Shaming Kenya Over Gay Rights, Obama Claims To Be A Victim Of Racism – IOTW Report

Shaming Kenya Over Gay Rights, Obama Claims To Be A Victim Of Racism

Downtrend- Obama finally returned to his homeland of Kenya this week. Rather than being a grateful guest, the President decided to use his trip to shame the people of Kenya for their religious and moral beliefs that homosexuality is icky.

obama fly

Obama launched into a tirade over the country’s law that punishes gay sex with prison, and in doing so managed to paint America as a racist country that has treated him unfairly. MORE

Snip: How is America unfair to Obama?
Because he wants to be more than president?
Does he want to be king? A gay king?

46 Comments on Shaming Kenya Over Gay Rights, Obama Claims To Be A Victim Of Racism

  1. If any President ever before had conducted himself as this one, he would have been tried for treason and hanged. This person is a disgrace to his office, our country and humanity in general.

  2. The 1st antichrist was a colored man, Nimrod. The final antichrist is believed to be gay ( satan hates that man/woman in harmony thing), and will be ruthless, brutal, so full of self-love he’ll make histories’ tyrants look like kids in a sandbox.

  3. Once again the DamBamboozler shows the world what a pathetic, narcissistic, arrogant, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, phony baloney, plastic banana, flexible, ankle-grabbing, lying, tone-deaf socialist race-baiter he really is!

  4. He didn’t “shame” Kenya.

    He “shamed” the United States for having put any credence into the socialist party and electing him once and allowing his minions to steal a second election for him.

  5. So he says something about believing in equal treatment under the law? Ok then Barry, let’s talk about that IRS thing, or that ACA waiver for you and Congress, or how about the unfair treatment of legal immigrants when you grant even more privilege to those who think they don’t have to follow the same rules.

  6. Agreed, Obama HAS been treated differently his whole life, because of his race. After his black purported father abandoned him, he was raised by his “racist” typical white grandparents in a life of ease and privilege. He smoked pot all through high school and states he never studied. Yet he got into college and exclusive graduate programs despite no academic qualifications. But he has the gall to tell black graduates today that “they have to work harder to get ahead” than white people.

    Due to my “white privilege” I shoveled horse shit in stables for $1 an hour to have pocket money, and thought I was living high on the hog, I got my college through the military, doing my regular duty during the day and night school 4 nights a week. And volunteer EMT on weekends to get into medical training.

  7. I really do try to curb my hatred of this vile, hateful traitor. I pray for him to be saved by God (hey, it can happen! Look what happened to Saul/Paul of the New Testament).

    I also pray that – because God knows his heart (or whatever that thing is that keeps him alive), that if he is lost for good, please give him some kind of wasting illness.

    Make it so his jaw falls off first.

  8. Oh, yeah. Spare them the preliminary gunshot and just hoist 0 and Mooch by their heels.
    (Ever see a shark hoisted that way? Its guts just fall out its mouth.)

    I have a very interesting 3-DVD set on the life of Mussolini. George C. Scott did his usual tremendous job of portraying the dictator.

  9. i think after a few years in the hawaiian house bought for him by the Pritzkers (whatever), he’ll rely on some 2011 “framework,” whereby he is selected to head the united nations and continues to fuckover Omerica with millions more obombasons and daughters that all deserve to live like whitey without working for it.

    Because RAAAAY CISM

  10. I absolutely do NOT want him assassinated. He would become a martyr. Looked at objectively, J.F.K.’s presidency – and the man himself – were pretty bad but his murder made him America’s darling. Most people (maybe not here, but the general public) would brutalize you if you criticized his philandering and fumble-fingered policies that almost got us into a nuclear war.

    I don’t think history will be kind to Obama if he’s out of office normally (assuming he DOES leave office, and assuming historians are allowed to write the truth) because his record is so awful. Make a martyr out of him and he becomes Saint Obama, not Satan Obama.

  11. I must disagree.
    I think the “adoration” JFK got was alot more genuine/organic and certainly not as thin and astroturfed as OBoy’s momentary popularity is.

  12. Assassination rarely, if ever, works out for the better of the people. Typically something worse than what was taken out slithers in, and the people suffer even worse.

    The people of this nation need to repent and return to God. THAT is the ONLY thing that will bring relief from this heIIish nightmare. Otherwise, worse is yet to come.

  13. I understand that emotion, but I pray it never happens; I well recall the aftermath of JFK’s assassination. He immediately went from a mediocre president to a revered martyr.

    God forbid that the idiot obungo be martyred. I’d be happy for him to get the slims and fade out in ignominy, but please, no heroics.

  14. If Kenya is actually being shamed …. in whose eyes is it being shamed? The rest of Africa? The Islamic world? India? The Far East? In the eyes of their own ancestors? In the eyes of 90% of the world’s population, which shares its belief system

    No, they are being shamed in the eyes of the degenerate Post Modern West — the first civilization in all of history to willingly fail to reproduce itself; not to mention the first civilization to state that shame itself is a toxic emotion.

    So why should Kenya care if this arrogant, diseased, hypocritical civilization expresses disapproval over anything it does?

  15. One of the things that I REALLY hate about the gay marriage hoopla is the way everyone’s acting like “Oh, yeah, I’ve believed this my whole life! It’s the only moral way to think!” (Just like Obama himself does!)

    Now we’re doing it on a global scale! Gay marriage has been recognized in America for about five minutes and we’re already charging all over the globe screaming at other countries, “What the hell’s wrong with you? Get with the gay program!”

    I despise that sort of sanctimonious blather.

  16. God! Imagine if he was assassinated!

    If the low-info crowd can get in a lather over a two-bit criminal who gets shot while stealing smokes from a mini-mart, just think how rabid they’d become over their messiah getting shot!

    I don’t want to live in that world!

  17. He couldn’t go to his “home town” because of “security reasons.” Now why would that be? Don’t they love him over there? Or is it that they’re afraid someone will start talking to the cameras?

  18. I don’t understand the author’s insinuation and I’m almost afraid to. I see the discrimination of any people as worthy of note. Obama may have many faults, but calling Kenya out on its mistreatment o it’s gay population is not one of them. Thinking gays are “icky” isn’t grounds for anything, let alone some “moral” high ground born of “morals” or someone’s religion. It doesn’t give anyone the right to punish gays. I think a lot of things are icky (including hetero sex) but I’m not going around trying to lock people up and harass them through the law.

    I would question the very humanity of anyone who would think it even remotely acceptable to jail gay people for having sex. And it’s not just the law that’s oppressing the gay population in Kenya. There is a powerful stigma against them where they fear for their lives. They are beaten, raped, cast out…

    When people believe that gays are somehow less than human and are deserving of such treatment from man or government, that in turn makes me feel that they are the ones who are less than human. Having empathy is human.

    (I also have to call out the fact that if Obama had visited a country where Christians were jailed, the same way gays are in Kenya, and he did NOT object to such atrocities, conservatives would be beside themselves with rage and cry that he should have taken action. That’s a savage hypocrisy to think that someone would say that Christians are worthy to save but not gay people.)

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