NY: Principal commits suicide amid Common Core test scandal – IOTW Report

NY: Principal commits suicide amid Common Core test scandal

NYPost-–The principal of an innovative West Harlem public school killed herself the day after her students took the state Common Core exams — which were later tossed out because she cheated, The Post has learned.

School Principal Jeanene Worrell Breeden.
School Principal Jeanene Worrell Breeden.

Jeanene Worrell-Breeden, 49, of Teachers College Community School, jumped in front of a B train in the 135th Street station on St. Nicholas Avenue on April 17, police said. She was pulled out from under the train and taken to Harlem Hospital, where she died eight days later. The city Medical Examiner’s Office ruled it a suicide.  MORE

23 Comments on NY: Principal commits suicide amid Common Core test scandal

  1. The school was “innovative” all right, the Principal was cheating for the students. If that’s not an example of liberal education I don’t know what is. Oh, and she was fired before for committing fraud on her timesheets and collecting overtime pay while she was working out with her private fitness trainer at a gym.
    Ok, all nastiness aside this woman had some problems which this Common Core boondoggle obviously aggravated and pushed her over the edge. Have you noticed how this disaster pushes itself into the news cycle until the MSM pushes it back down and out of site?

  2. So all the kids will be advanced to the next grade? So why invalidate the tests in the first place? If they were meaningless b/c they were administered fraudulently, then how does advancing kids to the next grade without being tested again advance the cause of education? Might as well throw out all testing

  3. Affirm Action hire???

    Maybe those fascist assholes in berrie’s govt can commit suicide before imposing their affirmative action hoodlums into decent neighborhoods continuing to fuckover AmeriKa

  4. Too bad bummer burnt out his conscience while choomin – she made one third that POS’s salary and he’s caused trillions more in damages that the discomfort of 47 grade school kids.

  5. I demand an investigation into the inherent racism of that B train.
    Racist crackers put that track there 100 years ago knowing damn well that that would be the future jumping spot of this woman.
    Outrageous injustice.

  6. Plus her mom or someone died the year before.

    But yes, but when a dirtbag leaves, some women feel incredibly inferior because “her man” left her. Even worse, she’s probably still in love with him. It’s stupid. I don’t know why some women are so weak ass. It’s embarassing. Cut the crotches out of his pants or something, but don’t kill yourself. Geez.

  7. Same misnomer used in the Atlanta scandal. It isn’t “cheating”. Students do that. It carries no criminal charges.

    What happened here and in Atlanta was fraud. That does carry criminal penalties.

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