Site Note – IOTW Report

Site Note

Sorry folks.

You’re going to have to be careful leaving comments. I disabled the editing feature because it was causing some problems for some people in their browsers.

I’ll see if we can bring it back at a later time.

38 Comments on Site Note

  1. Oh, I understand now. I thought you were saying that we had to be careful what we said. But you were just warning us that we wouldn’t be able to correct errors.

  2. OK, while your at it get rid of the reply box and bring back the yellow box thingy. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with new comments, and on threads with many, many comments it’s nice to scan just the best sometimes.

    Need any more demands?

  3. And the reply boxes are only good for about four replies and then the button disappears.
    Those little lines that link the replies to the comments push the damn thing over until is squishes the comment box so much the whole fuking thing goes kurput. And I dnot know how th e hell to spell kurputt. Niether does the spell checker. 🙂

  4. I’m with @Diogenes on this. I use either Firefox or Chrome. Hell, I use Firefox in Linux Mint 17.2 on an old laptop and the edit feature works just fine.

    What browsers are having the problem? Maybe they should start using something a little more reliable. Unless it is IE 11 that is barfing. Or Safari? That would be hilarious.

  5. Reply boxes are great, because sometimes people didn’t make it really clear who they were replying to. That’s assuming people use them, which some people don’t even
    when they re available. Edit feature is the most important, though. We need that back ASAP.

  6. With the edit feature, you can clear out your entire comment, save, and the comment will be deleted. Without edit, you’re stuck. That’s just another reason why we need edit back.

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