Black Activists Back Off GM and Kid Rock.. for now – IOTW Report

Black Activists Back Off GM and Kid Rock.. for now

In the report they say they are standing down, but they say it’s “not off the table to escalate in the future.”

I guess this means the check GM wrote to Sharpton was “okay” but they may lean on them again.


10 Comments on Black Activists Back Off GM and Kid Rock.. for now

  1. Kid Rock AMEN lyrics:

    And how can we seek salvation when our nations race relations
    Got me feeling guilty of being white
    But faith in human nature, our creator and our savior
    I’m no saint but I believe in what is right

    C’mon now amen
    I said amen

  2. I do and I love it. However one day we will talk about getting super jacked in the gym and the ability to produce adrenaline when you need it. Nobodies done any studies on this but I can tell you I don’t produce adrenine unless I have a family member in danger.

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