Reliable Nitwit Jessica Valenti Is Upset That Men Don’t Catcall Her Anymore – IOTW Report

Reliable Nitwit Jessica Valenti Is Upset That Men Don’t Catcall Her Anymore



Being on the subways and streets of New York while female used to mean walking through a veritable gauntlet of harassment and catcalls. But lately, a curious thing has happened – my world is a much quieter place. The comments and lascivious stares from men have faded away the older I’ve gotten, leaving an understandable sense of relief. But alongside that is a slightly embarrassing feeling of insecurity that, with every year that goes by, I become more and more invisible to men.


38 Comments on Reliable Nitwit Jessica Valenti Is Upset That Men Don’t Catcall Her Anymore

  1. “But alongside that is a slightly embarrassing feeling of insecurity that, with every year that goes by, I become more and more invisible to men.”

    Cut the hair, tat in brows, velcro a mustache.
    Now you’re “Justin”,
    and there is a smorgasbord of LGBT out there for you to feast on. Be gender confused, the predators love that.

  2. Are you bothered because you are losing you looks, or losing your reasons to be angry?
    Buck up honey, you’re a liberal. Still plenty of stupid sh!t to get pissed about.

  3. From the story:

    “Have I reached my “last fuckable day” already, at 36 years old?”

    As long as paper bags aren’t banned, you should be ok, sweetie.

  4. I don’t know what the witch is complaining about I once had a pretty young gal whisper in my ear that she would like to scratch my *****. I was deeply offended, but my mother taught me to be polite so I let her! I guess the difference is old ugly Jessica was never taught
    to be polite!

  5. And by the way sweet-cheeks, your point about your “last fuckable day” in connection with men is a micro-aggression against lesbians. Get your shovel and some warm clothes and head to the train station for that ride to the re-education camp.

  6. Talk about vanity. The picture posted of Jessica in the Guardian actually looks both young and human. The real her is a sad commentary on the truth as presented by the camera when the photo has not been doctored. Being a feminist why doesn’t she post her everyday ugly self to be ogled by drunken lonely hearts and obese lesbos.

  7. I’d remind this imbecile that if she’s walking in NYC then it’s PROGRESSIVES who are yelling out disgusting comments to her, not conservatives.
    But then again, she’s a “feminist” who supports a woman for president. One who enables her serial sexual predator husband to attack women.
    Don’t even bother trying to unravel the logic.

  8. Be careful what you wish for. And if your confidence in yourself is so fragile that you need strangers on the street to validate your looks/fuckability, your problems are much more than skin deep.

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