraph:

    “The worker, Kevin Maynard, 59, was charged with felony theft of government property after the Rhode Island State Police got a tip, according to court documents obtained by ABC News. His employment status at the cemetery, in Exeter, was not clear.”

    Seriously? He’s caught re-handed and his employment status is unclear? Can government sh!tstain employees not lose their jobs for any reason? Period?

    Oh, wait. Lois Lerner. Never mind, y’all. He’ll get a full 68% pension and free benefits for life. And the government will pay some well-connected Rhode Island “contractor” 2-3 million dollars to put the stones back, and since Maynard is an “expert” he will probably be hired as a consultant.

  5. What an idiot! There’s plenty of examples out there for him to mimic stealing from the American taxpayer.

    If anyone is shocked over his using headstones (surplus, rejects) then they haven’t seen the pictures of Jewish headstones used to pave roads in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

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