Tuesday, one of the last hold outs for Bill Cosby, Whoopi Goldberg finally jumped ship against the accused serial rapist stating “It looks bad, Bill,” she said. “Either speak up or shut up, cause people know now there’s a lot more out there than they thought.”
The change in her position comes reportedly after pressure from ABC or from a discussion about statutes of limitations with a lawyer that protects Cosby from criminal charges for his years of drugging and raping women.
I guess the latest revelation of Cosby’s own admission in court met the threshold of “rape-rape” for Whoopi.
I admire personal loyalty, but not after it becomes stupid, pig-headed loyalty.
You mean, Whoopo, that it really was “rape-rape?”
Is that a trans gender woman. God is she ugly ( and stupid)
His nose in this picture looks like the butt of a raw chicken!!
She was just dreaming that Coz would have drugged her to have sex. Reality, Coz would of had to drug himself for that. Something like a double bagger… He had to take two roofies in case one wore off.
I sure liked her in Ghost as Ida Mae. The gal can act, but her politics suck big time.
Cosby is looking almost as ugly as poopy Whoopi these days.
Who the hell shaves their eyebrows?!?
Chill, Bro!
That’s @Moe Tom’s avatar we’re talkin’about!
LOL! That is funny. And probably true.