Falling On Dumb Ears – IOTW Report

Falling On Dumb Ears

Professor Walter Williams gives a learned rebuke of the left’s condemnation of the Confederate flag.

Here and HERE

Bubba’s Brother sent these in, saying:

I thought this was interesting information that others might find interesting as well.  It really sheds some new light (at least for me) on what was really the driving force behind the War of Northern Aggression – as everything else involving the federal government, it was all about the money and the power to control it.
Economist Walter Williams recently published a couple of excellent columns on the history of the validity of secession by states and the real reason the North refused to let the southern states secede.

The “money shot” from the second article explains why itwasn’t simply Lincoln’s “love for the union” or opposition to slavery that drove him to attack the southern states in an effort to prevent them from seceding:

Throughout most of our nation’s history, the only sources of federal revenue were excise taxes and tariffs.During the 1850s, tariffs amounted to 90 percent of federal revenue. Southern ports paid 75 percent of tariffs in 1859. What “responsible” politician would let that much revenue go?


5 Comments on Falling On Dumb Ears

  1. This just goes to show that Lincoln needlessly caused the deaths of close to 700,000 men because he didn’t want the southern states to take their money and create a new home country in which they could govern themselves as the declaration of independence idealized.

    70 plus percent of the monies going into federal coffers were generated by the southern states. The truth appears to be that the existing federal govt. at the time would have collapsed for lack of financial resources without the southern states to support them. Today, Lincoln is wrongly lauded as a hero when the truth of the matter is that he was a brutal tyrant who was willing to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of thousands of men so that he and the federal govt. could continue to steal money from the unwilling southern states. That’s the definition of evil in my book.

  2. do any of you really think our current crop of ruling elites will just let you walk away from providing the funding required for their form of “philanthropy”, where they promise to give your taxed money to the ones who vote for them?

    we are their sheep, working to be fleeced every week from our paychecks.

    why else would they need vast amounts of ammunition and fema camps?

  3. My son came home a few days ago with tee shirt with a Confederate flag on the back. The top caption read – If this shirt offends you. The bottom caption read – You don’t know history. I emailed him the links to WW articles to make sure he knows the thumb nail core history.

    otoh – a guy I used to work with who lives in another state emailed me a picture last week. He keeps a Confederate flag hanging on his porch. Last week in the middle of the night someone cut a long stripe out of the center of it.

    The crazies are out there.

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