Analysis – Trump’s Popularity is Rising Because Americans Do See Mexican Illegals As Undesirable and Unnecessary – IOTW Report

Analysis – Trump’s Popularity is Rising Because Americans Do See Mexican Illegals As Undesirable and Unnecessary

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14 Comments on Analysis – Trump’s Popularity is Rising Because Americans Do See Mexican Illegals As Undesirable and Unnecessary

  1. Not only that, but he will chew Hillary up and spit her out in the debates…
    He won’t pull any punches.
    People are starting to listen to Trump…And the polls are showing Trump in the lead, even after his shot at MCcain.
    Walker is a close second, so that’s bad news for Bushy.

  2. Where politicians have tiptoed around, or simply ignored THE PROBLEM, Trump has STOMPED on it, pinned it to the ground and brought it into proper focus. Knowing what he says is absolutely TRUE, we like him for that, whether we like him personally or not.

    Same is true for the MuhCain kerfuffle – any constituent of the Sin-a-turd knows the man for the phony, two-faced, backstabbing, vindictive, self-serving, tantrum throwing jackass that he is and how he has created the false image of “hero” when in reality he was a traitor to his fellow POW’s and is a traitor to this country.

    Why would any elected representative use his power & influence to BURY any and all information about the MIA/POW’s North Vietnam retained as bargaining chips after the war? As a VN vet, I’m not insulted by Trump at all. I am and have been thoroughly disgusted with MuhCain and have been for nearly 2 decades. He and Jon F-ing Carry are two sides of the same counterfeit coin.

    Gotta love anyone who continues to dish out Atomic wedgies to the establishment elites…..Cinch up those tightie-whiteys, Donald, HARD!!!!

  3. Trump should stay in. Not sure I agree with all his policies but it will be a breath of fresh air to have someone who states it like he sees it, and often is, and PC be damned. His observations of invaders from down south is spot on it is just that hardly anyone else has the balls to say it. Ann Coulter is but she is not running.

  4. The immigration issue, now, will not disappear. However, I want to hear something about the federal budget and the deficit.

    Foreign policy? (Ah, and I hope he’s a social leftie! ….smile… purrfect!)

    …Lady in Red

  5. Mexican’s, Somolian’s, Haitian’s, ALL MIDDLE EASTERNERS, Africans, Chinese and any others who come here to sponge and plot mischief need to go back to their own countries. All they bring here is trouble, diseases and their hate (jealousy) of the American people and our way of life.

  6. I will not be surprised if the Bush/Clinton cabal
    “politically offs” Trump.

    But in the meanwhile, I like to imagine
    that this will finally be the last straw which
    breaks the camel’s back
    of the GOP establishment once and for all.

  7. It’s telling that the ‘Media’ is currently breathlessly posing the hypothetical that if Trump were to run third party that Hillary would be Bush in a landslide.

    Jump to conclusions much?!
    Who says those would be the three?
    Why continue to assume that Bush and Clinton are candidates by birthright??

  8. So… he did say MEXICAN illegals ? All this time I assumed Trump had referenced “illegal immigration” in general, of no particular group. … sigh. Stupid. There are illegals from all over the globe pouring over our borders. That’s the issue. All illegal immigration that is going unchecked is killing us.

    The county jail photos our county slaps up on the web is proof of mostly South Americans being a problem but the others are here. They just seem to hide better, drive better and stay away from the roads after midnight.

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