Answers to Visual Quiz – IOTW Report

Answers to Visual Quiz

All the women on the right are pro-life.

All the women on the left are pro-death.

Video HERE.

12 Comments on Answers to Visual Quiz

  1. The video was an eye-opener.
    The “pro-choice” monsters all have that smug progtard demeanor aka “punchable face syndrome”.
    And a couple of them are so fugly that the abortion issue would be purely hypothetical.

  2. The pro-baby killers had the sad, I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world look on their faces. The pro-life women all had facial expressions with a more positive outlook.

    So is there a correlation between optimism about the future and position on abortion?

  3. Didn’t have to guess on this one. Probably would have gotten 100% even if they were mixed up. They have that “it’s just an unviable tissue mass” look….

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