FIVE Dead in Tennessee Jihad: Fifth US Service Member Dies after Chattanooga Muslim terror attack – IOTW Report

FIVE Dead in Tennessee Jihad: Fifth US Service Member Dies after Chattanooga Muslim terror attack

Pamela Geller
chattanoogaNavy officer wounded in Thursday’s jihad shooting at Navy center in Chattanooga has died, Navy says. Here’s what CNN runs in their first paragraph of their report that a fifth serviceman died. “I thought it was beautiful … the community coming together,” Iman Ali told CNN affiliate WTVC. The imam thought it was beautiful …


12 Comments on FIVE Dead in Tennessee Jihad: Fifth US Service Member Dies after Chattanooga Muslim terror attack

  1. I know we’re supposed to be more civilized than this, but, to hell with that – cut off the murderer’s head and put it on a spike outside the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga.

  2. And draw and quarter the bastards body and send the 4 pieces of his worthless body to 4 separate places like Tehran, Yemen etc. etc. with a note saying we mean business and the next ones to be dealt with in this fashion are going to be you. ANY QUESTIONS! THIS MEANS WAR!

  3. I doubt seriously CNN found someone to say ““I thought it was beautiful … the community coming together,” after the church killings in Charleston
    They were too busy calling it racism and blaming the confederate flag.
    If that killing was racist and the fault of white, conservative America then this one is terrorism and the fault of Islam – all Muslims should be ashamed

  4. The Official Govt Officials would never condone this, but I’d like to see EMTs, asst coroners, etc., start stuffing pigs’ feet into the mouths (or other orifices) of dead jihadis and posting the pics on social media.

  5. Say Fur, you going to post the annual tribute to the swimmer?
    On this day in 1969, Ted Kennedy contributed to modern science on how long a young female can live underwater.

    I tried to reach Mary Jo, but she was once again, unavailable for comment…

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