Video 3 On The Horrors of Fetal Tissue (BABY PARTS!) Trafficking Executed By Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Video 3 On The Horrors of Fetal Tissue (BABY PARTS!) Trafficking Executed By Planned Parenthood

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Fart-cupping leftists will blithely tell you that they’re not aborting a baby. “It’s not a baby, it’s just tissue.”

Meanwhile, the planned parenthood ghouls are dumpster diving for gold, picking through the legs and arms in a dish and harvesting the profitable stuff – brains, kidneys and lungs.

That sounds like baby body parts, no?

20 Comments on Video 3 On The Horrors of Fetal Tissue (BABY PARTS!) Trafficking Executed By Planned Parenthood

  1. I understand that Cecile Richards has now agreed to let her
    kindly abortion Medicos’ and certain select priests, slice up
    her still throbbing body for vital medical research purposes
    and, more importantly, to exercise a number of very evil spirits!
    Any profits made from the sale of resultant body parts will go into the general PP car fund!

  2. How many times do we need to show these videos before the American people see the evil of abortion? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, with apologies to Bob Dylan. I can’t watch these videos because they make me sick to my stomach. I just don’t get how the proaborts can be so callous in their disregard for unborn human life as to look away and proclaim it’s no big deal. God help us!

  3. if you watched that and didn’t come away horrified at the sight of baby limbs and organs in a dish you are not human.

    how those people can perform such atrocities is beyond belief.

    now you know where ruling tyrants get their goons who run their death camps, they are trained in the abortion clinics.
    I am sure those same people who pick through dead baby bodies for parts are the same people who can pull gold teeth out of the gassed corpses of the non compliant.

  4. I wonder how many women will go to PP for ANY services after this gets widely disseminated.

    If only we could get the government to stop shoveling money at them from the top. Combined with a drop off of clients and this outfit will be out of business in under a month.

  5. That proves just how stupid (they were just as evil) the good Nazi and/or Japenese Doctors were as they never apparently thought
    of making money from selling body parts derived from their medical experiments on human beings! Planned Parenthood (we Planned to sell your Parenthood babies parts) is a sub-human ghoul for our modern times! Isn’t it comforting to know that our good and highly esteemed medical professionals will also willingly participate in this richly rewarding human harvesting in the name of healing!

  6. Was The Firesign Theater prophetic when their comedy album Don’t Crush That Dwarf Hand Me The Pliers came out back in the early 70’s? Nowadays it would be called Crush that Fetus Hand Me The Pliers. Sick! We could also use some Beat The Reaper from their earlier album Waiting For The Electrician Or Someone Like Him. George Leroy Tirebiter rules. I’ll do anything right now to lighten up all the gruesome news because if I don’t laugh I’ll probably cry.

  7. The group capturing those horrific videos knows what it’s doing. They are smartly rolling out the videos one at a time. PP expose reminds me of Project Veritas’ undercover work — how it destroyed Acorn. Same thing, EXCELLENT work

    A prediction: I’ll bet they have upcoming videos that show the following, mark my words:

    1. PP “advised” some women to “wait” to get an abortion – until the fetus was more developed, purely for their own organization’s money interests.

    2. White baby parts garner a higher price than Black babies due to the relative scarcity of the former. Researchers may want both, and the prices may be different.

    If THIS second video happens, it will be **explosive.** Truly massive damage to the Left, change Presidential outcome, shift alliances of voters toward Cruz and others, etc.

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