Deborah Nucatola Offering Baby Some Liquor – IOTW Report

Deborah Nucatola Offering Baby Some Liquor

HT/ Reddecaesari   Photo Album HERE


20 Comments on Deborah Nucatola Offering Baby Some Liquor

  1. Umm…I think it’s sorta had to top
    laughing and chit-chatting about
    making a buck off of chopped up baby parts…in terms of showing what kind of person she is….

  2. Looks like she is taking inventory:

    Head $100.00
    Liver $75.00
    Lungs $75.00
    Heart $100.00
    Kidney $100.00
    Eyes $30.00
    Misc $50.00

    (Hey honey our kid is worth $530.00 in parts. Let’s have a few more and bump up both our rainy day fund and our net worth)!

  3. Kind of interesting that she took a picture inside the Catholic church. Any bets she is a non-practicing/Pelosi cradle catholic.

    Either that or the person she is with is.

  4. Please, oh please, someone tweet this pix and send it out with the best comments. This is the kind of stuff the Left is famous for. Time to punch back twice as hard. Do NOT let this story wither on the vine.

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